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Posts posted by Supasexysheepy

  1. Are there any plans to increase character slots per server?


    I have found that because of the Legacy system, I would much prefer to have the ability of more characters, I say this because I loved levelling all the Sith classes, that I want to try the other Advanced class, except for one or two classes, to enable me to then have a Republic character of each Class means I need more slots, just 1/2. I.E 10 or 12 slots

  2. Are there any future plans to release more Character Slots per server?


    My reason for this is based on Biowares and EA idea of Legacy, Alts are a big part of this game, now currently we only have enough for one of each class, however if we enjoy a class and want one of each race even or 2 of each class (1 of each Advanced) currently we cannot do this, especially if Character creation options open up further into the legacy system.

  3. I agree, I am now stuck, I loved my Inquisi sorceror so much, but I also want a Assassin, two of each class is the bare minimum for slot allowances I think, it was fine on WoW at 10, but here with the Legacy being only on ONE server, it is vital to allow people to have more options, unless ofc eventually Legacy will increase it slightly?? I still feel 8 is not enough, I would love one of each Advanced Class, so that is 2 per class, 16 is bare minimum, but then to avoid PvP and PvE respecs, you'd need to allow a minimum of 2 extra, so 18, 20 possibly, with the Legacy going to be a reason to make alts, we need the ability to do so..I am already hardcapped on the server with 8 characters, and thats not even enabled me to make a Smuggler or a Trooper :( because I have 4 charcs max level I don't wish to delete :( the other 4 are mid 30's :(


    Please increase even if it's up to 10, but with the legacy we need more :(

  4. Signed, I have to say as much as I love what BW have done so far, I am not so sure I understand, why...EU have to put up with a whole day of downtime...when the US are affected at night, if this was the other way around, and US had to experience a whole days downtime, they would be aggroed to.


    So why should we? I will be a paying customer of this, it's setup to take credit out for my part in this, so all our voices are heard. Only people who can post here are people with time coming out in the next month, so please BW listen to us :) it's a very simple request :) Much Love, but please give EU their own downtimes :) x

  5. He was briefly a slave to the emperor then Prison Break and Stasis etc... but he was always true to the Light side, he gave up everyone he cared for to go on a solitary quest to destroy the True Sith even the one he loved. Before people start NO love doesn't lead to the dark side. Passion leads to Anger and Rage over possible jealousy. Bastilla Shan helped in Revan's redemption process


    "I love you too, with all my heart."

    "You aren't afraid to love anymore?"

    "After this? No. Nothing could make me feel safer than to be loved by you."


    Bastilla Shan and Revan ( I believe this is true word for word, correct me if I am wrong) and what i can work out, she gave birth to their Son, she gave him strength to fight the Sith and Emperor to ensure his families safety. I may be wrong though but thats what I remember of Revan after stasis etc :p lol :D hope that helps with "the emperor problem"

  6. Peoples opinions on story in this game seems to be varied. I played an Inquisitor on Beta I will be honest I loved it, even the side quests. That said, I levelled with 3 other people, a fellow Inquisi (he went assassin i was Sorceror) an Imperial Agent and a Bounty Hunter respectively. The stories all lead to the same areas and playing alongside seeing their stories was amazing, they all sort of tied together in some way.


    I have to say I only played to level 20 over the 3 days of Beta, we took our time, enjoyed ourselves. I loved the story it was gripping and I just wanted to find out what happened next, where the story would take me. Without any spoilers I probably chose a different planet for Chapter 1 to start with than others may have, I don't know if that makes a difference or not. I also played full Dark side. I never even tried a Republic side character.

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