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Posts posted by PacketBurner

  1. I've seen a little of the RP guilds. I'm not really in one of those, and to be honest am in the "its too early to RP" as i'm still blundering around and trying to sort out living without macros for little sayings etc...


    I'd like to friends list some active RP'rs on Lord Calypho and count me in... in the near future when i've got a level 50 and figured out how to pass a huttball


    much love to all Lord Calypho RP'rs

  2. 19:05 GMT - Lord Calypho I am currently 352nd in the queue...


    I appear to be one fo the lucky ones... the bottom EU servers are upto 1h 40m! lol that must mean a 5 hour wait to get back to their leveled character.


    Big hugs to all the queuer's / queueees

  3. Although i apreciate the comment it does not actually go any way to explaining the queues nor does it bring into light any logic in why they exist


    If you did this to stagger launch fine, but is it not the case the servers should have been able to handle the load with a limited number of people people pushed onto the servers?


    surely you left some margin of server stability to allow future alterations to the server? If so why are they max'd out as they are?


    The single player integration of the story is making this much more difficult, try asking skyrim players to wait four hours to logon and play skyrim? I don't think so


    I personally haven't been too bad (only 1-2 hour queues on Lord Calypho but i think its very poor start to the game.


    Will you be giving us back any free time to apologise? or will you expect us to just accept your decisions that lead to queues in the first place?

  4. I am simply adding here to /sign


    but how is it that there are any queues at all? surely the early access period was either going to fill up a series of servers or you (bioware) would have filled up a percentage of the servers' capacity allowing space in the future.


    surely there is no reason to queue to get onto the server? can you please explain (bioware) why this is the case? i could understand if the early access system had not been done in waves but i find this all very strange


    Please note i am a KOTOR player and not an MMO player so maybe this kinda thing happens but how is this working well. on Monday its going to hell and back with the influx of people playing the live game?


    Well sure its all been said but hey had to raise the questions and hope for an offical response from someone high up the food chain here because this is silly (especially before you start taking subs!)


    Regards and best wishes lol (no hard feelings)

  5. Totally agree with the posts above about corrupting the companions, i assume they did this to make sure they don't need evil and nice versions of all the voice overs but that worries me for longer term... (has the fourth pillar been made a little too linear!!!)


    I hoped to turn her and make my fem SI snuggle up to her and have her eat padawans on illium but seems fem on fem relationships and corrupting the companions (ala KOTOR 2) are both on my wishlist (and off my "do asap when getting my early access code")

  6. I'm a bit sceptical that i will make it to an alt for an inquistor and would very much like to alter the specialisation to suit my current need, much like ArenaNet have implied you will be able to do in Guildwars 2 (not released yet so we'll see)


    having read this post on massively.com i doubt we'll be seeing that feature though... interview with Creative Director James Ohlen seems dumb struck by this question;


    Q: How about advanced class respecs?


    A: [Ten-second pause] Well, that's an interesting one. I would say, "I can't answer that one."


    It seems this is the time sink they need to keep people replaying the same content just to get a healer and a full lightening build working.... boooo!!


    :) roll on early access for us lazy December 5th pre-order'ers lol :(

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