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Posts posted by Covalent

  1. Even without intergrity it seems like a waste of time, nobody is swayed by straw polls. BioWare more likely saw how many people ended their subscriptions and saw how huge the outrage was here on the forums, or could see in their metrics how much more characters died or the drop in how much people did in the game. So, really, anybody who thinks that manipulating a poll on the internet is worth the time, is just an idiot.


    This I can agree with. Bioware more than likely realized that it is smart to meet people half way. Most players like me who don't have problems with the current companions, won't really care if there is a buff either. But believe it or not people do go to extremes to push their agenda, whether it is smart or not. Also this wouldn't be a huge bother for someone who has the setup for it. Voting 5 times was very easy and convenient even with a crude method. If I was really dedicated I'd make it hundreds.

  2. I've been to the instances with tons of corpse stacking though? :confused:


    EDIT - Oh look, the guy above me doesn't have it either.


    I bet we're both liars. =P


    No, something far more unfortunate. I mean you are talking about client side lag when everyone else is talking about server side lag. There really is no point to this discussion. Hope your ego can handle it when you realize you are wrong.

  3. If the issue was an overload on the server, everyone would experience it.

    Everyone does not experience it.

    Therefore, it is the computer, not the server.


    It is and everyone is experiencing it. It just only affects planets where corpses stack, so you won't get lag on instances for example. It's unfortunate that people make snarky comments when they really have no idea what they are talking about.

  4. I like the combat well enough. It's less responsive than WoW for example, but the fact that you fight multiple enemies at once instead of just one is a huge boon. I also like the fact that SWTOR still has a nice amount of abilities instead of the 5 to 8 that you get in most newer MMOs. So yeah, it's not amazing but it's definitely not bad either.
  5. I'm so happy with the changes I just celebrated by voting 5 times for it, and it only took me a minute to do, and I don't even have any special setup for it. These things are extremely easy to spoof in addition to having a horrendous sampling method. Strawpoll is for fun, it is absolutely not reliable for anything serious.


    Now I'm not saying that the majority didn't like the OP companions, they very well might have, but this is not the way to find out.

  6. I don't mind that companions are stronger than before but they went completely overboard with the buff. The game is so easy now that it's not even faceroll... you need not bother to use your face. I don't feel like much of a hero when the AI is doing everything for me.


    We should at least have to push some buttons... even if the order we push them in doesn't matter.

  7. Yeah I think the price should be re-evaluated. Gold sinks are good, necessary even, but this is not a good place to put one. Fresh 50's need the set to enjoy PvP, yet they are often the ones with the most trouble when it comes to credits. It's just not a good idea to remove money from where it is most needed instead of removing it from where there is a surplus of it.


    So what happens is that a lot players don't buy the set and go into WZ's ungeared. After that they either ragequit or stick with it and cause losses for everyone. It's just not a good thing from anyone's perspective.

  8. I'm of the opinion that in PvP all gear should be normalized. PvP should be about skill, not gear. So this would be a step towards that. However BW will never do it until there is yet another new tier of gear available. Gear grinds keep subscribers.
  9. You know what's funny?


    People already complain about premades while there are only half premades to begin with, you can only queue with 4 people, you know?


    Most so called premades don't even use Vent/TS, they are just a bunsh of more or less skilled players who group up.


    While i agree, that if the possibility is there to match a half-premade against another half-premade it should be done, i will in no way agree that there should be seperate WZ for solo and groups.

    You ask why?

    1. Premades should be rewarded for grouping up it's a major point of MMOS, to socialise.

    2. Premades shouldn't wait longer in queue just because there is currentely no other premade to be matched with.


    People claim that 90% of the time they play against premades, so from the logic they most likely have a premade on their team too. So in fact they do not complain about premades but about losing. This is what Waldorf education has led to, people can't accept they are bad/worse at something because they were always told how worthful they are despite what they did but life doesn't work that way, you either win or you fail. If you fail at something, go on and look for a different thing you maybe good at.

    I for example am terribad in FPS but i do not get to their Forums and ask for patches and tools to be on par with good FPS players.


    Ask yourself the question: If i always lose even if there is a premade grouped with me, what am i doing wrong?


    Every match should be a challenge for both sides because win or lose those matches are the most fun. The reward for forming a premade should be that you get to play with your friends, not that you get easy wins. And yes, a premade should be made to wait if no other premades are available. Shorter queues should never be a reason to lower quality. Granted this will probably require cross-server to work properly.


    I agree with you that the percentages people come up with just don't add up, and that self reflection is good. However let's not exaggerate the effect a single player has on his win ratio. One player is just 12.5% of a team. It would take a lot of games to get statistical data on how that 12.5% is performing and even then faction imbalances (be it skill, gear or population) can easily skew the data.


    Also please people stop trying to educate PuGs, it absolutely does not work. Your average PuG is bad and it will always be bad. You can lecture teamwork, gear etc. all you want but the PuGs will still always be bad. Even after 7 years of doing the same old battlegrounds PuGs in WoW are still terrible at them. And that game has far more educational resources available to them than ToR has. So if it was something that could be sorted with people getting better it would have happened by now.

  10. Some really strange pretend elitist notions from people here. Someone who is really good at the game would prefer the challenge of only going against other premades. You don't see little league football players going against professional teams because it's not fun or productive for anyone. Pitting sides of similar level against one another is important in any competition. It's why there are weight classes and leagues and all that...


    Also the idea of "rewards" is faulty on its own. Commendations are not rewards they are an MMO currency for progression. And the reason there is progression is because people tend to subscribe longer with it than without it. Skill is a separate factor from progression and anyone who feels truly skilled should not fear the progression of those lesser skilled.


    As for forming premades as a solution. Well, it's not feasible for all of us and for some of us it's not even preferable. For example I personally don't even like to be on vent all the time. Partly because in EU we have language barriers and Finnish guilds are few and very small. So I'm forced to speak english, which while fairly good is still exhausting to speak for long periods of time.


    So I fully support the OP on this one but fear it won't be possible until cross server queuing is implemented.

  11. A player who brings a team to victory gets paid more than a player who doesn't.




    Rather meaningless because as you well know no single player can alone bring victory to a team and no single player can make a team work as a team if they are not willing to. You cannot make a PuG function like a premade no matter how great you think you are at the game.

  12. The problem here is caused by two separate factors affecting each other. Firstly you get significantly less if you lose and secondly the matchmaking system is often incredibly unfair. The first one would not be an issue on its own but combined with the second one it results in some players receiving very little for their efforts.


    If there were no premade vs. pug and the system only pitted equally geared and skilled sides against each other we could reasonably have a large difference between winning and losing. It would even out to an average gain for everyone as you would mostly always have a 50% win rate.


    However this is not the case at all right now. So the result is that some players based on their premade activity, gear or faction gain a lot while others gain very little. And other than always playing in a premade (not possible for everyone) there is very little you can do to change it.


    Simply put the PvP system was not ready for this change.

  13. Long story short, I don't care, nor does BW care that you queue solo and want to be rewarded for your efforts in losing (even though they are rewarding you, you just don't seem to think it's enough).


    I for one LOVE the new system and I feel great when our premade stomps either a pug team OR another premade. The new system reward for a team playing as a team and winning a fast as possible is great.


    Reason for feeling great vs pug: I know I just beat someone just like you who will run to the forum and complain that their 15 dollars is more valuable that the next and you need your cake and to eat it too.


    Reason for feeling great vs premade: EPEEN


    Elitism, I'm happy it's working for you. I'm also happy you write on the forums about your elitism. It only serves to paint the problem that is so obviously there. Because you are a minority, the elitist hardcore crowd always is.


    The majority is casual, they don't run in well coordinated premades with vent on. They solo queue a few games for fun and progression. And when you take their progression away and give it to the hardcore crowd, the cap between the two only gets wider and the frustration of the majority gets bigger and bigger. Eventually the casuals will stop PvP altogether and then later on the whole game since there is no more PvP in it. People leaving always causes more people to leave. And then in a surprisingly short period of time the game goes through an agonizing death until only the most dedicated players are left.


    If you think this cannot happen then you need to look at almost any subscribtion MMO that is not called World of Warcraft. A game absolutely cannot ignore the casual crowd and hope to survive.

  14. I don't understand why winning should be important in a system where random individuals form a team with no structure behind it at all. In that environment a single player can affect the outcome of the match only so much no matter how skilled a player he is. And remember that this is a system built by BW and therefore you cannot reasonably expect people to not use it or to not expect rewards for doing so. So in other words the solution cannot be to only play with premades.


    What they need to do is reward the effort of trying to win. That is something we can all accomplish as individuals no matter the team that surrounds us.

  15. I unsubbed today because of the PvP issues and made it very clear in my message. I am perfectly willing to resub if the issues get fixed and in fact cannot wait for that day to be a reality.


    But this utter and incomprehensible failure has shown that they just might not be good enough to fix it. So incredibly many obvious mistakes were pushed live that it takes a lot of faith to hold hope that the crew responsible for them is capable of repairing what is left.


    It's time to step out of the burning house and enjoy the flames from afar while hoping the firemen at the scene get replaced with ones that know how to work the hose.


    EDIT: But to be fair I have to give a nod to the UI team. Those guys really did a good job.

  16. I don't even understand why they are trying to push winning as the most important thing when clearly a single player can do only so much to accomplish that goal. It should be about rewarding effort and not result. Effort we can all affect even if we are alone but result we often cannot change no matter how skilled we are.


    To make it even worse gear progression causes this to reduce rewards for those that need it the most. Ones who are not yet geared and therefore are limited in their ability change outcomes.


    The only words that sufficiently describe this change are ones that mean extreme stupidity. Please BW be quick about admitting it and fixing it or it will in all likelihood cost you many subscribers.

  17. This was just the most asinine solution to the AFK and not playing to win problem they could have ever come up with. Instead of increasing the reward for the winning side they reduced the losing sides reward to nothing or next to nothing.


    Your individual skill or contribution has very little effect on your win ratio because obviously you are just a small part of your whole team. So what ends up happening is that everyone who solo queues just had their WZ average rewards massively nerfed. Additionally on servers where one side dominates the other the losing side got their rewards almost completely removed. And as a single player there is nothing you can do about it aside from forming a premade.


    I just cannot wrap my brain around how on earth something like this ever went live... It is so clearly an awful system for a very large part of the player base that anyone with half a brain should have been able to spot it.

  18. I have just unsubbed because of this. I'm not usually one to talk about it when I do but in this case they have so clearly broken a key part of the game that it cannot be tolerated. Right now it is all about leaving WZs and looking for the winning ones... Please vote with your wallets, it's the one thing no company can ignore.


    A real shame that a day that was supposed to fix the game ended up destroying it :rod_frown_p:

  19. Just curious: How else would you call it when somebody takes your money for things they promise but don't deliver?


    That is not what happened here. BW releases patch notes that are always subject to change at any time and they make that very clear. So there were no promises and therefore none were broken.


    Also there is no way that they informed players late with the motivation to "trick" them. From a business point of view the bad press that it causes is far worse than the very short term surge of subscriber money it generates. No, obviously they wanted to release it so bad that it took them a while to realize that they couldn't. It's not a perfect situation but it is very much human and in no way a scam.

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