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Posts posted by AdamChattaway

  1. Returned to game this week and resubbed and deleted all my chars and started fresh, I'm now a lvl 45 ish Mercenary/Tech as my main looking for a well established, active and friendly guild with discord etc. I love banter and don't get offended by much so looking for like minded people with a thick skin. I'm from UK, 32 years old and play quite a lot currently. Would love to do all types of content PVE/PVP. 

    If you are the guild I'm looking for then contact me :) 

    Discord | Gisborne#6746

    In Game Name | Gisborne

  2. Technically, no.


    SWTOR runs in two processes, which implicitly means it has at least two threads. Within those two processes there are additional threads to do various things, however, the bulk of the work is indeed done in just two threads, with each process having one thread doing the majority of CPU work. Of that, the "main" process/thread does ~60-80% of the work,


    So, while it has multiple threads, there is still a single thread that does most of the work of actually performing game actions. The second process and its main thread seem to be focused on the loading and management of other resources, rather than game actions.




    No. It's not obvious.


    You just associated it with the 32bit-64bit change because it feels like it should be big. Do some research on what 64bit architectures really are before claiming that its a solution to all such problems.


    Again: the main difference between 32bit and 64bit compilation is per-process memory limits. That's not going to do a lot to improve fps. If you want to claim that it is, then please provide some technical description of what mechanism is at play. If you don't understand the topic, then at least research it before you start making claims about what it can do.




    Again, if you understand how SWTOR and video games in general (or even just general software) works, you'll see that its not random at all. During the time that you are just looking at the mob, there is very little client-server interaction that is necessary. Your local client can easily fill in the gaps between server status updates with normal animations.


    The moment you start attacking, your client starts sending updates on your position, direction and abilities being used. The server responds with updates on your characters status (HP, resource levels), the mobs position and direction, its HP, the abilities (animations) its using and how far along it is... All those updates need to be synchronized and the local display needs to have that state reflected on a sub-second timescale. If any of those changes result in an animation difference, then that needs to be loaded, calculated and sent off for rendering. The more changes that need to be made, the lower your framerate is going to drop as the game spends more time calculating changes and waiting to render until they are done.




    Understand: The graphics on ESO are not notably more detailed than SWTOR. They just have more detailed textures. The simplistic ("cartoonish") graphics of SWTOR are not a result of simple graphics, but of the designed art style. You like the art style of ESO better? That's fine, but the model complexity is not higher than SWTOR (from what I've seen at least).


    As for the number of players on a screen at a time, part of this is indeed due to the method with which SWTOR uses for managing multiple player actions and server synchronization, but its also just as much to do with the simpler rendering routines used in ESO. SWTOR ends up using a lot more reflection, bloom, particle effects, dynamic lighting and customized shaders than ESO appears to. That doesn't mean that SWTOR is super amazing, it just means they have a more complex rendering routine. Being honest, it's probably more than they should have used, but it was the way they designed it. ESO seems to handle multiple players better than SWTOR, but it also has simpler animations and I'm not convinced it would handle the level of effects used in SWTOR all that much better.


    Watch this video i made of ESO and btw this is on PS4 even! but look at the fight and then imagine it looking even better on PC


  3. Yes, most "optimization" is about looking at trade-offs in code execution and tipping the scales from one side to the other: You trade CPU time for memory, code speed for extensibility, graphics performance vs quality vs flexibility, load times vs memory usage, game complexity vs modability....


    It goes on and on.


    It's pretty rare that you come across a situation where you can make code changes that have no negatives. Even then, the trade-off is still somewhat paid in resource cost (but you were probably paying that already). A lot of the optimizations they've put into the game have had these sort of visible consequences, but most people simply don't care are aren't looking close enough to notice them. Texture atlasing was a great addition to the game in terms of display quality and texture performance, but it also added some mild weirdness in rendering at specific distances. They traded an overall improvement in appearance and performance for a limited degradation in behavior.






    The graphics are actually pretty good quality for an MMO. Comparing it to an FPS is simply apples and oranges. If you don't understand why, then some research is probably in order. The performance problems (in my sort-of professional opinion) mostly stem from the need to perform graphical updates in synchronization with a remote server. Limiting the amount of power required for rendering any given frame helps them manage the wide range of hardware being used to play the game. Giving users options for how much they want to use might be a nice thing to add, but remember that those sort of controls have a performance cost in themselves.




    There isn't much additional "power" available via x64. The major "power" upgrade in modern processors is the drastically improved IPC, integrated memory controllers, pipelined cache management, and better interfaces to the PCIe bus. You don't need an x64 client to take advantage of those things. The biggest improvement that 64bit compilation gives you is a bigger per-process memory limit. While SWTOR could benefit from that, the performance increase wouldn't be nearly what most armchair developers think it would be.


    If you're referring to a fully-multicore-capable client, then the potential is slightly higher. However, SWTOR doesn't really lend itself all that well to full multicore implementations. It's possible, of course, but server interactions still need to be primarily synchronous and unified, so even if the client could split out threads to handle other tasks, there would still be a main "game" thread that would need to handle authoritative game state.


    Interesting, but isn't SWTOR still a single threat engine? as for 64 bit a MMo called Mortal Online ran like crap with many people and when they upgraded to 64 bit they made a video showing 1000 bats on screen still with high fps as opposed to the crap fps on 32 bit, so it obviously does something.


    I remember making a video about FPS on coruscant i had like 97 fps facing a mob, soon as i started 1 v 1 combat with the mob and spell effects were flying the fps dropped by up to like 35 FOR 1V1! It's just that random in swtor.


    But like i said in my thread before i play ESO on ultra gfx with 100 people on screen and 90 ish fps, combat hardly at all reduces fps, and the gfx are prob the best of all mmo's. Even age of conan did not run this bad at launch when it only utilized 30% of an AMD GPU lol...

  4. Sounds to me like you want your cake and eat it too. Things in life have draw backs and compromises. Something that does everything well, excels at nothing. Something that excels at something, does poorly or average at everything else. Make up your mind what you want, before you post.


    lol i swear to jebus every time i see your posts it says " you want your cake and eat it to " lol... i think you have cake on the brain. I don't hear anyone in England say that expression lol but in England we would buy a cake eat it and buy another lol or it would go stale.


    But aside a lot of games have smart LOD etc where they don't render things behind you or behind walls etc, this makes games alone run far better like ffxiv has, you cn toggle them on and off even to see the performance hit you get. swtor runs badly in dense areas or with lots of npcs such as the landing city on rishi but if they don't take the time to optimize it for each area it will just be a simple lower the render distance GG YOLO. So in some areas it looks the same because you can;t see past the objects in the way but others like open zones you see it much clearer as you see the long distance vistas



    Made multiple performance optimizations across the game. The effects of these improvements will depend on settings, computer specifications, and your location in-game:

    Improved anti-aliasing to give better performance on Medium settings and better overall image quality on Very High settings.

    Environment rendering has been given a subtle contrast boost.

    Character rendering has been adjusted so that characters are more obvious and stand out a bit more against the background.

    Improved rendering performance of shadows.

    Improved rendering performance of grass and other foliage.

    Improved area load times, as well as made general performance and memory improvements.

    Made framerate improvements, especially when in a large group of characters.

  6. Aww someone reported my post for being mean apparently so i'll just have to re post it without the 2 super serious mean words...



    Quote: Originally Posted by Sindorin View Post

    That's all well and good, except the lowest FPS you hit was 28. For about a half second. The other times it was between 35 and 40 Frames Per Second - even during combat. Also, yeah - you can turn off HD and 60FPS rendering on youtube. Your game wasn't lagging at all, and you literally have no concept of what FPS you're even playing at. You're claiming it's as low as twenty at points in your post, while the video contradicts this and shows a mild showing of 35-40. Seriously? Stop acting as if there is something wrong with the game. I have played this game since beta, then open beta and then since EGA. This is the average normal gameplay experience for most players.

    If you like ESO so much, go back to it. You're not really going to get traction on your idea that the engine is broken for experiencing the same average FPS the rest of us experience.



    Actually i said 20-25 FPS in warzones, if you look i enter combat with 1-4 mobs and get down to the 30's how do you think it is in pvp with 8v8 people using partial effects etc, hell i will make a freaking video of 20 fps in a war zone just for you, or even better you can watch the 2nd video i linked and see it right now, I've played games for many years and i have a 144hz monitor and play many many games at around 100 fps and i play ps4 at 30 fps and i can sure you i know far more than you do about 20 30 60 and 144 fps in games than you do.


    Also the fact there is a huge fps drop when entering simple combat with 1-4 mobs should show you something is wrong, on ESO i have etc 60 fps pull 20 mobs and have 60 fps, why is that? same in wow, same in secret world, same in warhammer online before shut down, same in ffxiv, same in GW2, but in SWTOR is huge crippling fps drops.

  7. MMOs were not conceived originally as "forced grouping for content." MMOs were conceived to provide a shared online world where players could interact


    This is what i mean, when i first started playing WoW like 9 years ago everyday i would meet people on quests and all over, we would talk and group and quest together, add to friends and build a friends list not from a guild list but from an open world social experience. Recently for like 4 years now in any mmo i've hardly Ever had anyone come up to me anymore and talk to me, invite me to a group to quest with them for hours or all day and friend me after, this just doesn't happen hardly anymore.


    On wow i was playing my druid, i met a Norwegian guy on his druid and we grouped up and played for 7 hours together, then we met another druid also a Norwegian, this was 9 years ago and we play games together and talk everyday for 9 years, i've not met people like that in a very long time.


    Maybe i was lucky and now i'm not but imo years ago people actually cared about people in MMO's now people just want to power lvl to max lvl guild a closed off guild and raid with the same people week after week.


    Sort of how i see my dad say morning to everyone he walks past in the street for example but people my age don't give you a second look.

  8. He wouldn't, he's fictional. Considering I'm on an old PC now and don't have a problem with how the game is currently running (I was with the UI issue at the launch of SoR though) perhaps your expectations are set too high?


    The only time I have real issues is when BioWare haven't bothered doing server maintenance and the latency is spiking all over the place - that's far more jarring than having FPS dip to 30.


    If my expectations are having a £1000 PC play a crappy gfx MMO with 60 fps in PVP then guilty, i expect too much... how is it whenever a console game is released with 30 fps tens of millions of PC gamers are laughing and taking the pss saying console peasants, 60 fps pc master race, yet when a old pc game with crap gfx performs crap and dips to up 30 fps because of 16 people on screen the master race goes away and the fanboys come out to play?


    The rational people here all see and know why the game runs bad, because of a alpha broken hero engine modded soo much they broke swimming........ that's just a fact, it's dx9 32 bit and single threaded. It can't run good and this is the sole reason ilum PVP was removed.


    I've played SWTOR over 4000 hours since launch and i love the game but it doesn't mean i will be a blind fool and ignore its problems, because that's when those people show EA they can walk all over them and that's why modern gamers have caused day 1 on disc DLC and season passes.


    Remember mass effect 3 launch? day 1 dlc, buy the lore for one of the most important parts of the games story -_-


    Or star wars battlefront, yea no server browser? really? yes... no server browser on PC, no custom servers, no mods, no clans, just auto search.

  9. that is not exploiting, that taking advantage of game mechanics to change difficulty and how you play.


    moreover, what you are talking about in original post? can be accomplished with mentoring system while in a group. aka - optional toggle.


    some of us enjoy being able to solo old content and have been enjoying this opportunity for 3 years now. some of us play on pve servers and couldn't possibly care any less about world pvp. changing how the game works to this degree? will alienate more players than it will please.


    Maybe but this is the reason grouping is dying and mmos are becoming more solo, why group when you can go back later and solo... players need to remember what an mmo is and why they were made in the first place and that's why FFXIV has 5 million players in 2 years and is the 2nd biggest mmo to WoW, and it's an asian game which makes it harder to be big int he west, but it did because it make fun, challenging group content which can be replayed and gives soo much more to do.


    We need more reasons to group and play together not less... and i really don't get why anyone would solo an mmo i really don't. There's thousands of great single player games to do that with.


    look at GW1, was an amazing fun group game untill they added heroes and everyone just ran all group content with their AI heroes and all group content was dead.

  10. This is something I wouldn't do with a "down-bolster" for planets, I'd help currently simply because it wouldn't take too long.


    Well why would a lvl 60 be bothered about getting down bolstered on a planet? unless they want to for some reason exploit or farm/grind something which i think shouldn't be anyway. and future events the low lvl people could take part in, imagine tatooine rackghoul event, the lvl 30 players were like f that! when the lvl 50 were running around on the pvp server, if everyone were down bolstered to 30 then the low lvl people could join in to, this would also open up future events on all planets.

  11. So i just started reading about this and they will down lvl people for planet and flashpoints, well i think this is a great idea and i/ll tell you why.


    I play FFXIV as my MAIN MMO right now and i LOVE how i can play my lvl 52 astrologian healer and when my lvl 20 friend comes online i can do a lvl 20 dungeon with him and im no more powerful than him, we can do all content together without me 1 shoting etc mobs making it a power level fest.


    You see i think this was the best thing in FFXIV because no longer do devs have to spend tons of hours REMAKING old dungeons every expansion to the higher lvl to be fun and replayed, which further splits up the player base. This gives the devs the ability to keep making new new new content and having everything re playable no matter what your lvl is with pugs or friends it lets everyone play together.


    ALSO like ffxiv daily quests which take max lvl chars back to lower lvl dungeons this helps the lower lvl dungeons find partys MUCH faster, a common problem in mmos is when most people are max lvl queuing for a low lvl dungeon is a pain in the *** and takes forever, but with the FFXIC scale system you have the entire player base as a potential party member for lvl 15-60 dungeons.


    And the same goes for planets, if you can have your lvl 60 friend come to balmora and help you quest without you feeling like you're being power leveled and it's too easy making it less fun.

  12. This is about the best you will get out of the game. And it's never going to change. Unless they switch game engine, so yeah, never.


    Yea, my £1000 PC gets 30 fps in a small fight lol... And to think PC gamers laugh at console gamers on 30 fps. Well i bought ESO for my PS4 and played that a bit and i was in large scale pvp and the game ran flawless it was really amazing, the ps4 running a large scale mmo with hundreds of people and solid 30 fps, Optimization is key for great gameplay and the HERO engine is not it.

  13. That's very nice. Maybe you can go play those games now, instead of comparing different art styles, gameplay mechanics and engines with one that isn't applicable? Honestly, what part of me not having a top end rig, and experiencing ZERO gameplay issues is clear to you? You seem to be in a very vocal minority.


    What part of the DEVS themselves said the game runs like crap don't you get lol? seriously go google Hero engine swtor issues, broken alpha engine. and see what you find.



    “I need this,” said Gordon. “I am about to start a special project and these tools will let us build and prototype fast and get something running in a hurry.” Gordon is not an excitable guy by nature but this had his adrenaline flowing. “This is just what I need! I want to license your engine.”


    We had thought about offering our engine and tools to developers but we had expected that we would have to actually ship a game first, like Epic did with Unreal Tournament before they licensed the original Unreal Engine.


    “It’s not productized yet,” we told Gordon. “There are whole sections of code that is only roughed in and not optimized for performance or security. And there are very few comments and very little documentation.”


    He didn’t care. “We are going to have tons of engineers. We can finish it ourselves. We’re going to want to modify your source code for our special project anyway.”


    by Neil Harris, President and COO of HeroEngine

  14. All I can say is for all your hard earned dollars, I guess this game will never satisfy you. I've played on max graphics for three years, no real issues at all. Sorry you seem to think we all can't play. Obviously ESO has gained another patron. Good luck playing in Tamriel.


    I currently play SWTOR, Lotro, GW2, ESO and FFXIV, I don't play 1 single MMO i play many every day. And that's not to mention all the other games such as COH2, Witcher 3, BF4 and GTA V lol. Maybe that's why i have such criticism because i play so many games of high quality when one isn't it's obvious to me.

  15. Set pre-rendered frames to 2 or 1 in the Nvidia Control panel for the swtor.exe profile and see if it makes it more playable, wont help with fps but should help with stutters


    i73930k with a GTX970 , made this just after the performance improvements done on 3.0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cT0kZJ9OdY think by memory avg fps was 60 -70 @ 2560 x 1440 on ultra


    I can play SWTOR on ultra in a similar setting and get 111 fps which seems to be the cap in the game, the problem is one moment i'm on 111 fps the next im fighting 8 enemies in a WZ and have 20 fps, the fps and engine are that unstable, for example tython 90 ish FPS on ultra, but Rishi around 30.

  16. I'm not an engineer, but I think there is a game engine issue server side that inevitably limits the FPS to around 40 even on most settings, High and Low. I'll test this out and see, but I don't usually see stellar 50-60 FPS on my end.


    PS i believe i know you from before AGES ago on these forums when you tried to fanboy your way out of THESE REAL ENGINE ISSUES that even the devs of the hero engine have admitted, the game is single threat ffs, have no dx 10 or 11 support and is 32 bit only so it's limited soo much by memory there's 2 exe's running for the game.


    And you don't see stutters in a youtube video like you do in live gameplay, the video smooths them out, even games that are 20 fps look good on youtube.

  17. If it was an issue with the game you'd think all of us would have this problem and not just some people.


    Then again, what do I know--I got called a moron in Ilum Genchat for saying that if most of us aren't lagging connection-wise it must be on the end of the people experiencing lag instead of it being the server.


    just google swtor fps lag, and see how many hits you get or videos on youtube. I have a hard time anyone who says they don't have issues doesn't, and i'd love to see a screenshot of the fps of people who says they don't when they're in combat.


    I remember how at release the ilum pvp was soo bad when the npc did their bombing runs EVERYONE went to 1 fps, it was insane... but there was always that 1 guy with a old gfx card on 200 fps -_-

  18. I don't get it. I just watched that video and your game is running crisp, graphically clear and at superb speeds. No lag or hic-ups whatsoever. In-fact it's running so good, I'm wondering if you're just not showing off your card. :confused:


    Like i said because it's in 60 fps as a video, look at the fps counter in the top left of the screen, it drops to 30 for simply starting a fight, this is abysmal when games such as ESO run with far better gfx, 100 people on screen and 60 fps.



  19. Exhibit #1 to the Jury, ladies and gentlebeings. I've got a Intel Core 2 Quad, at 2.8Ghz OC'd, with 8GB RAM, and a Twin Frozr II 460Ti on Windows 10, and I get about the same frame rates. The issue here is not the framerates. The issue is that the gameplay didn't seem to stutter, or freeze. The OP is going based on a number, not an actual quantifiable experience. He seems to think that unless He is getting 60-80+ FPS, the game must be unplayable. I have played since launch with an average FPS of about 40, even when Open World PvP was actually a thing and you had an unscripted battle of 20-30 on either side. Occasional lag with lightning storm going off every three seconds, but on the whole, totally playable. I have never lagged out of a WZ, and I DID play as a competitive PvP Sage Healer (pre-nerf). NO issues at all.


    So I guess what I am saying is appreciate what you have, and stop being a perfectionist? The game runs fine on your PC.


    NO it does not, 20-25 fps is freaking unplayable, mix that with the forced mouse acceleration the game has and also the fact for NO reason my camera will at times auto spin itself around (happens in no other game on my pc)


    Have you actually seen and felt a game running sub 30 fps? even casual PS4 gamers rage over it because its disgusting, trying to make quick spins and turns or click on people moving or even SEE what's happening is all bad at 20 fps.


    And the game is not smooth i've played PS4 since launch at 30 fps in most games and i can live with it, but SWTOR is a whole different story, 40 to 20 to 30 to 20 to 35 to 20 to 30 is the worst feeling in gaming when mixed with the other engine issues.


    Also the video is rendered in 60 fps which youtube smooths the hell out of and you will not feel the input and output lag from watching it like you do playing it, movies are 24 fps but they don't look like it, buy playing a game in 24 fps is very bad.

  20. With cartel coins I presume due to your choice of posting locations.


    Well let's face it 5 years on and the game engine is still broken and runs like crap despite tens of thousands of people asking them to fix it, they clearly don't care enough about the fans or the game to fix it, all EAware does now is pump out crap after crap to the CS, so maybe if we pay for them to fix the game they will.

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