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Posts posted by AggieElf

  1. I would really like something like this. I have had a discussion with my friends that there are no Force-powered healer companions, even though that is a archetypal Jedi role. While I admit it would be difficult to justify a true, moral, upstanding Jedi running around with a Smuggler, or a power-hungry, elitist Sith serving with a Bounty Hunter, there are many opportunities for a Force user to break from that mold. Anyone who has played a LS Sith or a DS Jedi can corroborate that you can be a Force-wielding character without bending to the stereotypes of your order.
  2. When I DPS with my Shadow, I run him in the Balance Tree. I am not a number cruncher, so I won't argue whether or not it puts out the best numbers, but I find it much more fun personally than Infiltration. I primarily use my DPS spec to run Dailies and Tactical FPs, and that has been a large influence on my choice. I have framed this discussion in response to LouLouJ, not because I disagree, but because he/she provided many good discussion points.


    Most attacks are mid-ranged, but to get the procs you have to run of close and spend more force on double-strike.


    That is something I like. I enjoy moving around, having to get in close to proc things, then getting back to safety to do damage. It provides more engagement to me than simply standing at 30m and casting things while Qyzen holds aggro.


    That and most damage feels 'fluff' unless you are able to monitor and keep your dots up constantly


    This took some getting used to, but now I treat it almost like a puzzle. "Which ability should I cast to keep up my DoTs? What is about to expire? Can I get in another GCD to proc something?" Sure, it may not be as fulfilling as launching into a barrage of instant heavy-hitting moves, but I like being able to think through my fights and play around with it a bit.


    the uselessness of stealth


    This was actually the main reason I chose Balance. Since I am usually a tank on my shadow, I will respec to run dailies. I take Qyzen or Nadia along to blow stuff up while I deal damage. I tried Infiltration first, but since it relies on stealth so much, I found I was resetting mobs every time I used Blackout. I'm sure there were other ways around that problem, but I tried Balance and found it was actually pretty fun. I didn't rely on stealth, but could use it if I needed to as a utility to sneak by mobs and escape annoying fights.


    Any spec is fine leveling, whatever you have most fun with, and I wont deny balance can be a really fun spec. And of course there is no 'wrong way' to spec your character, just some are more recommended then others.


    In the end, this is the bottom line. I have more fun DPSing in a Balance spec, and while many number-crunchers will vehemently disagree, I trust the developers to not leave me out to dry when it comes down to balancing classes. I suggest trying several different builds, see what works for you, and then just pick what's the most fun. This is a game, after all.

  3. So many of the companions have really nice looking equipment when they first join your crew. For example, Nadia Grell has a really neat jacket. I would like for her to be able to use this equipment in the end-game, but it is not viable after a few levels considering it is green quality and it is certainly useless by the time the player reaches 50 or 55. I know there are similar pieces, but none that are the actual piece.


    I would suggest that there be a way to obtain a moddable version of the companions' default gear to keep the look the developers obviously spent a significant amount of time designing.

  4. Why just skin colour? I say enable all mix-and-matching between republic and imperial zabrak. I want imperial tattoos on an otherwise all-republic-looking Zabrak!


    Exactly this. I think the separation of the races is a cool idea lore-wise, but with the racial unlock, I was really hoping we would see a truly unlocked race. Having Republic colors with Imperial markings and horns would be my ideal Zabrak.

  5. This would be really cool. Especially since I simply dislike some companions, but I'm required to use them to get through some parts of the game, it would be nice to have a "guest" that I would enjoy traveling with. For example, I am not a fan of Kaliyo, but my fragile little Operative flat out needs a tank companion. I really like Qyzen, so if I could let him follow my new toon, it would make my experience so much better.


    I also appreciate that you thought out some problems that may arise. While I cannot concretely answer all of them, I did think of a couple ideas that might work:


    • similar to other legacy-wide companions, such as Treek and HK-51, once unlocked, they could be given standard level-appropriate gear.



    • during cut-scenes, they could act as spectators (like party members in class mission areas). They would not respond or gain/lose affection, but they could still be there.


  6. This would be really nice. Some of the sets have been released as adaptive armor (the old Trooper Rakata gear is now the reputation gear for Section X, minus the backpack), but other sets seem to have disappeared. Those who were around and kept the pieces have them, but most of us weren't so lucky. I would really like to be able to wear some of the original end-game gear, or some of the cool chest-pieces that were removed around 1.2.
  7. Ooh, this seems fun. I may edit/amend this as new thoughts occur to me, but here's my main off the top of my head:


    Ahimelech Col'mera, the Mystic and Hermit:


    A former Jedi master, Ahimelech Col'Mera took a leave of absence from the order to pursue greater knowledge of the Force among the Voss mystics. He took up residence in the woods on Voss, and as the years went by, and as he developed a stronger connection to the wildlife and the Force, he was gradually accepted by the Mystics to study their ways. The Hero of Tython meets Ahimelech while journeying on Voss, during which time the old Mystic is called by the Force to rejoin the Order and the galaxy at large.


    Personality: Ahimelech is a lover of history and culture. He is also a strong defender of peace, seeking any possible non-violent end to conflict. However, he understands that sometimes, violence is unavoidable, and he is willing to put himself on the line to defend those who cannot defend themselves. After all, all living things are created and bound together by the living Force, and he believes it is his responsibility to protect that which the Force has brought into existence.


    Companion story: Since Ahimelech has been out of contact with the larger galaxy for many years, his companion story involves him trying to find his way back into the Jedi Order and the player helping him build bridges between it and Voss. He understands it will be difficult, but his time with them has expanded his view of the Force beyond the stoic emotionless philosophy of the Jedi. He believes that the Voss can learn much from the Jedi about the nature of the Force, and the Jedi can learn much from the Voss about becoming one with their environment and seeking the will of the Force. This culminates in a summit between the two groups, with the possibility of establishing a satellite Jedi Enclave on Voss to serve as a cultural exchange point. However, to avoid conflicting with the story of the Voss faction missions, this cannot be completed until the conclusion of chapter 3. This will give some time for the fallout of the player's decision to die down a little.


    Romance possibility: As an old hermit, Ahimelech is initially uninterested in romancing a female Jedi. However, his time away from the order, among the more pragmatic Voss has softened his stance against Jedi romantic attachments. If the player chooses to pursue this option, he will relent, but he is not a very romantic person.


    Companion Gifts: His favorite gifts are cultural artifacts; he also likes republic and Imperial memorabilia.


    Likes: Protecting the weak, avoiding conflict, mysteries of the Force

    Dislikes: seeking conflict, arrogance, oppressing others, ignorance


    Combat role: He is a melee tank and wields a saberstaff. As a staunch opponent to violence and a protector of the weak, his skills reflect his desire to protect his allies from harm and halt the aggression of his foes. He has two particularly useful signature abilities: He can perform a Force-Sweep-style maneuver that provides a brief AOE stun to lesser enemies. He can also Mind Rub enemies to his allies to escape from combat.

  8. That's a nice idea. Whenever I pass to Republic fleet, I drive an exact 180 so I can dump some things in my cargo hold and sell others to the med droid there. Of course, I also have more dealings with the vendors on the other side (GTN and PVE gear), so I personally would just wish they move the warp point to the east side of the inner ring. I am NOT suggesting they do that (I will not inconvenience every player in the game to save me ~10 seconds), but you present a valid alternative.
  9. Copied from a different thread on the matter:


    Since before launch, I have been a tremendous fan of Belth Allusis; His story of valiant self-sacrifice and his dedication to both the Force and the Republic were inspiring. and they echoed true historical events such as the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of the Alamo. He inspired me to roll my first character as a Jedi, and he has held a special place in my heart ever since.


    On top of that, he looked really cool doing it. His robes gave a sense of a contemplative Jedi given to books, meditation, and study who was forced to adapt to the war which erupted around him. He added imposing pauldrons and a Sam Browne style shoulder strap which, in my mind, are very fitting of the period. Please add a hood-down variant of his wardrobe to the game.


    Google image search

  10. Since before launch, I have been a tremendous fan of Belth Allusis; His story of valiant self-sacrifice and his dedication to both the Force and the Republic were inspiring. and they echoed true historical events such as the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of the Alamo. He inspired me to roll my first character as a Jedi, and he has held a special place in my heart ever since.


    On top of that, he looked really cool doing it. His robes gave a sense of a contemplative Jedi given to books, meditation, and study who was forced to adapt to the war which erupted around him. He added imposing pauldrons and a Sam Browne style shoulder strap which, in my mind, are very fitting of the period. Please add a hood-down variant of his wardrobe to the game.


    Google image search


    Edit: I found an existing thread for this topic. Please forgive my oversight.

  11. Since before launch, I have been a tremendous fan of Belth Allusis; both his character, and his armor. He inspired me to roll my first character as a Jedi, and he has held a special place in my heart ever since. I would really like his armor set to be added to the game, presumably to the cartel market.


    For those who don't remember of whom I speak, here is a google image search of him, and the video in which he was featured,

  12. I wish that were the case. Unfortunately, with the highest quality pieces, the Grade 7 pieces, not all of them are at the starship vendor on fleet. Some of them are, but 3 pieces- the Improved EMP, the Deflection Amplifier, and the schematic for the Improved Electronic Warfare Pod- were available at the Daily vendors on Ilum, at the Black Hole, etc., but now they are not there anymore. I was hoping someone knew where they were now.
  13. I wish that were the case. Unfortunately, with the highest quality pieces, the Grade 7 pieces, not all of them are at the starship vendor on fleet. Some of them are, but 3 pieces- the Improved EMP, the Deflection Amplifier, and the schematic for the Improved Electronic Warfare Pod- were available at the Daily vendors on Ilum, at the Black Hole, etc., but now they are not there anymore. I was hoping someone knew where they were now.
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