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Posts posted by Cwealm

  1. For those who just hit 50, world pvp now consists of running around in a circle in the central area competing with the same faction to get 30 armaments while waiting for BG to pop. I've been at it for three hours, and have 17. Awesome.


    But, you say, kill the Republic for your armaments. That would be awesome, except there simply aren't any. Ever. On the rare chance (once a day) you see any, assuming you don't get ganked 8 on 1, you never see them again.


    There is no point controlling the objectives. None whatsoever. Who cares about bonus valor/whatever when there simply isn't any valor being gained?


    Not to mention, all the people wearing loads of gear from the previous ilum exploits and valor gains curbjaw you anyway should you run into them one on one (which never happens, really, anyway. Has any one in MMO history ever has an actual 1v1 fight in the open that wasn't a duel?).


    Bioware- why are there objectives? What do they add to the game? Why is the armament requirement so high when there are so few spawn points? Was flying in a circle your intended goal? If so, mission accomplished.


    It's just awful. You could change it, and quite easily. Why do you want people wasting so much time for so little reward, running around gathering armaments, which have no storyline at all. You don't turn them in anywhere to help a war effort or to achieve anything. You just gather thirty, then they magically disappear from your inventory. Poof!


    Where did they go? Why? What is the point? Did it help your faction?


    Just a boatload of fail in every aspect.

  2. For the low, low cost of $15 a month, you too can spend endless hours flying around the center of Ilum in a circle, looking for a ridiculous high number of armaments that spawn in only 4-5 places. Trade verbal ripostes with your own faction as you circle each other and high five, each hoping you are lucky enough to be on top of one when it spawns and click in the right place before the 8 other people there get it first.


    BUT WAIT- THERE IS MORE. Have your screen get spammed and your quest tracker roll off the screen onto the floor as you capture each and every exciting node of Ilum. Fire rockets at pointless enemy vehicles! Are you excited? I KNOW YOU ARE.


    BUT THAT CAN'T BE ALL! And you are right, with each pointless node you catch, you get a bonus to valor for all the non-existent enemy faction members you kill. So savor that extra 20 valor as you kill the one opposing faction member you see while in your 16 man op flying desperately around the map looking for anything to do.


    So come join us in Ilum- you thought Barrens Chat sucked, you ain't seen nothing yet.


    Seriously, Bioware, how much *********** crack rock were you smoking when you decided people needed 30 armaments each every day, and then putting in 5 spawn points. *****.

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