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Posts posted by Korbayne

  1. invinc i see your pointj there and ill give you an uw relic parse in the next couple days :p. My point is with engi you dont get to do that on the bosses in a proper way even board will admit that and tha is why MM is winning most fights. I just think a spec that is most viable on a dummy is a spec that should be not taken as seriously :p
  2. I do not see the relics has an exploit though. It is definately not working as intended but i didn't have to dupe or do anything special for it to work i equipped them and then that was it. I agree they should be fixed, but sabo/engi bombs are only fully useable on about 4 bosses atm and that is it that's why you'll see a lot of people switching to MM and all over torparse a MM is dominating most fights
  3. It's not entirely fair to discount an entire spec because of an ability. Much more logical to simply disallow parses which use scatter bombs.

    You are completley right id i agree whole heartedly plus i just hate engi :p. only thing i could think was to monitor engi in a proper way would be to not do Covered Escape on CD because in a raid setting the likelyhood that you get to do it on gcd and have all the bombs hit on exact same target is not going to happen often. So instead of making people not use it at all just dont allow it to be used on cd.

  4. Aeralos (3279 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/233448/time/1368766869/1368767174/0/Overview


    Spec: 5/36/5 Saboteur Gunslinger


    I got my last implant and have augmented all my gear with the new +32 ones. My relics are still both PvE ones; Arkanian Boundless Ages + Arkanian Serendipitous Assault. Beyond getting those relics to Underworld level and optimizing some enhancements, I'm pretty much done min-maxing.


    RNG was very unusual as my Scatter Bombs critical rate was very low at 13.68%, but Charged Burst had 44.44%. I have only 23.99% ranged critical chance.


    On another note, I have to ask if we should be allowed to use the PvP Serendipitous Assault relics in our parses. It seems pretty clear that it's not intended for the PvP ones to proc both on healing and DPS while the PvE ones only work with DPS. It is also fairly easy to see from looking at the combat logs.


    Well I guess i go to go do another engi parse now yay but in all seriousness if were gonna be picky about things like the relics that are not under our control we can be picky about not allowing engi parses at all casue yeah mean sitting in the corner of the ship simulates real bosses well :p

  5. using two power procs from pvp with a point in vital regs atm have the underworld SA and a DG clicky one sitll but the two pvp ones are providing about 40-50 more dps cause the healing refresh thing that is happening and yeah my sos crit is high but my orbital and ambush crit sucked bad but with both pvp things proccing off hits and then refreshing/reproccing with vital was by far the best option for last weeks raid for me too as you could see with some of the parses :p.
  6. the problem with getting the super long MM parses board is that itll sometimes take you out of combat unless you adjust the rotation so getting 4-5 minutes without interruption doing correct rotation isn't always gonna happen. So i am happy with my 4.5 minute parse cause i didnt have to adjust the proper rotation at all and it kept me in combat.
  7. i feel as if the 4 tick orbital isnt worth parsing cuase i did extensive tests with that and 5 tick before i swithced a week ago and 5 tick won out by about 50-75 almost every time. and the premise was youd be lucky to see 3 ticks on raid bosses so goign with 3 tick and maximum cunning for more power should be the deciding factor when in turn orbital itself is such an integral part of MM that even while losing lal that cunnign the extra tick giving orbital 33% uptime in MM is by far more important.
  8. didnt link that 2 minute one cause it did the gosh darn take me out of combat thing on the dummy :(. that two minute one was 2/2pc one but it took me out of combat as you can see by the damage dealt graph was actually shaping up to be a better parse than the one i linked :p. As far as MM is concerned though im willing to go out on a limb and say rocking 36/8/2 with 3/3 in EE with 2/2 piece is your best single target.
  9. KK was off work today so had time here is an updated dummy parse

    http://www.torparse.com/a/216421/5/0/Overview with 2/2pc and 15% orbital damage

    compared to http://www.torparse.com/a/216451/2/0/Overview with the target acquired 15sec two piece and all 69/72 armorings so only 3 ticks of orbital using 36/7/3 cause it'll provide more dps if were cutting out orbitals. their is a comparison of mm dps and you'll even notice on the second parse without the 5 ticks of orbital I crit a lot more. so again i wotn touch on engineering its not what i play but I firmly believe even in single target situations 2/2 pc orbital extenders is by far the way to go

  10. And yeah its 8 man, but like the man said that increases overall raid single target too cause 5 ticks means I can put it down and just go back to single targeting also and everyone else gets to stay single targeting but its definately a massive increase to single target also. my starts are as follows Full Buffed with reusable nano stim

    Cunning 3227

    Endurance 2911

    Damage Primary 1707-1858

    accuracy 100.25

    crit 21.95

    surge 68.38

    also for Im talkign for MM as usual board so i have faster orbital cast on a 45 second cooldown with 5 ticks and 15% bonus damage so its a integral part of my single target.

  11. B'oard the reason we did thrasher that way is im able to put up orbital and forget the adds and no one else has to worry about them either with 15% orbital damage and 5 ticks of it the snipers die in the orbital and we get to keep one of our 2 maras on boss the whole time so equates out to more raid dps hence 3 minute 17 second kill. But with the 5 ticks i do all the add management on titan also plus its a single target boost. in an 8 man scenario the 5 ticks plus EE makes it so everyone else can focus on boss and get optimal dps while i also get to just drop an orbital and focus on boss for optimal cause my orbital is just crushin things :p
  12. Their was some debate like a week ago if it would be worth it or not. I am gonna link my HM S and V parses from tonight running 5 orbital ticks with 36/8/2 build

    dash http://www.torparse.com/a/213221/1/0/Overview

    Titan http://www.torparse.com/a/213221/5/0/Overview

    Thrasher http://www.torparse.com/a/213221/11/0/Overview

    Operations Chief cut for when we started fight http://www.torparse.com/a/213221/time/1367981697/1367981790/0/Overview uncut for when we waited for 57 seconds cause people liek pulling droids and no dps happened http://www.torparse.com/a/213221/21/0/Overview

    Olok http://www.torparse.com/a/213221/22/0/Overview

    Warlords http://www.torparse.com/a/213221/27/0/Overview

    Styrak http://www.torparse.com/a/213221/32/0/Overview

  13. Cause if it comes a time where i need a filler and absolutely have to put something up would only consider EP if im waay high in energy havent started filtering it in yet though been using dart cause of force movement and it seems to be working better for me on the stand still fights when im above 90% energy i will start weaving in EPS though.
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