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Posts posted by Carnagefiend

  1. I usually send them to sell my junk from my inventory, that works too. Also, it helps to have this down to 5 seconds via the legacy perk.


    Oh! And mounting/dismounting as well.


    Right, but I'm saying that being able to just mount and dismount (taking all of 1.5 seconds) is really gimmicky. I'd rather be able to heal them faster and better, or somesuch.

  2. I'd like to put in a suggestion regarding the healing rate of companions. Is there any possible way to implement an ability that, as long as you're out of combat, you can instantly heal your companion?


    I only mention this because, as it stands, mounting up on a vehicle or dismissing then resummoning a companion instantly heals them. If you dismiss a dead companion, then call them back they're returned at full health as well.


    This feels more like a gimmick to me. I'd like to see it rectified in some form or fashion. In my mind, giving us a cast time burst heal out of combat would be a great quality of life improvement. I'd also like to see companions heal faster than the player whenever the player channels their class heal. That would also reduce use of the 'gimmick', in my mind.

  3. gotta be kidding me they new missions are still too easy and boring. Only one offers anything resembling a challenge. The only good thing about most of the new missions is that they are shorter than the old ones. What a waste of resources by bioware. Got my codex achievements and not touching space again until they actually put in something worth trying. 3d roam space or ****.


    You're missing the point.


    Whether or not the missions are TOO HARD or TOO EASY doesn't matter. All things considering, they're much better than they were and require an investment in concentration (however much that is for each person). Cruisers and frigate damage is more appropriate, and fighters don't fly in front of you as if asking for a quick death.


    Holding down the blasters button will not cut it anymore. And that, to me, is significantly important. Whether they're too easy or not is another topic.

  4. I figured I'd put my two cents in, and I could only put it this way: The new missions are glorious.


    To me, the difficulty is only a part of the experience. If SWTOR was going to put the entire space fight on rails, this is how it was supposed to be done.


    When you do a sweep by a massive frigate, your shields are hammered. It is easy to forget you're driving one of the most advanced FIGHTERS in your respective fleets. In the past it was easy to get comfortable in your small fortress, razing away cruisers without a care in the world. In reality, you're still piloting a small vessel that requires a minimal crew verses large ships that require dozens to just get it moving. I'm sure it takes a "small" group of a hundred or more to operate the armaments on some of the largest vessels.


    Now it feels more appropriate. Shuttles and ships are far less likely to park themselves right in front of you for a free kill. Such fighters are now more often caught trying to strafe YOU, or swinging around to get a better shot. This means you're taking down less fighters and spending more time taking on the massive cruisers and frigates that are hammering your shields.


    Blasting everything in sight is not enough. Your ship spends more time trying to find cover and exacting evasive maneuvers, taking you through tight spaces and around massive asteroids. Larger vehicles move around in a similar manner, forcing you to stay on target whilst avoiding environmental hazards. In some cases, a tactical approach is more necessary, and holding down the first mouse button is an early trip to the RETRY prompt.


    Taking down the target is often so difficult that attacking other targets become unnecessary. Finally, I say. FINALLY. There's tons of new recruits on multiple planets to shoot down feckin' fighters. Now they call upon the BEST of the BEST to tackle massive targets. Ones that would shred other, lesser pilots. When you walk away, your ship is often smoking, but you leave crippled fleets in your wake.


    You have to fight tooth and nail often, meaning each mission is now a valiant struggle against the opposition. In other words, getting to that mission success is finally -glorious-. For a rails shooter, space is finally appropriate in difficulty.


    Bring on more I say.

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