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Posts posted by TheRealFival

  1. I am in the same boat. I hear no sound on emotes. my friends all seem to but i do not. I have completely deleted the game and reinstalled twice and still no sound for emotes. I sent an ingame message to bio and got some response from a "droid" thanking me for the info and nothing else.
  2. According to the latest old republic novel Revan. The great hero might not be dead. and the jedi knight follower lord scourge is a complete douche bag. but anyways, it may be unwearable because of that reason or it could also be because he is supposed to be a challenge for the all powerful emperor himself so if they make it a level 50 mask and then two or three expansions from now when 50 isn't close to the cap anymore then it's not that amazing anymore. I think if they were going to make it a wearable piece that it should be a extremely rare legendary item that is bind to account and it increases with the level of the toon that way it always stays up to par with new items and it stays rare enough that people still want what is almost impossible to have.
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