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Posts posted by zaldamar

  1. That is just fine and well for the European servers. I, however, am in North America and once again on Sunday (yesterday) my dailies for Makeb did not reset at a standard time. It was nearly noon before they became available. Can someone from North America (preferably an admin) please explain why this is happening? :rak_02:
  2. Just out of curiosity, what time do the daily missions on Makeb reset? It seems that they do not reset at a standard time each day for me. Friday I was able to do them at 6 in the morning when I got home from work, but yesterday (Saturday) I was unable to do them until close to 10 in the morning. This being said, I guess what I really want to know is do they reset at a standard time or is the reset timer linked to when the missions are turned in after completion?



  3. :p Maybe I didn't explain it clearly enough in my original post. The section in ( ) was meant to indicate that the "planetary shuttle" would not become active for a planet until after the player had gone through the orbital station at least one time in order to pick up any quests that may happen to be there.
  4. This little minor annoyance could be avoided entirely by paying attention to what you click on. No need to change it as sometimes people may actually have need of it. Say for instance, you get to the shuttle and remember that you meant to pull something out of your cargo hold but forgot to do so before leaving your ship. Rather than have to run all the way back across the OS and take the elevator then sit through the load screen to your ship, you just click "return to your ship" and *POOF* time saved!
  5. I would like to see an end to orbital stations period!. They are jut a useless extra travel step at this point. Occasionally you find a quest that marks the jumping off point for a planet, (which you never have to return to the OS to turn in) but after completing it the OS just becomes an annoyance with zero purpose other than to slow down the ability to reach a planet. I don't know about anyone else, but I do not enjoy having to sit through two load screens to get to one location. There have been some very good suggestions as to how the OS could be improved in this thread and I have to say that if planetary daily mission terminals, GTN terminals, or market stalls were added I wouldn't mind the lay over. However, as it is now, they are nothing more than a waste of time.
  6. Here is a thought for everyone who isn't happy with the time table set for server maintenance, LEAVE IT TO THE PROFESSIONALS! The people at EA/BW have reasons for doing what they do when they do it. Have you even stopped to consider the fact that the people preforming the scheduled maintenance are doing so AT WORK? Does it really make any sense at all to schedule an 8 hour block of maintenance to start on one shift and end on another? No, no it doesn't make any sense at all. Sure sometimes things happen and maintenance runs over into the next shift, but that is the exception, not the rule. Seriously people, don't fix what isn't broken.





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