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Posts posted by jedimkmknight

  1. Are you sure you're using the actual door, and not the escape pod door? I've never tried using an escape pod, so I don't know exactly what happens, but the door for the Smuggler ship is down an extra set of steps to the left from the escape pod door.


    If that's not the issue, I have no idea what you mean. I can get in and out of my ship fine (Smuggler), except when crashing to desktop every 10 minutes.

  2. It's not Bioware's fault George Lucas made most of the species in SW humanoids.


    You seem to be thinking of Star TREK. Star Wars has a much more varied collection of alien species. Bioware simply did not choose to use any of them for playable species because story-wise it's more difficult for the typical player to relate to their character if it's not mostly humanoid.

  3. ok,


    why do we need another post saying the same thing?


    Second, I don't understand... I'm on Juyo and there are always 50+ in fleet... evenings frequently over 100...last night (when I was on the fleet) there were 83


    I dont have problems finding groups and When Im out questing my alts I see people all over the place. So many that I randomly group up to take down elites and quest mobs and stuff.


    I acknowledge some servers may be lighter... but seriously... I'm tired of all the doom threads.


    It's wonderful that the server you play on has so many people. However, a great many other servers are not as booming as yours. A great many people had the misfortune to pick a server that later dwindled into a ghost town. If you cannot comprehend and empathize with that, then perhaps your contribution to the thread is not helpful.

  4. This is a good idea. It would certainly help save me from wasting time getting interested in the dialogue, only to see [HEROIC 4] show up on the quest tracker, followed immediately by me abandoning the quest, since there's virtually no chance I'll find a group, even leveling as a healer.


    Honestly though, I'm curious as to how soon they just go ahead and nerf all the [HEROIC 4] missions into [HEROIC 2+] missions, or even nerf all [HEROIC] missions into normals. I hate to bring up that other game, but it had a lot of group oriented leveling quests that were nerfed into normals because everyone just ignored them.

  5. It's the difference between just CCing someone and doing something else.


    If I attack something then CC it as a Powertech I don't suddenly leave combat, if you do more than CCing it why should you be any different?


    Because tranquilizer can only be used while in stealth and out of combat. And as stated, it's not the CC itself that causes the mob to aggro, it's the debuff that gets applied due to the Sawbones talent.


    What needs to happen is the debuff should not be applied unless the mob is engaged in combat, either by direct attacks or being part of linked group. Or the debuff just does not aggro. If you tranq something and walk a large distance away, the mob will almost immediately go into evade mode and reset. At the very least, that should occur if everyone is out of combat.


    It's just absurd that a mob that has been incapacitated by a tranquilizer for 60 seconds can somehow know exactly where the person that tagged him is, even when stealthed.

  6. Why, this should ONLY happen on PVP servers, I don´t care about PvE servers, players can stay in their save zone servers forever, feeling cosy. ;)


    But the PvP servers should offer some "rougher" playstyles.


    There is even one new server type in Age of Conan where everyone can be ganked anytime, there are people who like that kind of realism.

    So if you are the type of Anakin Skywalker who was a padawan ganker, you would roll on a server like this. Why should BW not remove the game´s diapers for people who want it?


    I admire your enthusiasm for wanting to come up with ideas to add some dynamic events into the game. However, if you're not already aware, you and those like you with this mindset are exactly what a great many gamers find so distasteful about PvP. It's great that you obviously love PvP, I'm happy for you. What's not great is your compulsion to insult or otherwise talk down to anyone who does not share your feelings on PvP. If PvPers ever want to be taken seriously, especially in an MMO setting, the condescending attitude for PvE players needs to stop.


    To be a bit more on topic, the biggest problem with an event like you have in mind is the overwhelming faction imbalances. There's not much strategy and teamwork to put together when a /who search of your entire faction turns up less results than size of the attacking gankers.

  7. Ahhh, I just imagined your fuming Lekku if it was the other way round: A free month handed out to everybody subscribed to the game since day one that has *not* reached level 50 on any character yet.


    And to top it off, call it "a token of appreciation to our most dedicated customers".


    Maybe you can understand, how this might be offensive.


    Let me repeat: It is not about the 20,00 USD but rather about the way it was communicated.






    So you are enraged because Bioware gave a compliment to one group of customers, but that compliment didn't cover you, and so you just assumed that meant they are insulting you instead.


    If your little sister was going to prom, and someone mentioned how beautiful she looked all dressed up, would you be mad that somehow they were implying you were ugly? I would hope not, because the comment was meant for her, regarding a specific circumstance. It's not about you.

  8. I love the fan boys of the forms. The point the guy is making here is not that he don't have a 50 or that more or less stuff was added. hell not even about the nerfs . he is pist that after betaing and the pay for a game from launch that he can only play a few hours a week he is labled a crappy customer for not have a level 50


    Game Cards are not the issue


    Patch is not the issue


    Your buddy who started last night and is 50 is not the issue


    You being a casual player with a level 50 is not the issue


    It's not a punishment, nor is Bioware calling you a "crappy customer". I didn't see anywhere in the announcement stating that they were specifically not giving free game time to people without 50's because they are "crappy customers". It is, however, a treat for all the level 50 players who were expecting rated warzones in the patch, only to have that pulled at the last second. It's also a bone for the 50's standing around moaning about nothing to do.


    Considering that, how else would you expect them to word the announcement? "Hey all you whiners and suckers who were just waiting for rated warzones, here's a month"? No, customer service 101 is you compliment whatever part of the customer base you are referring to, especially when you're compensating them for something unpleasant.


    Just because they didn't give YOU a compliment, doesn't mean they are insulting you by default. Stop getting bent out of shape because you chose to read too much into how they worded something.


    EDIT - No, I do not have a level 50. The free game time doesn't bother me in the slightest.

  9. I assume this veiled rage post is about the unexpected maintenance. If that's the case, then clearly you haven't played that other game, or you'd remember down times, crashes, glitches, and other problems 10 times worse every single major patch.


    It's one day of fixing things. I'm sure you can find something else to do for one day.

  10. Exactly.


    Dear MR.wearepoorUScitizens,


    we've lost a day you've lost an afternoon. You'll be able to play at night. On the other hand all the maintenances at you are in the morning before you woke up, we have the maintenance time from 9am to 3pm and also we pay the same amount of money for it. Think about it. I'm looking forward the day when you'll have a full day maintenance and we can play "all day long" and you'll be the first who cryin out loud because of it.


    It's 1 day. ONE day. If you are so enraged because you cannot play a video game for one day, I think you need to re-evaluate your priorities.

  11. Some people may have cancelled plans to raid or whatever, meaning they could have arranged to meet with a girl but cancelled to play this game. Cancelling the girl means no bed bed time therefore no chance of the girl giving birth to a genius who will one day end world hunger and create peace on earth


    If you canceled a date with a girl just so you could go raiding, you have a serious problem, and deserve every second of this downtime.

  12. Same result, except easier for items, harder for credits, and added issues with bound items.


    I knew there is linked GTN, wasn't aware it's only in few places(I think one in Outlaw Den is also neutral, so should be more), sorry for misleading.


    But point stays, you can already trade between factions, so such feature(mail/bank) wouldn't affect this part of game too much.


    They could simply add an option to deposit credits into the bank, and have a restriction on bound items like a guild bank would have. Much easier than constantly sending pointless mail from one character to the other.

  13. The quoting of your post unfortunately has the misconception that it is directed solely at you. It was not. The post was directed at your response that I missed the entire point of the OP, which is what the response was through. The naming of 'you' is a general term directed the at the OP and not you in particularly.


    Actually my examples are not flawed. You still do not know about any other class combinations/races yet, since it hasn't been fully developed or created. You might see options for them but that can also change. Once they make an announcement that "X option is available" they become locked into it. They are trying to communicate by giving people some information of future things, without just blindly saying it and then being forced liars. Many game companies have often made that mistake. Especially after the weeks of people calling them liars for announcing something and then changing it... yeah asking for any information is akin to asking for future expansion information.


    You don't know about any Kel Dor Jedi options. We don't know about any Sullstan Smuggler options. And just like in BC we don't know that there will be Tauren Paladin options.


    Here's the thing. Sure, we didn't know what new class/race combos were coming in each expansion of wow ahead of time. But that's because they were reserved for expansions - years away. If I know that no new class/race combos would even be possible for a few years until a new expansion hits, sure I'd probably just make an alt with whatever options are currently available and deal with it later.


    But THIS game is just over a week old, and a feature claiming to encourage alt rolling with the possibility of different class/race options is possibly weeks away. Now, if I know those different options are coming much sooner than years from now, I'm now going to hold off on creating new characters until I have details. Do you understand the difference now?


    As a side note, I'm also hoping for information about what impact deleting characters may have. Does all the legacy experience gained by a character get removed if the character is deleted? Is there going to be an issue if the original character that unlocked legacy is deleted?

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