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Posts posted by Smashbrother

  1. http://dulfy.net/2013/02/20/swtor-patch-2-0-patch-notespts/


    My Scoundrel in Columi Field Medic has about 12% alacrity on PTS, with mostly stock gear. If you stacked everything you could on this stat, how high would it go? Is 20-30% possible? And if it is, what does that mean in terms of performance? It seems like pimping alacrity might be something viable even for non-casters; burst specs in particular, if it means getting more hits in faster.


    Twenty percent reduced GCD on all abilities and 20% increased resource regen sounds pretty big (again, assuming that's even possible). You can get off 5 hits or heals in the same time it takes someone with zero alacrity to get 4 in. You have to give up something in order to get that, but more hits also means more chances to proc things. Does the increased rate of fire make up for the loss in raw output?


    Well power and crit are separate from acc, surge, alacrity. So once you're acc and surge capped, stack alacrity.

  2. Not quite. As I said above an assassin can kite well, while healing. Snipers cannot. B for effort though! :D






    Which is why I said the PTS server and gave the terms, "bro".


    I can't copy my chars to PTS. Plus, that wouldn't prove anything. PTS has all the new changes implemented. We're talking about the two classes currently.

  3. 60 second cooldown on net would be the sweet spot imo


    i also want to pull for a reduction on the Power Surge/Tech Override cooldown. 120s base, 90s talented in arsenal/gunnery. i think that it should be 90s base, 60s talented in arsenal/gunnery.


    having it give us 2 charges for instant abilities is a very good addition, but 90s is just too long considering it is the only resistance to interrupts that the spec has.


    The two abilities that make our next ability free and instant should be combined into one ability with like a 45s cd. Also make us immune to interrupts after using it for like 6 sec or something.



    I'm pretty much out the game, but even a 60s CD doesn't warrant a spot on rated, imo. (i'm not speaking on heals...i do not know)


    PT/VG and sniper still > for ranged DPS. Assy/Shdw still greater utility, even moreso now! and Mercs are still an easy tgt for smash monkeys.


    what role is Merc filling? and in what role does Merc perform as well as any other class?


    i STILL cannot find any justification on bringing a Merc into RWZ.


    The net is an entirely unique utility that will pretty much allow your team to FF someone down. The target won't be able to escape. If the cd on net was short enough, commandos would definitely be brought to rwzs. Well healers at least, I don't know about dps ones.

  5. 4 hard hitting abilities sounds awesome until you look at 2.0 health problems and also remember that crit rate in infiltration is going to be pretty sad in 2.0.


    Besides in terms of total time to do that, PTs can and still will hit you that hard that quickly.


    PTs are glass cannons though. I don't know how much more surv they got in 2.0, but they certainly don't have as many ways to live as sins do.


    But yeah, I dunno why BW changed surging charge and it's discharge around. Like was it seriously a problem? Cause I've never heard anyone complain about dps sins.

  6. I read the whole topic and as I understands the new changes will be very great for healer sages. You can cast an aoe heal and be invulnerable in this bubble 2.0. There are some new talents for increased alacrity also so healing spells will be faster, great.


    However what about DPS sages? I have a Balance sage, my main spells are instants and these spells are not really benefit from lower GCDs. However I have to spend point into these useless talents like Telekinetic Focal Point if I want to use Sever Force.


    DPS Sages should be the "glass cannons" of SWTOR. I know how to be glass but I hoped some more cannon in 2.0.


    Alacrity will lower GCD too on instants. I agree full balance still looks meh, but tele sages look to be awesome. I'm dying to try it out.

  7. Do yourself a favour and get warhero gear, then join a decent WZ group. Check what skilled commandos are doing and how they position themselves within the group. It might look static and random to you, but it ain't. A good premade group is a swarm and there's loads of moving and repositioning within the swarm. You can't do this with WASD moving, it's simply too slow.


    Rofl my commando has min/max WH gear for all 3 trees. I've been geared for a long time now. I was also one of the few commando healers doing rwz before 1.4, and the team I was on was the best Rep team.


    I don't need you to tell me how to play my class. Yes everyone knows commandos can put out beastly dps when ignore, but good players will never ignore you, and you'll die easily.

  8. I never understand where you're coming from with this. Exhaustion and Stasis are there to build stacks of singularity. Their crits don't matter. Blade Storm is a cheap (soon to be free) way to lower the cooldown on sweep.


    I crit for 1k on force exhuastion ticks, which ticks 5 times, and 2600 on it's final damage. That's a lot of damage. My stasis crits for 1.5k, ticks 4 times. Lots of damage there too. Blade storm crits for like 4300 too.


    Sweep may be all people complain about, because all they see when they die is that big *** number. But it's far from our only source of damage. Thus, the nerf to that surge talent is reducing focus's dps.


    Meanwhile the filler attack is slash, and the other hard hitting ability is Dispatch (though Zealous Leap is nice when it crits). Slash already crits for around 2100-2500 with a decent crit chance and now those filler attacks crit harder and THEN get a 9% boost to damage after the first sweep which will more or less be permanent since you sweep more often than once every 9 seconds.


    Face it, Sweep was the only truly significant force attack affected by the crit bonus, and while losing 15% off the crit multiplier for that hurts, getting 9% on future sweeps (which, again, will happen more often than 18 seconds, at least for sentinels) as well as 9% more damage to all the other attacks as well as 15% crit multiplier to ALL other attacks makes up a lot for it.


    And now we only need three stacks anyway.


    Focus still one of the most dangerous specs in PVP by a long shot.


    Focus may still be dangerous, but it sure as hell isn't going to be what is it now. Thus it's a nerf.


    And apparently, the talent sweep thing that buffs dam is only 6s.

  9. What spec are you playing?! Gunnery?!?!


    I play all three specs depending on what I feel like doing. I prefer gunnery over assault though, less resource problems and more dps.


    Seriously though, gunnery is just as viable as assault in pvp. Neither is capable of doing jack all when you get focus fired, but with good positioning and being ignore for the most part, gunnery far exceeds assault's dps.

  10. Lol, mentioning commandos... Your commando is harder for a different reason. It's because Bioware hates them and has made them weak compared to the other classes. I was not suggesting that purely more buttons = harder. If you read my post, you would understand this.


    You suggest shadow is not ez mode. Xerain says it is ez mode because your rotations are about as complex as focus, and I agree with him. Then you reply that he must be joking because guardians/vanguards have less buttons to push than a shadow, though sent has more.


    You see how you're correlating buttons with ez mode?

  11. Here is something that I posted the other day that myself and other assassins have known for a while about our specs.






    Just about from launch until now there has never been any reason to not go full 31 points for any tree. Bioware has failed to address the issue that we have which is useless top tier abilities.


    It's not because the sin's 31 point talents sucks, it's because force in balance is too good. That's why nobody really goes full 31 in sin trees.


    The 31 talent points of most classes aren't all that amazing.

  12. Surely you must be the one who is joking around. I've played Guardian, Vanguard, and of course Shadow. Shadow has a lot more buttons to be used than either of these classes. I acknowledge that your class Marauder has even more buttons still. I said that Shadow was harder because there are more things we need to know how to do. As a Marauder, you attack people, you kill, that is pretty much your singular purpose(and giving Predation/Bloodthirst at the correct times). Smashers and Vanguards have a few buttons they press over and over, and their objective is one thing.. to kill the enemy. Assassins had 8+ specs because they were so versatile and had so many viable specs. For those you need to know how to gear for those specs, CC cap, 1v1, dps, tank, solo node guard, be a ball carrier, etc.


    I know no matter what I say though, you will think Shadow is an ez mode class to play.


    More buttons =/= harder. My commando has the least buttons I have to press out of the 4 50s play, but it's definitely the hardest to do well on. I can't make any mistakes or it's GG.

  13. What carebear crap is this? You rolled on a pvp server. It's not ganking if both parties are max level.



    Be happy you're not mercs where there are 0 viable specs in rateds for them. I'm not sure if either of operatives dps trees will ever be good enough either unless they some how massively overhauled the dps portion of it.


    I rolled on a pvp server because I want to kill people whenever I feel like it, and I enjoy the feeling of having the possibility of being ganked. I however, choose not to gank people. I'll attack someone if the fight is fair (I never attack anyone lower level then me), and I don't attack them when they're fighting other stuff, and I'll let them heal up too.


    A man must have a code.

  14. You must have missed the part where I said my counters were tank spec sins/shadows. Selective reading? And no, you don't counter melee. We counter you. Snipers are easy kills, and that's that. Think you can prove me wrong? Then take me up on my challenge. Otherwise keep telling yourself whatever helps you sleep at night. Ill be watchman, and just like the top sniper on my server who thought he was a counter and could kill me, I'll let you try all 3 specs on me.


    So you admit to contradicting yourself?


    Saying you know how to counter EVERY class, and then saying a certain class counters you is just plain terribad lapse in logic on your part. Why should anyone believe what you say about anything if you can't even form complete thoughts?


    I can make baseless claims too: "Guys I dueled the best mara on my server on my commando and beat him every time. He even tried every spec, but I still beat him."

  15. Depending on the player's understanding of positioning and ability to move his toon, a commando/scoundrel can be a punching bag, or an unstoppable killer. If your commando/scoundrel with all the insaned burst he has can't beat a DPS sage, then you should start moving with the mouse and bind your main styles to the keyboard.


    ROFL, thanks for confirming you don't play rwzs.


    Also, LoS is your friend. Just like a sniper, abuse of LoS owns commandos.

  16. If you read the thread, you'll find out that pretty much noone is complaining about what sages are like NOW, it's about the 2.0 nerf.


    They guy I was quoting is.


    Also, due to bolster bug any information regarding class balance is pretty much unreliable on the PTS. You can't get any good fights outside of duels, and duels don't explain class balance at all.

  17. I refuse to node guard too because tankasin spec is boring to play and deception is just so much more fun. Do what I do... Use your sin for owpvp and spec deception, you can still own face with it.


    Nah I dislike ganking people, and open world pvp in general because it's all just ganking.


    I think all ROLES for a given class should be viable for rateds. I know that is hard to achieve--if not impossible--but it would still be nice to have options. I don't feel like EVERY tree should be viable for rateds, but at least for classes that have dual roles (tank/dps, heal/dps), I think both roles should be viable.

  18. I dissagree.


    I disagree with your disagreement. I'm definitely that guy everyone complains about that is talking **** to bads on the team. If you do something stupid, I will yell at you. However, I'm always in top in dps, healing, objective points, and prot (depending on which class I'm playing of course).


    I would say it's 50/50 on whether the guy talking **** is actually good or a baddie.

  19. Lol I love it. And coming from the superior pvp server no less. :p


    Has nothing to do with which server is superior, and has everything to do with well thought out logical explanations and examples. But I guess reading a paragraph is beyond you apparently.


    When my sin hits max, I don't want to be relegated to node guard only. Otherwise I might as well rename him to Node-guard.

  20. The ability is clearly designed to be used as the setup for focus fire in groups. It'd be kinda odd if it didn't prevent the sage invuln shield.


    Why would that be odd? Barrier isn't an escape. The sage can't move. That's like saying net should prevent chars from using saber ward, GBTF, deflection, or anything similar. I don't think it should prevent shroud either, though shroud shouldn't remove the "prevent escape" portion of it either.

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