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Posts posted by HKFortyEight

  1. Serious question, not trying to troll, honestly but I know how this might sound. When do you have time to play 3 subbed accounts? 12 characters per account times 3 that's 36 toons and you said you've bought more? More power to ya if you can juggle like that especially with real life events and circumstances not letting you enjoy the 12x xp and limited free time due to school and study and limited internet access, I don't know how you do it.


    My question is why in the first place would you have 7 accounts in the first place let alone 3 subbed. There are multiple servers I would find it hard to believe that someone would fill up all character slots on every server and need/want to make more. :confused:

  2. I updated to the early release, I am a subscriber, I cannot find how to get my "free"60. nor can I find the token in the cartel market. I start a new toon and all it says is that you can buy it in cartel market.:rak_02:


    Yeah I'm getting the same thing I was a subscriber before, during, and after the date specified and when I went to make my lvl 60 character it says that I can only make a lvl 1 and that I'd have to buy a token from the market to make additional lvl 60 characters

  3. Generally when evaluating who's out to lunch on a particular issue, I look at who appears to be more intellectually dishonest or clueless. This applies just about everywhere. When one side is misrepresenting the other's arguments, using bad argumentative tactics such as oversimplification, slippery-sloping, appeals to authority, and the like, it's usually a clue as to who's either on the wrong side of history or simply the wrong side of the argument.


    I'm finding the pro-AC-respec camp to be the more intellectually honest here. The amount of straw men being set up by the other side could consume the entire hay-producing capacity of the Midwestern United States.


    And you can say the exact same thing about the other side.

  4. read again .. BW already said that AC swapping is still being considered for future updates. They never once said that they would not be doing AC swaps ever. They said not at launch but LIKELY SHORTLY AFTER .... be prepaired ....


    ACs in this game are relitive anyway .... with the advent of Dual Specing ... AC swaping is just around the corner. Especially if they put a hard reset on it ... like you can only swap your AC out once a month and it costs 500k credits .... that would avoid the whole auto swaping in and out deal.


    besides with a community so adament about Add-ons so they can gear check, dps check, get warnings before a boss does his attacks, bot healing, and other WoWisms .... doesnt it just make sense that eventually they will put in AC changes. I wish people who where so against it would realize THAT ITS OPTIONAL SO YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IT IF YOU DONT WANT TO. But let people do it if they want ... the story is the same ... the playability is practically the same .. only thing that changes is the role. And Dual specing already makes role swapping possible so what is the difference?


    Sorry they have said in their last Q&A that the are not going to have class switching

  5. To contribute to a FORUM that is positive with an absolute makes you wrong, at the least you could provide something/anything to back up your statement.


    "This threads really need to just die and stop being made." This is not your call, AC swapping is however a community concern. BTW this is the Suggestion Box forums..


    Do you work for BW SWTOR? Even if you did it would not matter, MMO devs adapt to the community, progression, and longevity of a game.


    Just like dual specs, LFG tool, Xshard lfg FP & WZ's, premades, changes in comms and champ bags, changes in crafting, the list will continue over the years.


    Changing AC is optional for BW, optional because they could make it so if they wanted at anytime.


    Alright let me just say 1. There are already threads about this there don't need to be more. 2. BW has already stated they are not doing class change.

  6. As has been explained a few times already, this is asking to change your advanced class. I understand there's a myth percolating that the advanced class is somehow a class, but the facts just don't hold that up.


    Well then it's one 'myth' that is true. Bioware has stated no class changing this thread can be closed now. Thank you everyone you may now do something better with your lives.

  7. Not really true, more like from an enhancement shaman melee dps to an elemental shaman ranged dps or a resto shaman healing


    or even more a feral cat druid (energy based mDPS) feral Bear druid (Rage based Tank) balance druid (mana based rDPS) resto druid (mana based heals)


    None of these change the main class Druid, but totally change the play style and any one can be dual spec'd with any other


    Like what Inarai said it's more like specs the cat would be closest to the stealth assassin and the bear to tank assassin(but basically using the same resource) while the balance would be a dps speced Sorc and resto healer speced Sorc.


    Another example switching for an Sith Assassin to a Sith Sorcerer would be like changing from a Warrior(2 DPS and Tank) to a Priest(except with 2 DPS and Healing)

  8. The reason for no AC respec is nonsense. There already is a fundamental difference between a tank and dps or a dps and healer in terms of playstyle. Yet they are giving dual-spec a consideration.


    ACs share same class story (THAT CANNOT BE SKIPPED, unlike 80% of common quests), same companion, same starship and 80% of same common skills, same stats, same gear etc...


    So I don't see why they are two different classes.


    Yes but there is more of a difference between a ranged healer or ranged DPS and a melee Tank or melee DPS; some do not share the same gear and most don't share skills.


    Based upon what you said you would want to change from a rogue to a warrior or rogue to priest in a game like WoW.

  9. I am for a questline to switch from one AC to another within the same BC.


    The quest is repeatable once every 30 days...


    I would like a sage or commando healer... But I already leveled both a vanguard and a shadow... Why can't I retrain one? Doing the same story again is bleh. And rolling opposite faction defeats the purpose of having a healer to play with my friends...


    Its not really game breaking...


    Because they are different classes and people have already given reasons as to why it is game breaking.

  10. The main question is why? Why do you want to change your class? Most reasoning behind people with changing classes is 'Because I want to'.


    If you want to try a different play style do that just roll the other side if you want.


    If you don't like the play style of the class you choose re-roll it should only take you till about lvl 15 maybe 20 at the latest to figure out you don't like the playstyle if at lvl 50 you're complaining as I said before the problem is with you not the game.

  11. The only problem is.. If they give in on that and allow it.. We will be flooded with threads demanding more and why those limits and not others??


    I vote no to AC switching under any circumstances.. They can reroll and spend a little over 2 hours leveling a new chracter to 10 to try the other AC..


    Give them an inch and they will take a mile.. After all, this conversation of AC switching started in the Beta when they said they might add dual speccing.. The very next day AC threads started appearing..


    No.. Sorry.. No compromise here.. No AC switching.. Ever.. :cool:


    Eh I got to agree with this too I get the feeling that would happen but as I said I have to commend the other poster for trying to find something to make everyone happy.

  12. Agreed. I definitely don't put BW anywhere near the whole "Lazy" issue, I think they did great with what they had time wise. I personally would have loved to see them push the release back to this summer to be able to add a lot more stuff (i.e. 8 total different story lines), keep stuff in they took out for whatever reason, etc. I was in beta since March last year, I saw a lot of things I liked removed, maybe they will reappear later down the line, I don't know. Unfortunately for whatever reason they decided to push the release date forward, whether it was a BW's idea, or EA wanted it out the door before WoW and 4.3, I don't know. It's here-nor-there anymore, but I don't believe BW to be lazy.


    On another note, more on topic.


    After reading a few of the past bunch of posts, I'm thinking that maybe we Pro-AC-Switching people need to come to some agreement on what we are looking for in this option. I see to many people against the idea posting such things as "You'll be able to change your AC any time you want" and "Your guild will be able to force you to switch", etc. I'm wondering if this thread has been going on for soooo long that people have lost sight of what we originally wanted and made it out to be worse that it should be. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


    As I posted a few days ago, personally I'm not looking for the ability to switch every week or on a whim. I'm only looking for a chance to view the other side of the fence and decide if I like it better and if not then hop back over. This means, in my view of this option, the ability to switch twice anytime between when you pick your AC to say 40 (compromises can be made, this is just a number I pulled from the top of my head). The first time to test the waters of the other AC, the second to swap back if you end up not liking the other green field. If you swap and end up liking the new pasture, good for you, if not you have a fall back. After the second switch that's it, no more... recreate your character, you had your chance. As for "punishment" I don't see why it couldn't be a monetary transaction for each swap (NOT real cash please), though I don't know what the amount would be. I was able to respec my Trooper yesterday and it cost me nothing, this I do think should set you back a decent amount though.


    Anyone else Pro-AC-Switch want to help clarify, I think it'll help get our point across a little better instead of no one knowing what the other side really wants and what they are willing to compromise to get it. Making assumptions helps no one and gets us no where.


    Yay? Nay? Please shut up and never talk on these forums again; you don't know what you're talking about? :eek: Noooooooooooo!!! :D


    Thanks all.


    Now see you are being reasonable if there was a compromise this should be it you get to try both classes to see which one you want don't like switch back if you do stay no more than two though. A smart idea unlike the infinate class switching that some other people want.


    I have to commend you for seeing both sides fairly and trying to come up with an idea to please both.

  13. How about instead of fighting one another over being able to change advanced classes we blame Bioware for what this truly was: lazyness. Rather than craft 16 unique storylines for each "class," they basically said "Oh you know what, we really don't feel like coming up with 16 different stories, so let's just make four classes and have each one separate into two advanced classes to save on time and money at the expense of customer satisfaction."


    Personally, I don't support the ability to change your advanced class. However, having already experienced a class' storyline, I really don't want to go through the same story just to experience a new play style.


    Just to say if you want to try a new play style play the mirror of the class ex. Have a Sith Marauder then roll a Jedi Guardian and another thing for all we know Bioware could be planning of branching the story based on class in a future expansion.

  14. i dont see the problem. if you dont want to switch, then dont switch. for people who spent all that time levelling to endgame and dont like their class, then allow them a very expensive AC respec. it will not affect anyones game but the person respeccing, so no biggie! just allows for more people to be happy.


    A small example is my lvl 40 operative which has been sitting at 40 for ages. I didnt realise until the later levels how i disliked to play it and wish i had chose sniper. Was i willing to spend another month getting to where my op is now? nope. itll just sit there and rot.


    What took you so long to figure out if you liked the class. TBH if it took you that long there isn't anything wrong with the game the problem lies with you.

  15. Nah no reason for it to be a paid service, it's no bigger deal than resetting talent trees, in fact, they should make it so when you respec at the skill mentor you are basically rolled back to the ac selection panels and that's it.


    In fact, remove the skill mentor and use the "advanced trainers" close to the normal ones for respeccing, there's more of them around the world compared to the only 2 skill mentors at fleet/capital.


    Putting it as a paid service would be kinda ridiculous.. race changes, server transfers, faction changes or stuff like those are actually out of the ordinary and i can bear with an extra fee on them, but respeccing my character? No.


    You're right there should be a actual money fee to respec your character and thank god there isn't and it's already in the game you can go to skill mentors to change which tree of your class you want to go down.


    Happy to help give you the info but it would have been better to ask in the newcomer section.

  16. The thing is it's a lose-lose situation. If they focus on making content people will start whining that bugs aren't being fixed and if they focus on bugs people will whine that there is no new content. Right now they seem to be trying to focus on both evenly and I can deal with it.


    If you are looking for something to do try rolling an alt on the other side.

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