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Posts posted by Coyst_Madav

  1. All MMO companies target their releases at a point in time when the most subs are up for renewal. It is the way it has always been done and will always be done. Give people the carrot and they will continue.


    BioWare has TWO MMOs, both of which are VERY NEW, that does not make them an MMO company. They make single player story-arch games. It just so happens they have an MMO, which mind you, is based off one the story of one of their single player games. BioWare is simply a company, that has an MMO, their MMO is barely 4 months old. They are certainly far from an "MMO Company" as you call them. Try SOE, or Blizzard, who have had numerous MMOs for many many years those are MMO Companies. Oh wait, let's try another set of companies such as Bungie, Epic Games, Activision, TreyArch, and just about ANY company that allows multiplayer access in their games. These are all considered MMO Companies, because their games are all based around the thought of hundreds of thousands, to millions, of people being online at any given time.


    BioWare? I count them having 2 games like that, which are both VERY new. Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Mass Effect 3. Everything else? Single player.


    So you're theory is incorrect. BioWare is a group of people that from my experience actually gives a damn about their customers. No company I've had the annoyance of speaking with due to account issues has ever been so kind and willing to help, other than to benefit themselves with their pointless "Rate my Help" surveys.


    BioWare is taking their sweet time to develop a patch that they are very passionate about. That's it, end of story. Drop the conspiracy crap.

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