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Posts posted by SeedyJ

  1. I agree they are avoiding this issue. As far out as it is, I'm hoping my above theorized reason as to the avoidance is correct. I was trying to point out that it seems as if they are starting to get into more of a communication channel with the player base, which is a good thing.


    More of a communication channel? Don't worry, I'm sure it's just a blip and regular silence will be restored. ;)

  2. Bioware really needs to respond. Their attitude of making changes suddenly (in 1 week of launch) and then not getting back to people with a proper answer is wrong and reflects bad policies.


    Also guys I am not sure but seems many others are lucky. My level 6 mission mostly get me less money than what I spend or not much profit. Also augment missions get me green trash which no one wants to buy and I have to vendor it.


    tbh I'd get more creds/minute spamming the lowest lev space mission than I would from slicing, and the lack of any response from BW smacks of a dangerous degree of complacency.

  3. Yup. And they're failing at it. They need to post something even if it is "We are examining the issue." Otherwise it comes across as they just don't care.


    That's why cancelling subscriptions is one of the few ways to get them to notice. The devs won't notice at first but the bean-counters will, and less cash makes for sad financial pandas.

  4. Won't place any bets. But in the same vein though... all the anti-WoW talk in all chat channels on my server have ceased completely though.


    And I agree with you on the sociopath comment. The people who like that stuff would probably let their babies starve to death in favor of grinding nodes.


    The problem is that these socios are very loud and wail profusely until devs begin the bootlick routines. Now it's the long slow slide into fail.


    It's a shame because parts of the game, particularly the storyline, are great. But it's so unbalanced in places.


    With grindfests tho, this becomes as appealing as the idea of picking my nose with a piledriver. I quit WoW for this reason, I'd just had enough. Again in SWTOR? No way!!!!

  5. Agreed. I hate node grinds. I can barely stand it in WoW. Because then you have all the whining in the forums about it. During the Burning Crusade it was all about who had Epic flight and who didn't. Then it became the gladiators were OP because they got a 310% mount. Both cases it was because faster flight means you got to the nodes first, especially Paladins.


    Then the argument about druids started because they can herb in bird form (yet to this day people still think they can mine that way too).


    Then it focused on the Taurens because the redesigned cultivation racial allows them to herb a node in half a second and theoretically steal nodes and the advantage of being able to herb a node near a mob that would attack and then fly away where as others would need to kill mobs.


    Node grinds suck.




    Unfortunately there's a fanatical breed of sociopathic basement filth that believe that 'fun' should be reserved for them only.


    Curious though, when do you think that this game will fold? If it becomes 'Evercrack in Space' it's almost inevitable.

  6. Ok here goes my question to you all ....


    Is it even possible to make money out of crafting right now...

    I did like many of you guys here slice for money but after nerf i don't really find that as an option anymore...


    so is there anything else worth spending my time on regarding crafting.


    i can see on galactic trade there are some orange items that looks cool and that i could use either on my self as i level or on my companions but with prices going as high as 15-20k+ i don't think i will be buying any of that.


    I'm a bounty hunter so what would you recommend for me and my campanions ?


    armormech ?? or cybertech ??


    You'll have to farm mobs for hours on end and vendor the trash.

  7. The fact BW is willing to cave to community outcry so quickly and clearly without actualy looking into the matter beyond a quick fix has deeply shaken my faith in this company going forward. I dont care if they fix Slicing back or not at this point, the damage is done.


    Yup, and BW are so naive they've let the Basement Cavalry ruin the game already. I've seem some fast work before but tbh that's impressive.

  8. The worst part about this is I just spent a huge amount of credits buying up materials from the mission skill I didn't take, figuring I could make it back with Slicing. Joke's on me I guess.


    EDIT: Again, I really can't even begin to emphasize how poor a design decision this is. The majority of a MMO player-base doesn't read forums, they won't look at spreadsheets, they'll simply look at their stuff in-game, wondering why it's suddenly broken and not being fixed.


    You had months, years to tweak the numbers on this. A massive change a week after release is just absurdity.


    Unfortunately Bioware's development policy seems to revolve around bootlicking the wailers. This doesn't bode well for the future of this game, and I'm concerned that there'll be some truly chaotic and damaging nerf-storms in the future.

  9. I found that doing the space missions daily and then running the highest lvl space mission over and over again nets me quite a bit of credits. I can sit there and send all my companions on missions while I run them and when I generate plenty of credits I go back and craft at the IF. When I run out of credits again I just go back and run the same mission over again several times. I get about 2300 credits 3500 xp and almost 1000 legacy points on the highest mission I can do right now at lvl 34 and thats when the mission is not active. Takes about 5 minutes which is a lot faster than doing regular ground missions. Just have to take the time out and either craft or level up. Have to make a few sacrifices here and there and not expect to be hardcore in such short a time. It's going to be a little while before the whole economy is up and running good anyway.




    The wailers will want the nerfbats out for space missions next if we're not careful!



  10. Recently logged on to farm some bioanalysis/Scavenging nodes in ilum pvp area and there are none anywhere, have they been removed?


    Loads of nodes have gone because the slicers made too much creds from missions.


    So they nerfed slicing and took away loads of nodes from all skills.


    BW development policy seems to revolve around wailers screaming "waaah!! he has something!!! NERRRFFFFFF!!! NO FAIR!!!!!! ME ME ME ME ME!!!!"


    Hi ho, hi ho, It's back to WoW we go...

  11. Clearly this is what you get when you listen to TROLLS and a smalll percentage of the player base, and in fact don;t look at the numbers. Bioware got trolled hard on this. I case a lot of you DONT know, this really all came about when some guy<troll> said he made over $1000 in the RL of slicing, to which Bioware, in their gullibility believed and now we are at this point.

    Love how in the Dev Post the said they fixed "high priority bugs"



    These guys are pros...


    This is really the first time <NB4 someone say go back> I have thought of just saying screw, taking the $60 loss, and heading back to WoW. Not because I didnt get million of credits of slicing, like im sure people will flame me for, but because THIS ONE ISSUE is what lit a fire under bioware, NOT PVP, NOT UI PROBLEM, NOT MEMORY LEAKS, NOT AN ASSORTMENT OF PROBLEMS, NO IT WAS SLICING.


    And they clearly got trolled hard over this one.


    Also, for people who want to Cry over "this would have wreck the econ if they didnt fix right away------------------>(suggested reading)


    Economics: principles, problems, and policies.


    L2know what you are talking about.

    Great post. Same here.

  12. This is going to be the beginning of crafting being useless.


    That's certainly one inevitable consequence. It's going to lead to mob grinding as that's going to make more creds/min than slicing or crafting as the market stagnates.


    People may pick Biochem for self use but I can't see crafting going much farther if there's a credit crunch in the market.

  13. Its called slicing :p


    A big part of it is how you set up your 3 professions as well I'm running slicing,treasure hunting, and cyber tech. I was putting along fine selling mats making stuff to sell and slicing until the nerf bomb hit now not only cant i make anything slicing my things i make aren't selling so I'm broke.


    And that's the consequence of this. It won't be long before nobodies got a pot to piss in. :D


    Could be interesting as this unfolds.

  14. I was wondering why it looked like I was loosing money slicing. So I went to put up the schematics, missions, and such on the GTN and there were so many there already that they were close to selling for vendor prices.


    Sad to see it but a lot of mmo's nerf stuff to hell, then they can say problem solved. Like they did in SWG. It takes them too much time to cut it back in increments until an acceptable point is reached. So in the long run it becomes more profitable, in money and leveling to just grind, in pvp, mobs, or flashpoints. No spending hours running from here to there for crafting, just pick a spot and grind. Nerf to much and the player base moves on to a play for free mmo.


    Indeed, but the problem is that grinding is about as much fun as a head-swap operation.


    Was gonna play SWTOR earlier, but then thought "no, there's some paint drying in the next room, i'll watch that for a bit instead".

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