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Posts posted by SamuraiCrazy

  1. Your rotation is wrong


    Let`s start with buffs, Force Crush and Enrage buffs your Raging Burst or Smash damage by 15% and makes them consume no Rage points. Force Charge and Obliterate makes them autocrits. That means, you want to use Obliterate on cooldown, and you want to separate Enrage and Force Crush to buff both your Raging Bursts or Smashes in each rotation cycle. Keep in mind that each use of Raging Burst or Smash consumes those buffs.


    But, there is not everything

    Force Crush makes your next Furious Strike or Obliterate consume no Rage points, but it lasts very short so you have to have good APM


    Now, proper rotation looks like:

    Force Charge + Enrage (while charging) > Raging Burst/Smash > Furious Strike > Obliterate > Retaliation/Sweeping Slash > Force Scream > Force Crush > Raging Burst/Smash > Furious Strike > Obliterate > Sundering > Retaliation/Sweeping Slash > Ravage > repeat from Enrage > Raging Burst/Smash


    This rotation ensures that you use every hard hitting abillity on cooldown, and all buffs are up all the time. You want to replace Raging Burst to Smash and Retaliation to Sweeping Slash only when these abillities can hit 3 or more enemies


    I know that Ravage is not supported by Rage spec but there is no better damage filler for last spot


    I hope that helps


    I noticed the vicious saber throw is not in here, the it procs of charge. Any reason?

    Trying to refine my rotation as well. Thanks.

  2. Not exactly true. That is the problem with generalizations... they are always wrong. While what you say is "generally" true.... there are plenty of exceptions.


    There are a good number of bronze and silver items and armor boxes that are now long embargoed that can and will sell for well over a million credits.... some multiple millions.


    And... there are some gold items that you literally cannot give away as well as some that simply won't fetch more then a few hundred K credits.


    Platinums are about the only guaranteed high value sale regardless... but this is spotty too...... as look at the Wentross Boltblaster.... these are selling for well under 20M these days.. and I do see listings for under 15M.


    Just bcuz it has a high cm rarity doesnt mean it will have a gtn value.

    If it looks dumb, nobody will buy it.

  3. Hey folks,


    Thank you for the heads up and all of the information on this issue. The team is looking into what is going on.




    Had a different issue myself. Que'd into the new umbara FP. Group was on the last boss. Did dmg to boss and was killing adds as they showed up.

    Recieved no loot. Not even basic boss drops.

    Maybe due to me being under 70 or not having done the intro quests?

  4. Hi, returning player.


    Is there a reason i dont see much about blazing bolts in rotations?

    I understand standing still for casts is never a good thing, but when tracer resets its cd, why wouldnt we use it more often?


    To explain a bit more, last i played was when blackhole released. So that ability, or rather its pre 55 version, would reset railshot's cd and helped deal damage while letting the heat discharge a bit.

  5. I agree, it would take more than a month because each change they've made that has broken something unrelated that was fine before and they would need to be investigated and isolate the bugs so any change didn't break something else.

    I believe the bugs are because the old code is still being modified and the current coders still don't fully understand the nuances of it. When you customise a code, the person who originally does it can leave an ever so slight "accent" like some regions have in many countries. The thicker that "accent", the more trouble it can cause later on. If Bioware had just used a released version of Hero Engine and not an Alpha version they Frankensteined, then we probably wouldn't have most of the issues in the game and they could get support from the Hero Engine guys if needed.


    But, I do think that new content should be put on hold for a few months so they can focus on fixing bugs because every change moving forward will only make them worse.


    Seems like most games are having this exact issue lately.

  6. This needs to be addressed. Some people might hate this, some people might understand this, but it needs to be suggested.

    Personal Loot System in OPs.

    Today, when new player joins the OPs for the very first time, they will encounter people with top-notch gear needing for gear they do nothing with. Why? Because THAT piece you really needed to progress, but they took, is going to their alts. This is unacceptable.

    Loot that drops, was acquired as a team, not as invidual.


    There is no sharing in this game. Today, people don't care about others, this community has gone so deep into mud. To counter these actions, we need something. We need invidual loot system.

    Or alternative option, make OPs loot Bind on Pickup, so it can't be given to anyone else, but to those that were in Operation with you at that time in any means.


    Shortly before the game went f2p, this was a thing. Everyone got their personal loot drop in regular mode.

    So there must be a good reason why its not here anymore.


    What you got for it was a random piece of gear for any class.

    Hmmm wonder why it got axed.


    Now if you're referring to HM or NiM, dont pug.

    Simply form your own grp, or join a guild as suggested.

  7. From Today's Q&A




    Bolding mine.


    Does anyone know what the limit is?


    im more concerned about the "cant learn black hole" schems since i've been re'ing earpieces trying to get something worth selling as a cybertech.

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