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Posts posted by GreatGarth

  1. Match Making Balance

    If a gladiator was armed with the best gear and skill he would be faced /matched with someone comparable.

    Sometimes balance meant against 3 lions, or 4 chained men armed only with a knife. :cool:

  2. I would like an arcade mode tbh.

    I like pvp but I dont want to go on some wild goose chase for rare loot for days on end. Honestly, how many hours does it take to gear up to match someone in WZs.

  3. "Did you not know what you were getting into?"

    Obviously I didnt.

    I thought this was like Dota, but with more abilites, more options, more players, and more strategy; with a single player element.

    Gear grinders or people with tons of time should be on a separate server, at least make matchmaking fair.

  4. *Snip*

    At least have the decency to not play all these people for fools and call this thread what you really meant it to be - you trying to convince people the game is dead.

    I didnt get that at all. (At least from OP)

    I cant say for anybody else, but for me it is interesting to know the sub numbers for reasons such as: How much money will be put back in to the game, how fast updates will come out?

  5. I would say co-op "space game"



    ChazDoit read my mind.


    3D space flight would be awesome, but I dont think they can do that yet. Each planet would need much more detail/areas.


    Its possible that they could make Space combat pvp above Ilum only, which could effect areas on ilum.

  6. Because I'd also have to pay for any characters over 2, extra bag space, the ability to ride a speeder, the ability to participate in FPs, WZs, Ops. The ability to use legacy. Using the GTN, sprint at level 1, certain areas on planets, pressing the # 2 key on my keyboard, etc.


    Again, not thanks.


    OR you could continue subbing ...

  7. 6 months sub with 48 days left, didnt hit lvl 50-no xtra time. I am pretty miffed with BW on thier lack of action and my stupidity in thinking they would handle this better / buying 6 months. I'll resub, if some how they make it up to me and everyone else soonish. If not, I don't know if I'll get over wasting $165 on DX game + time.


    P.S. 1.3 doesnt look like much.

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