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Posts posted by Cootie

  1. The current headbands are all varying shades of brown with silver or gold metal accents. Unfortunately, the brown leather doesn't match my black purple outfit but twileks look weird without their default headbands. I'd like more styles, possibly some that are able to be coloured from a selection slider the same way human hear is.
  2. No mention of the CE store in the patch notes so let's look at what was datamined but not announced to be released in the Archon pack blurb:


    Black and Medium Yellow Dye Module

    Deep Purple and Medium Pink Dye Module

    Medium Orange and Light Green Dye Module

    Dark Red and Pale Red Dye Module

    Medium Red and Medium Green Dye Module

    Medium Orange and Pale Yellow Dye Module

    Pale Blue and Medium Purple Dye Module

    Deep Purple and Medium Green Dye Module



    These were the dyes that were datamined but aren't listed in the Archon pack notes. Hopefully they realized what a dumb idea red and green dye combo was and put that aside to use at Christmastime. Of the remaining, my money says we get the medium orange and light green because it combines what should've been two of the other CE exclusive dyes and ToR is laz like that.


    That said, if we got the black/yellow dye, I'd take back every mean thing I ever said about the CE store.




    ALL THAT SAID: we're jsut as likely to have been forgotten as we are to have gotten the promised change. ;)

  3. Im speculating. Because I've never played on the PTS, nor have i ever copied any of my characters over. I have no idea to be honest.


    lo****inl. It's true. I deleted one of my toons on the full server to lower the total to 11. Bam, server is available. Glad to see they want to nickle and dime the APAC players in ways they didn't for the US ones.

  4. Alright folks,


    As of right now, there should be no pending issues preventing your free character transfers. If you were experiencing any issues prior to now which were preventing you from transferring, please try again. Please note however that if you try to transfer a character to PTS again, you could still end up in a locked state unable to move off of an APAC server. We are working on a permanent fix for the "locked character state" which is tied to character transfer.


    Hopefully this resolved all of your issues and thank you for your patience while we worked through it!





    "Begeren ColonyRP-PvEWest12Unavailable"



    This is BS. When you all merged the US servers, all their toons got smooshed onto one server REGARDLESS of how many toons were there. I have toons saving the names of the characters I want to move but, because you see room for a few dollars profit, you're locking my destination server?




    Im speculating. Because I've never played on the PTS, nor have i ever copied any of my characters over. I have no idea to be honest.


    I think you're right because my toon failed trying to xfer to a server I had 12 on and now that server says it is unavailable.

  5. Two of my characters (lvl 22, lvl 16) are still locked on Dalborra. I tried to move them not realizing that on the destination server (Bastion), my slots were full. They've been locked even now.


    Is that the confirmd reason for the error or speculation? I thought (according the the faq these brilliant hard-working cookies never updated) that we could xfer to the new server regardless of if we have 12 toons there or not.

  6. Alright folks,


    As of right now, there should be no pending issues preventing your free character transfers. If you were experiencing any issues prior to now which were preventing you from transferring, please try again. Please note however that if you try to transfer a character to PTS again, you could still end up in a locked state unable to move off of an APAC server. We are working on a permanent fix for the "locked character state" which is tied to character transfer.


    Hopefully this resolved all of your issues and thank you for your patience while we worked through it!




    That's a lie and you know it considering I was the first one to come in to this thread with the xfered failed, toon now locked" problem and YOU asked me to pm you and are now very aware of that problem that I and others have experienced.


    That toon is STILL locked, the same as other people's toons that failed.

  7. A good way to check is that when you are inside of the character transfer page there is a link called "view your character transfer history." On that page it should directly tell you if your transfer is in fact completed/successful.


    If for that character you are seeing it say completed/successful and you are still seeing the character missing on the new server along with the access error, let us know!


    My transfer failed. I know it failed because it says failed on the very same xfer history page you tried to direct me to just now. I CAN NOT log in to my origin server because I get the aforementioned error. Again, I'm not guessing it failed; I know because your system is telling me it failed.

    No, not pending.

    No, not processing.


  8. Hey Obirayy,


    Although I am not discounting that this could be a problem with transfers, I want to be sure of that before I forward it on. First, remember that transfers can take up to one hour to complete and I would imagine there is quite a volume of transfers happening right now. During the transfer process you will be unable to access your characters, and they will not show up on the destination server, both are as you described. I would give it up to its hour for the transfer to go through and if you are still having this issue, please let us know.




    My transfer /failed/ and I have the error too. Now what?


    Edit: As in, I was able to log in normally to the game, check out my 55 that I wanted to xfer and empty mailbox. Logged all the way out of the game. Put her in for transfer. Refreshed page after a bit. Saw the xfer failed failed. Went to log in. Can't.


    P.S. And now she's locked and can't be xfered.

  9. same thing. I transfered my character... went to login and my character isnt on the NEW server. i try to log back into master dar'nala and it says....


    "Your characters on this server are currently unavailable due to maintenance. Please try again at a later time."


    Insult to injury, eh? Kept in the dark, ignored for /months/ on end, and then, finally, handed a system that doesn't. even. work.


    Edit: Cool, page sniper. Let me take a moment to say that it is embarrassing how poorly a company as massive as EA has managed to handle this. Instead of being sheepish or sympathetic about the plight of servers they killed, everyone at EA seems to treat APAC players like we're some great burden. No apologies, no straight talking, no messages sent to our inboxes telling us what's up, no consolation prize. Just a wham and bam.

  10. I am a GM on Dalborra.. one more **** up and a bunch of my guild will quit.. I do my best to keep em playing but Bioware is making it harder and harder.. I dont know what to say anymore...



    I'm a GM of the largest guild on Gav Daragon since server start and I've been encouraging my players to stop playing when they tell me they are tired of the game. When people I consider friends come to me and say "This game isn't fun." it'd be irresponsible of me to try and compel them, using guilt or claims of friendship, to continue. ToR hasn't been good to us; why should I let people I like continue to be strung along by a company that won't even acknowledge us?

  11. you ought to try the search function. I spend 2 seconds searching and found this:




    Specifically this:



    The Asia Pacific servers will open by Thursday March 1st, 2012, 12:01AM EDT, 2:01AM NZDT; Hong Kong and Singapore: Wednesday, February 29th, 2012, 9:01PM HKT, 9:01PM SGT.


    I did search, someone had said 1 am NZDT....


    Edit: Actually I had only searched the forums *n_n*

  12. Bioware has nothing to lose by perma banning the exploiters.

    If the exploiting was really as "limited" as they're making it out to be, the banning wouldn't be that significant. Further, these people would likely just buy new accounts.

    If thy don't permaban the exploiters, they are sending the message that they are a pushover + angering a large portion of players. They also damage their reputation as a company.



    The only other solution is wiping the credits. Note that wiping ALL the credits harms those that didn't exploit and HELPS those that did. Even if you only wipe the credits from the exploiters, they probably already have speeder riding 2, expanded banks, epic gear that they purchased, expensive mounts etc and they'd retain all of these things. This causes an unfair advantage, particularly in the gear dept.


    I say they ought to permaban all accounts on IPs that exploited. It kills the exploiting account and any alt accounts they had to hide the credits or launder money.


    In the event of a shared IP, people that feel they were unfairly banned can petition to be reinstated and Bioware can investigate on a case by case basis.

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