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Posts posted by Trinos

  1. Hahahahahah, its started, just as i predicted, people using "free 500" as an excuse for everything being in CS from now on.


    I know right? its sad when people don't realise they are being ripped off if you let bioware do this they will just keep doing it until it takes like 1-3 months worth of saving just to get new content.

  2. Subs get a CC stipend so they will get Cathar basically for free. If subs have blown all their CC on other things they only need to wait a few months and they'll get Cathar with the stipend coins they've saved. If, however, subs have spent all their coins but want Cathar the day it's released then they can pay for it.


    It's called "budgeting".


    No I call it milking subscribers.

  3. Aactually on balmorra you can pick the dark choice and still take in the general and the rebels if you talk to darth lachris about it after the dark choice is made she says "you gave me something just as good".
  4. If more subs left then they currently have then they are not the minority, you are. Free cartel coins will eventually not be enough to get full access to the game. This is just the begining.


    I have to agree bioware is currently testing the waters to see how much they can get away with the fact that they are thinking about charging subs for cathar is bloody stupid.

  5. Sorry but Tormen can't be since BH can

    kill him


    I would not be suprised if Tormen is going to be alive since bioware has already canonized some of the events in the game. My personal opinion if you don't capture/kill the chancellor your a wish washy bounty hunter you don't turn off a contract if a target goes pwease don't kill/capture me.


    Plus this is from darth marr page from wookiepedia and it was recently updated with swtor encyclopedia information. Its wookiepedia so it could be taken with a grain of salt but as I said darth marr page was updated with the release of swtor encyclopedia. (I need that book since I want to check this part up if anyone has the encyclopedia can you please check this part I linked from wookiepedia to see if its true?)


    Around 3,641 BBY,[17] Darth Marr was presented with the body of Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus by Darth Tormen during a special session of the Council, as Tormen's bounty hunter had assassinated the Chancellor aboard his personal cruiser Founder during the Battle of Corellia. Marr was pleased with Tormen's work, and expressed an interest in hiring the bounty hunter if the need arose later on. Marr's support infuriated his fellow Dark Councilor Darth Decimus, whose Sphere of Military Strategy had planned the Imperial invasion of Corellia and who was personally overseeing the battle.

  6. If you're looking for a better story, the warrior holds a better ranking at that among the community, as seen here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=234722


    I agree with it, too.

    Yup as someone who was excited for SI before release and viewing the class trailer then playing the class itself I was so dissapointed the SI is nothing like darth sidious and funny thing is bioware adervtised the story as a darth sidious expirenece.


    When I played the sith warrior it was like the sith warrior stole parts that should of been in the SI story.

  7. They haven't said anything about adding more ranks, but they have said they're looking at possibly giving people the ability to manually choose which corruption level they wish to have of the five currently available


    I hope they do because the red eyes is bloody silly (its not canon either) it should of been yellow from dark side rank 1-5 with the red rim around them.

  8. Isn't that kinda where she is? For me she doesn't have to be psychotic like Jasea, but I'd settle for her wanting to over throw me, like a propper apprentice. Also wouldn't mind some kind of conflict between her and Xalek


    Yup even zash outright tells you when you call ashara your apprentice that she is not a sith. She has no thirst for power or conquest or any desire to overthrow me. I am personally hoping that ashara personality becomes like darth vader when we get the chance to corrupt her.


    Cause her reason for joining you is weak you put some work into manipulating her on taris and making her do a very dark action or you go darth malak torture on her like bastilia then later on she goes LAWL nope I am not dark side. Then she proceeds to join you when she can easily leave when she has been clearly manipulated its stupid imo.


    I look at the sith warrior story and it seems that the SW does the SI job better when it comes to manipulation the SI dark sider options comes down to just throwing lightning at people. While the sith warrior has dark side actions were you manipulate people cause force users to fall to the dark side etc. Hell the sith warrior can leave korriban at dark side rank 1 while the SI leaves with only a MAX of 500 DS points.

  9. Actually, it's the opposite way:



    The Grand Moff who abandons the Empire is Grand Moff Regus. He is a traditionalist and more importantly a racist/speciesist. But after Malgus' supposed death, the Empire changes its stance on aliens and gives them more rights. That's the reason why he goes against the Empire.


    So in fact Malgus did suceed. If I remember correctly, if you play Empire he says just before the fight:


    "Die, or defeat me. Either way, the Empire is reborn."




    I also think that he means one of the group, but is actually lying. Would be nice if you got the option to secretly swear loyalty to him, though ;)


    Honestly i think the empire was changing already malgus just gave it a bit of a push cause if you walk around the academy some of the trainers are saying that sith lords don't like some of the sith acolytes entitled attitude i think one of them was going to kill of a pureblood acolyte because the sith lord did not like his attitude.


    I mean we are pretty much at the point when the sith is more progressing to a religion.

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