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Posts posted by Cheesenugget

  1. I can't really understand all that whining to be honest. Of course, the supercharged gas nerf is kinda rough but the rest sounds about right to me.

    As a merc healer myself I usually felt slightly overpowered when healing ops. I can't say that there is a single boss in a hm/nmm ops where healing as a merc becomes real difficult. That being said without having a sorc healer in the raid (btw: except for their aoe heal they aren't that strong as many people think).

    Besides, 1.2 seems to nerf overall healing so it's not like that sorcs are becoming way op where we are getting nerfed to the ground. This makes the game probably a bit more interesting and challenging.

    But let's wait what people from PTS are gonna say.

    This is written from a PVE only perspective. I don't know how much PVP mercs will be affected by this.

  2. Wie schon mehrfach erwaehnt, TS ist kein Muss. Bei vielen Bossen macht es das Leben aber deutlich einfacher.

    Ich verstehe nur nicht, warum man sich weigert TS zu benutzen. Wenn man aus irgendeinem Grund nicht mit anderen sprechen mag, ist das ja kein Problem. Zuhoeren reicht und tut keinem Weh.

    Mich wuerden mal die Gruende interessieren, warum sich einige so querstellen TS zu benutzen.


    Das sein AOE nicht pralle ist, sind wir uns hier sicher alle einig, aber sein Single ist maximal wirklich ebenwürdig.


    Habe nen Full-Rakata equiten Söldner er hat ca. die Stats 1850 Zielgenauigkeit und 350 AP ich komme damit bei nen Crit und einigen Buffs auf ca 5,6 k heals



    Also ich spiele auch einen BH-Heiler und komme auf aehnliche Werte. Ich bin aber nicht Full-Rakata, sondern zu 80% Columni, 20% Rakata. Im Raid "critte" ich ab und auch mal mit 6k und mit Trinket auch mal 6,5k. Was hast du denn fuer mods drin? Die Werte scheinen mir fast etwas niedrig.

    Oder meinst du, dass die 5,6k der Durchschnittswert deiner Crits sind? Wenn ja, ist das doch absolut in Ordnung bei nur ca. 1.6 Sek Castdauer.

    Es kommt ja nicht auf die absoluten Werte der Heals an, sondern auf hps. Der vergleichbare Sorc Heal (glaube dark infusion) hat zwar etwas mehr Punch, castet aber auch ca. .5 Sekunden laenger.


    Alles in allem sind wir nicht underpowered, wie ich finde. Und spaetestens mit Patch 1.2, wenn unsere Kolto-Missile gebufft wird, stehen wir den anderen Healern in nichts nach. Momentan wuerde ich sagen, sind wir im aoe etwas hinten dran, das ist aber auch alles.

  4. I don't get it either why they don't fix it. I assume though it must be not that easy since they haven't done it yet. As you mentioned the bug is known since beta.

    But what you can do is to pull the boss down the stairwell into the room from which you get to the Interrogator. It seems that the clones are having a hard time getting down there so you can kill the boss without being interrupted by countless bounty hunter clones (the shield he obtains after spawning a clone just lasts 20 secs). I know it's annoying but using this you can at least progress easily.

  5. And what happens when a month down the road things get adjusted? Those same people who rushed to re-roll sorc will be here crying.


    How is it that people STILL dont understand that MMOs are about constant change. Yes, right now Sorcs are easy mode, but there is NOTHING in the game that cant be healed with a Op/Scoundrel or Merc/Commando.


    Play what you like...or keep chasing what is best atm. Some people like constantly re-rolling to FOTM. If that is what you enjoy, then by all means do.




    If you wanna play a merc, pick one. A merc can heal thru every actual content. I am playing myself a BH healer and I have absolutely no problems to heal in hardmode flashpoints or raids.

    I even did hardmode raids without any sorc healer and we could progress properly. It's maybe a little harder without a sorc heal in the raid (the bubble is just sweet) but it's not a real problem.

    And if the opinion of the seeming majority is true, then it is gonna be balanced. But I don't feel underpowered at all. It would be nice, though, if the kolto missile wasn't restricted to just three targets.

  6. I wouldn't say that the sorc healer is so much stronger than the merc healer. Sure, his group heal is pretty nice but if you know how to play your bounty hunter you should be able to heal on a par with the sorc. It's just a little harder to play. It also should be noted that bounty hunters are great at healing while running (rapid shots, emergency scan, kolto overload, kolto missile, kolto shell). Very useful when it comes to encounters where a lot of movement is needed.
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