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Posts posted by Drethius

  1. thanks for the tips and tricks, ill keep them in mind, and i am rolling annihilation at the moment, and still strugle with most classes, and i do consider myslef an avrage pvper with a lot of room for improvements but still, when assassins opens on you and they stun you for like 10 seconds and the cc breaker is on cooldown im ****ed no matter what and eaven if i do mananage to survive those 10 seconds im still pretty much dead. and this i feel is something that is not compleatly right, altho we are in par with most classes still dont take in to account those classes that are superior to every one els, would be nice to see a bit more defencive or some sort of minor heal that could help get out of tricky situations, perhaps im wrong in this but that just what I feel should be done to the class, not saying that these abilitys should be game changeing just that it would be nice to have some "better" defence for a class that is pure dps, dont get me wrong those few defenses we do have are good and does help alot but still the fact that we dont have ANY sort of self heal, makes it a bit unfair, i know for example that the sniper has one and most other classes have yet none for the marauders, altho we can do crazy bursts we dont have any sort of good survivability. would be nice to see some but they should not be so powerful that we get to be immortal, if you ask me undying is abit op when timed right, i liked the way it was before, also obfuscate seems to only affect melee and not spells and tech abilies, wich in my honest opinion is wrong, i mean if you cant see your target how on earth should you then be able to hit them eaven if you have a blaster or "magic" abilitys :S just doesnt make sense :p


    again i thank you for the good advices, i will keep it in mind to next time i go in to pvp ;)

  2. This can't be anything but trolling...


    ok so let me spell it out for you with less words.

    is it just me or have the marauders become so weak now days that we cant eaven kill one assassin/shadow in a fair fight? is it wrong of me to think that someone with medium armor are easaly beaten by someone with light armor? was the marauders so overpowerd that theey had to nerf us in to oblivion? hardly not, if you are good at the game you should not have to be punished buy some kids because they cant handle loss, this is just flat out wrong!

    and no this is not trolling i just wanna see and know if im the only one that thinks like this, and if not perhaps we can make Bioware realise the error they made with the marauder, yes you might be the guy who sits on a 2k rateing as a marauder, but not every one is on that level of commitment to the game and or choose to persue other aspects of the game but still want to be able to enjoy the gameplay and the class in an player versus player scenario

  3. ive played all classes and there for knows their weaknesses but when it comes to all the stuns from assassins and shadows there is only so much you can do, and yes i have adapted to the nerfs, but is it really nessesary to make the nerf so hard that its near on imposs to be the victor from a one on one fight? and eaven if there are some one guarded that does not help the case, seeing as guarding someone does not affect the damage you take from the player guarding, and carnage i found is to unreliable in pvp, as it is mostly focus on dishing out alot of dmg while standing still, and that just wont happen in PvP, i does works wonders in the PvE area, however annih does more dmg in pvp to player cause of all the bleeds and has an overall higher dps than carnage.

    tho there are many things to take in to account when fighting an stealther, such as they have "vanish" and whatnot. but still seeing as the assassins/shadow's have so much stuns and you can only break one, its bit annoying to not be able to do some sort of dmg on them eaven if they use thier defencive cool's. and sure they need it pve but for PvP? hardly think so.

    when it comes to PT's and Vanguards they arent that hard to kill, just make sure you interupt their flamethrower / pulse thingy, and then just keep bashing them and stick on them like fly's on poop ;)

  4. So ive been playing Marauder for some time now, tried most types of spec's in PvP and for some reason i am unable to kill say an Assassin/shaow, or for the most part anyone with heavy defence cooldowns. is this really how the marauder is supposed to be? i mean if i attack an assassin he just pops his shield and BAM! Im dead, and there is really not much i can do about it, i know this seems abit selfish but considering that im almost always at the bottom of the lists in PvP and cant really do much about it unless i go and reroll to some other class.

    feels like someonee with the Medium armor type should have the advatage over some one with "cloth" armor (light armor) i know this seems stupid to most ppl, but there are just nothing i can do against them not eaven the sorc's (if they have any sort of brain that is), besides im wielding 2 lightsabers wich should give me the advantege over some one with one or a saber staf, and to see ppl rage about marauders being to over powerd has just resulting in the class being nerfed to oblivion, this is so wrong, we are suppose to be the best melee dps class, seeing as we are pure dps. And for the record - yes i have tried useing all my cooldowns in order to win but that just dont work- are the marauder a broken class? where they so over powerd that no one could beat them? well they should be in the right hands, im not saying im a bad or awsome player im an avrage player. still i stand no chance against some one with stealth or say a juggernaught when it comes to pvp. is this because marauders are getting so much hate that bioware just desided that they should be so nerfed that no one would like to play them again? i rarely see marauders in the 55 pvp, and thats a shame because they are after all the master of saber combat and should be playable as such, but no because that would imply that they would be to over powerd, no they are not if you cant beat an marauder well then he is just you're superior gamer, but as it stands now, doesnt matter how good or bad player you are when you are rolling with an marauder you just get steamrolled where ever you show up in pvp scenarios. is this really what the dev's had in mind when they desinged the class? no i dont think so.

    BUT nerfing them becuase people cant handle getting asskicked once or twice by an marauder does not make a good case for nerfing them to oblivion, and also as it stands right now, we dont have any form of "strong" AoE to help out in PvE, what has gone wrong the last 1½ year that made this game so unbalanced in pvp that inorder to be able to win in pvp you MUST have stealth or be in a tank spec? am i just wrong here guys or is this just not working? yes we WAS insanly OP back in the days when the game came out but it got balanced rather fast, and seeing as ppl like the "zerg" tactic in pvp we just dont stand a chance, anywhere, perhaps in PvE where we are superior to some other classes but shouldent that also be the case in PvP?

    i can go on alot more about this, but im gonna end this here, and hope that the developers comes with an answer to all these questions, and explain why they decided to just kill the class overall.

    do share your experience here and perhaps we can make them realise that we are really pissed about the changes they made with ouer class.


    and plz do remember to keep it civil, no need to go all nerd rageing on this post, its not worth it, try useing your words and explain why you are so mad at ppl (yes haters gonna hate) but show them your PoV and perhaps change their minds

  5. Seeing as Khem Val was a loyal servant and honor-bound to tulak hord after have been defeated by Tulak hord in an honorable duel, he was never "imprisoned" he was put in the stasis chamber to sleep untill the day that Tulak hord would return for him (there is no lore that i could/have found yet) that tells us why he did this, how ever this as said before is now known as tomb of Naga Sadow, but the fact is that said tomb existed long before Naga Sadow. and a possible reason for it to have been named after him is that his acolytes moved his body to burry it on the sith home world. and as for the "playing an alien and being hier of Kallig" well it is known that the dark jedi that found the sith species later "mixed" DNA with them and bringing other bloodlines in to the pureblood's bloodline, so there is a possibility that kallig himself was not an pureblood, how ever seeing as all "races" can be an hier of kallig. well that is most likely because Bioware didnt wanna limit the "class" to one or 2 races so the heir of kallig might be alien, after all its been a few generations before "SWTOR" launched.

    we also know that his only aprentice killed him, and that Kallig was just at the right place at the right time, and collected manny of tulak hord's artifacts. which leads the inquisitor questline in to getting khem val as a companion because the artifacts that was found by kallig did not all go in to "hidden vaults" some of them was to be kept as "public" records in the sith academy.

    Keep in mind that he tells you that the only reason we were able to beat him is because he was in a weakend state, i mean who wouldent be after haveing been asleep for over 600 years+ :cool:

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