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Posts posted by Hyoga_

  1. The only issue is that all the missions he had when he went back to the ship were to start chapter 1: The Hunt. As the were all saying that they recommended him to do that otherwise it would skip it. It also advised that once the hunt is started there was no way back. Apparently he started the hunt thinking that was the next mission until I made him aware of the rise of the emperor. Is there a way to reset that to be able to locate whatever he neeeds to use/talk to get the rise of the emperor mission?
  2. A friend of Mind has been leveling up a new toon and after he finished the last revan expanion in Yavin 4, he is not able to start Rise of the emperor on his ship.


    Does anyone konw what the begining mission is called?


    Does he have to go somewhere else to start it? he is level 75 already.


    Any information will be apreciated. Thanks.

  3. For all the work we have to do with conquests, seems a bit overpriced when we can just buy gifts... who ever thought this was a good idea and was gonna make players want to complete it? If they shave the price maybe. But the way it is, it doesn’t sound worth it at all.
  4. Well obviously certain flashpoints to have crazy mechanics will not be able to be done, but the majority of flash points are able to be completed with companions, the only problem is the difficulty. I think being able to use companions will alleviate the stress and everything else. There’s instances when one or two people leave when is impossible to find replacements, and the other two people end up leaving.
  5. Hey folks,


    I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this:

    • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25%
    • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25%
    • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25%
    • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25%


    Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.


    The above information has been added into the patch notes for clarity, we hope that you still get to enjoy the benefits of increased CXP as you rank up in Galactic Command.






    Are you seirous? I hope this crap only lasts till he end of the year.

    I just don't get what part is hard to understand about this. We don't want a buff to level up the other classes. We want you to get completely rid of the stupid command leveling up system.

    Mainly cause there is no point in you saying you want us to play group content when we are gearing up by doing dailies alone.

    I haven't done an op in 5 months and yet i'm almost fully geared just running dailies.

    Sorry but there is no way i'm renewing my subscription if this continues this way.

    I have no intention to do the same boring dailies with my alts. you need to get off them drugs and realize that this is not fun. this is not what we, the fan base wants.

    Nintendo has failed over and over because instead of listening to what people wants, they try to tell people what they want and fail miserably. You ave been failing in the same way for the last 2 years. the only difference is that this is command experience grind is the last nail on the coffin. or at least the last I am willing to take.

  6. So as usual new things come up on the cartel market and other vendors, however my question is, what about those of us players that were hit by hurricane Irma and have had no power or internet for the last week? How do you expect me to log on today to buy a crystal? I think the idea is great but they should do something for us unable to get in the game to allow us to buy it when we can log in.


    Im not expecting anyone to give me one for free. But the chance to get my own. Thanks.

  7. To me this expansion has been the worse yet. We traded gearing up on raids for CXP. The nerf of the classes doesnt help either. I have to say that since the game came out this year has been the worse. I like the game but Im not planning to be the last guy to leave. Last year I could do 3-4 raids in a day with different toons. This year if you get to pug 1 raid in a day you can consider yourself lucky. Just saying, this game didn't become more fun at all if not less.
  8. Im not entirely sure if I missedit on the patch notes, or if this is some sort of joke.

    However I didnt see any fixes for inquisitor classrs and yet I know for a fact we've been asking for them.


    Would somebody kindly explain? I waited since they broke it.


    I swear im about to cancel my sub. This is bull.

  9. I am surprised that nobody is bothered about that you are the Commander. Your forces are stronger than any of the 2 sides. You can crush both, yet you are choosing to take a side and then, to make things worse, you become errand boy for one of the weaker sides doing low tier missions that as a commander you should be sending one of your lackeys to do.


    What is this? Im sorry, but this doesn't feel like I am the commander or that my forces are stronger than either side.


    You get to choose between 2 traitors, one betrayed the empire, the other betrayed the warrior, yet the conversation/ interaction with either of them is just lame short.


    Although, the worse part is that you don't get to kill the other companion that you don't pick...

  10. The next expansion they will go above and beyond.


    Nerf all classes.


    Remove half the content.


    Leave all Thropies/ acomplishments/ Feats still on without a way to get them.


    Not finish the new operation due to every single developer having children, getting sick, having a broken nail, or simply a bad hair day.

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