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Posts posted by luckylogan

  1. >>In PvP, we want to continue to foster more high quality matches in Ranked, especially Group Ranked. So far this year we’ve boosted rewards to that end, but haven’t seen as much movement there as we would like. So, in addition to boosting conquest rewards for Ranked (as indicated in David’s post), we are introducing an additional exclusive reward which is required to build the new augments.


    This is a dumb reason, did the devs think that maybe ppl don't like ranked PvP? Last time they forced our guildies to do ranked PvP for mats, half of them quit the game.

  2. <Malicious> imp guild on the Satele Shan server is looking for members to join our HM/NiM progression raid team. We raid Tue/Wed and Fri/Sat/Sun at 8pm Pacific and have seasoned and experienced guildies who have cleared most of the end game content.


    What we do (in order of priority):

    • Challenging end game content
    • Pvp, regs and ranked
    • Conquests, but it’s mostly up to you


    We believe that tenacity, teamwork, and a bit of discipline are the qualities you need, in order to be a successful progression team. What we expect:

    • Be prepared and show up for raids on time. If you can’t make it, let us know at least 24hrs in advance.
    • Have a basic understanding of the mechanics. We are willing to teach and gear you up, if you are willing to listen, learn from available guides, and have demonstrated an eagerness to improve your game.
    • You must have Discord (w/ mic) and Starparse.


    What we are not:

    • Racist, sexist, or homophobic. Everyone is welcome.
    • Politically correct. We are mostly respectful, but if you are easily offended by crass jokes, our guild may not be for you.
    • Cheaters or stat junkies that only care about leaderboards.


    TL;DR: We love to raid HM/NiM content, pvp, and have fun. This guild is not for the squeamish.


    If you think we are a good fit for you, reply to this post or pst/mail ingame to Xoro, Dekin, Poptarts, Nôôdle, or Kunlu. Or just search for “Malicious” ingame, and ask for an officer. You can also apply on our guild website,


    All roles welcome, we can usually move people around to accommodate all classes.


    -Xoro (jugg main, Satele Shan server)

  3. Hello,

    The wife and I are coming back to SWTOR after a long hiatus. I do not really remember exactly when we quit but when we did we were HM raiders and I think the last raid we cleared was the one where the guy at the end turned into (or called out) a dragon.


    We have a couple other friends that we have gamed with for many years so we are not looking for a new guild however if you are looking for a dependable sin tank on the Imperial side I may work out for you. I do not mind starting off with a story mode team as again we just started playing again and need to relearn the fights and get geared for content.


    I can play any night (preferably not longer than 3hrs) after 8PM CST (USA). My main in game is Sectess Sandstrider and my alt is Phalangy. Mature teams only, I am 36 and have my own kids to deal with :).


    May the force be with you,




    Hi Robwong,

    <Malicious> guild on the Satele Shan server is looking for members to join our newer HM/NiM progression raid team. We raid Tue/Wed/Thu at 7:30pm PST and have seasoned and experienced guildies who have cleared most of the end game content. Pst/mail ingame to Xoro, Dekin, Kunlu, or Nôôdle. Or just search for “Malicious” ingame, and ask for an officer. You can also apply on our guild website,


  4. If the merc self heals were as ridiculous as you claim it would represented in their self healing numbers. Problem is, it isn't.


    3 of the mercs had under 100k self healing.

    The assassin tank with it's uber self heals managed to out heal 2 of these.

    2 of the other mercs had under 200k self healing.


    Hell, the VG on your team did more self healing that some of the mercs on the other team and the slinger on your team did more self healing than any on the other side barring the 1, possibly 2, healers that they had.


    The point is, your team was simply not putting out damage. You can blame it on the mercs all you want but at some point, you have to admit that your team was just bad.


    Either they didn't know their rotations, didn't know how to use dcds, they went lone wolf and tried jumping 3-4 mercs on their own, or a combination of all the above.


    In the end, it was your team that was just bad.


    Sure, I am not saying I was playing with a brilliant team. But the fact remains, these pvp warzones and more and more one-sided now. Keep ignoring the problems 5.0 has brought in pvp and pve and you will see there will barely be anyone left subbing in a few months.

  5. The issue is all range classes (except for sorcs) outperform melee classes.


    Risk vs reward in terms of combat efficiency is totally borked in 5.0 - theres no reason to play a melee class, whats the point? because you do less damage, have subpar dcds, and will forever tug-and-war with range classes due to all there escapes and immunities. Melees are getting globaled left and right (dps spec Jugg for example, see also PT) and we have no answer. We can't outdmg you, we can barely keep up with your kiting, and now, we can't out survive you.


    Looking back, 4.0 was the closet this game was to balance. Sure, it had some flaws, but BW once again went over board with the buffs, PT and Juggs got left in the dust and can't really compete anymore. BW has zero competence, they don't know how to "tweak" they just do huge broad strokes of buffing and nerfing then call it a year.


    Nothing will change.





    ^ this. Worth mentioning that vg/pt gap closers dont work when snipers are in cover, and every class has too many slow-down skills.

  6. All they got to do is have 8v8 solo ranked as an option in the queues, and if people can get shiny pixels AKA rewards for it, they will queue it.


    We easily fill 8v8 regs daily, people would queue 8v8 ranked too. The greed for pixels is strong, and let's face it 8v8 ranked would be more fun.


    4v4 ranked arenas has been a total failure since it's inception. With proper support 8v8 ranked would work.


    Plus the classes ALL can participate in 8v8, whereas they cannot in 4v4s. More people would actually play ranked if their class could contribute.


    From what you are proposing, if the only difference between ranked and unranked 8v8 is rewards, why would anyone queue for 8v8 unranked anymore?

  7. There is no denial about it. I have seen teams made up of predominately one class farm people at spawn points. This isn't somehting that is unique to mercs/mandos.


    Or do you think a team consisting of 6 of any class can't do the exact same thing?


    As for Alderaan, actually take a look at the numbers on the scoreboard you posted. The healer on the other team had about 1.5 million heals which is relatively low these days. The mercs on the other team also had low self healing numbers. Put them both together and it means that your team was not putting out the dps.


    Did you lose to a team of mostly mercs? Yes you did.


    Does that have more to do with only 2 of your teammates putting up over 500k damage and not with any perceived OPness of the merc/mando class? Probably. Hell, 3 of them did under 300k and 3 more didn't even break 400k.


    The issue in that screen shot has nothing to do with how OP the other team was but with how bad yours was.


    The healer on the other team didnt need to heal as often due to ridiculous Merc self-heals. And the mercs didn't need to self-heal often due to the relatively high dps they are putting out, killing any of us in a few seconds. I have a suggestion, why dont you go try it out for yourself and queue wz on the pub side? Lets see how well you do under the same circumstances. I'd love to see your screenshots against a merc heavy team.

  8. I really support this.


    8v8 ranked was a great idea (as done in pre-season) in non-arenas. However, getting a group of 8 was a pain for every warzone. A simple solution is to be able to queue in 2 teams of 4, and have ranked available for regular warzone maps.

  9. You are right, it is fairly typical these days, meaning often times one team totally outclasses the other by skill. But this proving mercs are OP'd? try again.


    Another case of someone trying to bend whatever bad situation they have in a match to match their personal bias and agenda against the merc class.


    Shows one SS of a good team versus a bad team and suddenly the merc class is at fault here. GG bro.


    Deny, deny, deny. No matter, its attitude like this that will finally kill swtor. I know many guildies who have stopped subscribing due to 5.0 or will stop subscribing (including myself).

  10. In huttball:


    6 jug/guardians can do the same thing.

    6 maras/sents can do the same thing.

    6 sorc/sages can do the same thing.

    6 snipers/slingers can do the same thing.


    I do believe that there is a pattern emerging here.


    By looking at the Alderaan screen shot, their healer did, relatively, very little healing and the mercs did very little self healing. So what that tells me is that your team had very little dps.


    This wasn't a case of mercs/mandos being OP but of your team not knowing what they were doing.


    Please dont be in denial about this. See my edited post, this is fairly typical these days to see merc heavy teams. This needs to be fixed.

  11. Here is proof of broken swtor 5.0 pvp due to OP mercenary class. Its fairly typical these days to see half or more of imp teams playing with merc toons. In huttball most of them were parked at our spawn point and ripping us apart. Pubs had zero kills in Alderaan. Not exactly our idea of fun. Needless to say we stopped playing after a couple of matches. And me and a couple of my guildies were not there to farm cxp, I (used to) enjoy pvping on my valor 100 Vanguard.


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