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Posts posted by MaximusBlood

  1. If you want to do DPS, you can have a lot of fun with Gunnery, although it's kind of a bland build until you get Demolition Round. Once you have DR and electro net, there's no reason why you can't have a lot of fun.


    As for crew skills, go cyber to get grenades, if you want to PVP. You can use level 50+ dailies to make money. Black Hole takes how long? 20 minutes? That's like 70K right there.


    Thanks I will check that out! Appreciate the feedback :)

  2. I've started the game back recently (didn't make it far on my other character when the game first launched). I've decided I want to go Commando and I wanted some tips from you all if possible :)


    1) I'm mainly wanting to PvP for now - I may decide to do PvE later on. What is the optimal spec for doing PvP? Stats? I don't want to do healing, I wanna blow things up.


    2)As far as crew skills go, what trio should I go with? Should I do a trio that will make me money or can I do something else more beneficial towards my class and make money other ways?


    Any help appreciated! Like I said I just started this character but I look forward to playing him.

  3. Ok thanks for your reply. Personally I was looking at crit since so many of our talents benefit from or enhance our crit already. The thing I was not sure of is when the diminishing returns would kick in on it. The issue I had with alacrity is it seems we don't get any bonuses to it from anything besides our gear (unless I am missing something, please correct me if I am wrong), which makes me think we wouldn't be able to get it up as high enough to make it compete with the crit we could obtain.
  4. The level difference is not the big deal, its just that most servers on the Sith side are 72-85% Inquisitors, primarily because they are unbalanced and have a distinct advantage..


    But it wont be that way for long, there is no way they wont nerf the Inquisitors, its obvious that they are OP.


    I can't believe people are still using this excuse.

  5. While some may argue there is a need for brackets, the reasoning behind them should not simply be because you get "hit high" by higher levels. The standardizing in warzones takes care of this issue.


    The main issue people need to be pointing out is that at higher levels you gain access (naturally) to more abilities, and some of these are key skills to a class' play style and success.

  6. Try again. Another person who thinks they know the game.






    But hey, keep trying to under exaggerate the fact that Sith inquisitors are doing ridiculous damage comparable to most other classes, regardless of set up.


    Lmao, you are so incompetent.


    Check you armor rating statistic under defense.

  7. So you gave us a statement stating the complete obvious and giving us no new information about this issue? You're not calming any nerves about this issue with that kind of a statement, you make people more frustrated when you say you're "taking action" and no results have been seen from it.
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