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Posts posted by Tychus

  1. With all due respect,

    As i practically already pointed out: I did'nt expect it to be THAT rare,

    but since it is, then yeah, i guess 10 to 20 million is a fair price.


    If you want to get something of almost the same quality you can get a *blue luxurious rug* from a *Universal Fabricator Droid* I know it's not the red one you want but it has the same pattern on it and you can get it far cheaper than the red one.


    Sorry to say this but anyone who uses *real money* to buy stuff from the cartel market has more than the right to sell their items on the GTN for what ever price they want, if someone has a rare "niche" item on the GTN more then expect high prices for said item/s.

  2. Recently I did a random FP with 2 guild members and a random person. The person kept running off and agroing enemies. So we decided to vote kick he decided to call us all idiots. I tried plunging him. Telling him we were the ones trying to be in a group and do the bonus. He replays with that he has doing the FP a thousand times and we need to "quit being a f*****g fg (which means ****t) and play the game. I have photo evidence of this. He then blocks me before I could reply. Later he unblocked me. Tells me he did a FP with people who knew what they were doing and we need to "stop being f**ing ****t the photo I took was on my iPhone and it's to grainy to make out unfortunately. He then blocked me again before I could reply. I wish to report him for harassment. But I have to be close to do if. Is there another way? And if anyone knows how I could submit the photo let me know (please disregard the star. Star Wars The Old Republic censors won't let me post the original)


    Your title is misleading, the person maybe more reportable for slight harassment then being a bully, also

    clearly the person in question is a teen of some kind since the knee jerk reaction he had when kicked, just have to remember some people will whine at you for kicking them for your flash point group and try and get some kind of reaction back from you,

    I assume you were trying to tell this person the way you and your guild mates wanted to run the Flash point and giving them a chance to change what they were doing before kicking them?


    Also I would highly suggest not posting any kind of picture of said persons name, as you your self could get banned for naming and shaming,

    If do want to take a screen shot in game or any PC game use *print scr* button on the key board and then open up MS paint or similar program then just past option you then have a clear screen shot picture of whatever. :D

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong here. But isn't darth bane canon and furthermore from the old republic timeline?


    Bane is canon as he somewhat popped up as a force ghost before Yoda in the CGI clone wars series which is star wars canon, they did in fact have a scene made up in the same CGI clone wars series where both Bane and Revan would appear as force ghosts but ended up as deleted scene from the Clone Wars, so it almost happened.


    Also they seem to be making a good few things from the EU and making it canon in star wars rebels.

  4. I'm trying to make a new character and figured since spaces are allowed I could make something decent yet even stuff like Rayne + randomlastname is coming across as invalid. I'm not aware of any Rayne in star wars and have tried changing the last name multiple times so I can only assume that Rayne is what's getting flagged.]


    Is there a list anywhere of what is considered invalid it would be helpful.



    It's fairly likely that it is trying to say someone else has grabbed the name before you have, unless its out right flat saying not valid name, either look for another name or use letters with accents to try get the name you want.


    In fact the name filter in this game is someone lacking since I have seen more then enough people who have named their characters with star wars names and titles such as lord, Drath , master ect, I have even seen people use letters with accents i,e ( à, è, ì, ò, ù, À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù) so they could be another Revan or Vader or Boba fett, which star wars names and in game npc names are all reportable if you see someone using them.


  5. Make mods which is one if not the best way to make credits in game, depending on the grade and level of mods can earn big cash, seen some high level mods go for a mill or more.


    Aye I have seen how much some of those decorations go for it's madness. :p

  6. I was just doing "A New Order" quest on Ilum when I realized how adorable the mini holo Malgus is. Ideally, he would ignite his mini saber during combat and yell out quotes from ingame, but in a really high pitched voice. He would never actually enter combat and fight, but he would totally scare off any of your rivals assuming none of them are over 3 ft.



    Picture of the adorable little guy next to an averaged size adult.



    Silly response - This is not Warcraft in space you know. .


    Serious response - nope never going to happen, Bio/EA do not do gimmicks like that in Swtor for pets unlike wow dose.


    *cough* but then again they might plug a HK-55 pet >_>


    Closest you will get is the Malgus statue that you get in the collectors edition, but he doesn't do much at all.

  7. So I've been playing this game since launch off and on. I've been subscribed most of the time, and because of the decrease in population I've been moved to a new server twice since launch. Unluckily I suppose I'm now on Bastion, another dead server. I expect that it will be merged with the more popular Harbinger server. I would transfer but someone took my main characters name and they don't even play on that character (I've made repeated attempts to contact them). I would hate to lose the name of my main character that I've had for five years, but it also sucks being on an empty server. How does Bioware decide who gets to keep their charname? Is it based on /played or is it whoever had the name on the server that gets to stay? I ofcourse expect some of my 26 alts to have to name change, but I'd be pretty disappointed if my main did. I don't expect Bioware to answer, but does anyone else have any insight? Me and my girlfriend won't transfer to the more populated server in the hopes that there will eventually be a merge and we will get to keep our char names since we have more /played time on them. What will our fate be? :(


    Contacting the player for the name you want is fair enough and good luck with that, but who's to say that person dose not also equal attachment to the name you want, and even if they are not currently playing does not mean they don't play on said character when you are not online.


    I also have had the woe of having to rename a good chunk of my characters when Bio did their first server merge but I feel for you not having to go through it once but twice, guess I was lucky but it is now the main English speaking pve server in the EU.


    Bioware is unlikely to do anything to said player so you can have their name on said server, even with a name purge as "AllisonLightning" said which is called *Character Name Renewals* and it only affected "free to play" people and "Preferred Status players" below level 30, anyone level 30 and above are safe from Character Name Renewals, and for people who pay a monthly subscribe will not be affected as stated here http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/5304 *edit or it did until they changed the support set up*.



    I will just quote Mr EricMusco from 2013

    which was posted - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6921211


    Hey Liron!


    I wanted to clear up how the Name Renewal will work to alleviate any concerns that you have. You are obviously a subscriber right now, this means that even if you unsubscribe today, you will be completely unaffected. The reason is that you would then become a preferred status player. Preferred players are completely unaffected as long as they logged in to those specific characters within the last 90 days. Being how the name renewal is next week, that is far less than 90 days :)


    Here are the exact rules for Character Name Renewal:


    If you are a Free-to-Play player:

    • If your character is below level 10, and you have not played that character in the last 60 days, your character will be flagged for rename.
    • If your character is below level 30, and you have not played that character in the last 120 days, your character will be flagged for rename.
    • Characters level 30 and above will be unaffected.

    If you are a Preferred Status player:

    • If your character is below level 10, and you have not played that character in the last 90 days, your character will be flagged for rename
    • If your character is below level 30, and you have not played that character in the last 180 days, your character will be flagged for rename.
    • Characters level 30 and above will be unaffected.

    If you are or become a Subscriber:

    • You will be unaffected by this

    As of right now this is a one time name renewal, so if you are unaffected on the 12th then you will not have to follow these rules unless we do a renewal again at a later date. Of course if we do that we will notify players of it so they can save their names.


    TLDR - Nope, you are completely unaffected by this (except that some names might open up that you want!)

  8. They did this with Battlefront.

    They said you'd get Han Solo's blaster with the deluxe edition, and later in the game when you're high enough level you can buy it for credits anyway.


    Sorry to say matey that was a different game with different circumstances,


    Star wars Battlefront: EA never hid the fact that you could unlock Han solos gun in game or any of the other bonus stuff later in the game that you could get with the deluxe edition all you where mainly paying for was the season pass that came with buying the deluxe edition, heck EA advised that you could get some stuff early if you pre-ordered deluxe edition the over other version , EA never said anything about them items being "exclusive" not even once also not even a timed "exclusive" the only things that where maybe "exclusive" was the PS4 Darth Vader console and an maybe the art book?.


    But unlike Star wars Battlefront, Swtor has exclusive items if you bought the CE, even though us CE owners are likely a dwindling part of the Swtor population some of us still care about that we keep our few exclusive items and stay that way, to be honest I am happy that Bio has kept their end up by keeping them exclusive all this time it kind of shows a kind of loyalty to all those fans who bought the CE.

  9. Well, character naming rules have changed, now you can use spaces like, for example, Han Solo. Ok, that's good because it allows countless new possibilities. But shouldn't subscribers get at least a couple of rename tokens? It is not fair that new players can create the exact names they want while we (who have played this game for a long time) are stuck with names a bit different than those we wanted or with the ugly additions of ' or - only because it wasn't possible back then.


    Cmon BW, be nice to your subs. Charging 750cc instead of 1000cc is ridiculous if that was your way to make things easier for us.


    It's so disappointing. Specially with the launch of a great new KOTFE chapter. :(


    OP part of your title is a bit of a misnomer, it's more like "new edition to naming" if anything as no new rule to naming that has been changed, if some one used the example you have given "Han Solo" you could be easily be reported for using a iconic star wars it's in the "rules of conduct".




    As others have said subs do get one free name change, but it would have been nice if Bio did give an extra one out after the updated to all the subs.

  10. I also have this armour set for my Jugg, and the only head item that seems to work fairly wall is the "Ravanger's Rebreather" mask, plus I am also using the "temple guardian wrist guard" which also seems to work well with the set.
  11. Basically wanted to know if I change my characters name, am I removed from the friends list of those people who at the moment have me added to their friends list?




    Your new name will appear on their friends list, but you may have to remind them.

  12. The only reason why I don't see them doing a name purge this year is Bioware is maybe seeing if old players will get the itch to come back to play KOTFE or come back to the game when Episode VII releases. This is a pretty big year for Star Wars and I think lots of people might return to SWTOR and want to keep their original names.


    If Bioware doesn't do a name purge this year, I'd be happy to wait next year when the waters have settled but if they get around to doing it this year would be much appreciated.


    OP it was called *Character Name Renewals* and it only affected "free to play" people and "Preferred Status players" below level 30, anyone level 30 and above level 30 are safe from Character Name Renewals, and for people who pay a monthly subscribe will not be affected as stated here http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/5304


    So in other words if Bioware did another Character Name Renewals it 's more then likely that it will "only" affected the same group of people again, so if someone is a subscriber and they have the name you want, just means there is a fat chance that you will never get that name you wanted, unless the person renamed their character or deletes the character.

  13. I know there is not an option, i want one just like there is a /ignore for chat i want a /ignore for sellers on GTN


    I dont make 1 buy a day i do multiple buys a day hundreds so this option would be very usefull in filtering the scammers from the real sellers


    Im not asking bioware to do anything they havent done anyway with /ignore for people that annoy you and this price fisxing is annoyng and getting out of hand a /ignore for sellers is nothing different


    Also easy to implement anyway being a systems engineer myself, just insert in the query that if that toon is in your ignore list than dont show his selling stuff on the gtn for me, thats simple as it can be


    The reason Bioware won't do that is because it will be open to abuse, if one got enough people on a server to ignore one singler person or group of people, how would it be fair on them not being able to sell stuff on the GTN? like everyone else, it be black balling them.


    Sorry to say ,just deal with it and move on, heck even I have pressed on the wrong thing one or two times in the past but do I come on the forums QQing about it no, because I know it was my own fault for not looking at the stuff.

  14. To bad the naming policy really isn't enforced at all.


    If Swtor had the same GM support as WOW then it would be enforced, but because we don't, the system we have is to let the players police that sort of thing by reporting those people who break the naming rules.


    Also it would have been better if we could choose a first name and last name from the get go, then more players would have names they want.

  15. any new player has that problem when they start up a new game that has been around for a year or more! its not that big of a deal and it helps you be more creative. i have never had that problem with choosing a name for a toon. this is coming from a guy that had a goblin sorcerer named Yoduh, a goblin deathknight named Darthyoda and a panda named genmasaotome B^P you just have to be creative ... some times you get lucky with not so creative names like the examples of my wow characters. there really isnt a need for a name purge and free to play people dont need any more restrictions, they have enough as it is, they shouldn't be punished just because they didn't log onto a toon in over a week or even a month. if a name isnt available to you then try and be more creative! give your toon a last name or try putting a Mr., Mrs., Miss., or Master, or Darth at the beginning.


    and this ^


    Just to highlight the last thing you said, by using an in game title as part of name creation it is reportable and breaks the naming policy of the game Which also dose not matter what server type you are on.


    this -

    Naming Policy


    When creating a character or guild name for Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the theme of the game. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both player or character names, as well as guild names.


    You may not use any names that violate the General Rules. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racist, ethnically offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.


    You may not use names that are harassing or defamatory to other players or employees of EA, BioWare or LucasArts, e.g. EASUX, Timsretarded, and Biowaresux.


    You may not use names of any EA, BioWare, or LucasArts employee or service related to Star Wars: The Old Republic.


    You may not use names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products, e.g. Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper.


    You may not use names from popular culture or media, e.g. Lady Gaga or George Lucas.


    You may not use names that are religiously or historically significant, e.g. Jesus, Winston Churchill.


    You may not use proper names of areas within Star Wars for character names. Guild names, however, MAY use the proper names of specific areas to help promote role-playing and realm pride, e.g. Defenders of Tython or Protectors of Hutta.


    You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker.


    You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them, e.g. General Supertrooper, Captain Tim, Darth Timmy, Knight Wakey.


    You may not use names that refer to drugs or that are drug related.


    You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.


    You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules, e.g. Hamsolo, Yooda, DorthVader.


    You may not use gibberish names when creating character, e.g. ajsdu, rifndsw, qweszs.


    If you violate any part of the above Naming Policy you will either be assigned a new name, or given the option of changing the name. In addition to this, your account could incur a penalty up to and including account closure.

  16. Eric/BW,


    With 3.0 just over a month away, is there any plan to do a name purge as the last one was quite some time ago and it seems unfair that there are players sitting on names that are no longer possibly playing this game.


    Case in point: There is a player who has the name <Censored> which forced me to make mine with special characters when I was forced to move due to APAC shutting down. Despite my legacy being max and my play hours far FAR exceeding his (This particular toon of mine is lvl 55 and has been for a very long time now while his toon is just lvl 26 who has not levelled up since I began monitoring the name 18 months ago), Bioware felt fit to let this guy keep the name. OK, I have to deal with that. However 18 months on, this guy has not levelled up the toon, it still sits on the Defender and I am starting to think (Read hope!! :p) that this player has moved on.


    No doubt plenty of people have left the game since the last name purge so any chance we can get a fresh name purge before 3.0 hits?



    I have felt the pain of losing character names from the whole server merging rubbish, but I moved on and come up with new cooler sounding names, which are mainly Japanese inspired names that you can mess around with until you get something that you like, you just have to use you're imagination. :D


    Btw if that person is still actively playing that character i,e logging onto it then it's perfectly fine for them to keep the name for that character, the name renewal policy only works on characters that are below level 30 which are not being actively played and are not subs.



    Read the name renewal policy below -


    If you are a Free-to-Play player:

    •If your character is below level 10, and you have not played that character in the last 60 days, your character will be flagged for rename.


    •If your character is below level 30, and you have not played that character in the last 120 days, your character will be flagged for rename.


    Characters level 30 and above will be unaffected.


    If you are a Preferred Status player:

    •If your character is below level 10, and you have not played that character in the last 90 days, your character will be flagged for rename


    •If your character is below level 30, and you have not played that character in the last 180 days, your character will be flagged for rename.


    Characters level 30 and above will be unaffected.


    If you are or become a Subscriber:

    •You will be unaffected by this Character Name Renewal program.

  17. As the title suggests swtor needs a better name filer that will pick up when someone is trying to use a "star wars" name or "in game title" or even a "in game character name", too many people are getting away with using alternative spellings of names be using letters from other languages just so they can get an" in game character name" like "Revan or Malgus" or even have "Lord" as part of their name.


    There should even be a way to report names in the chat box, as it can take some time just to change the language settings so you can report for one person.


    From the rules of conduct -


    Naming Policy


    When creating a character or guild name for Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the theme of the game. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both player or character names, as well as guild names.


    You may not use any names that violate the General Rules. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racist, ethnically offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.


    You may not use names that are harassing or defamatory to other players or employees of EA, BioWare or LucasArts, e.g. EASUX, Timsretarded, and Biowaresux.


    You may not use names of any EA, BioWare, or LucasArts employee or service related to Star Wars: The Old Republic.


    You may not use names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products, e.g. Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper.


    You may not use names from popular culture or media, e.g. Lady Gaga or George Lucas.


    You may not use names that are religiously or historically significant, e.g. Jesus, Winston Churchill.


    You may not use proper names of areas within Star Wars for character names. Guild names, however, MAY use the proper names of specific areas to help promote role-playing and realm pride, e.g. Defenders of Tython or Protectors of Hutta.


    You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker.


    You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them, e.g. General Supertrooper, Captain Tim, Darth Timmy, Knight Wakey.


    You may not use names that refer to drugs or that are drug related.


    You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.


    You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules, e.g. Hamsolo, Yooda, DorthVader.


    You may not use gibberish names when creating character, e.g. ajsdu, rifndsw, qweszs.


    If you violate any part of the above Naming Policy you will either be assigned a new name, or given the option of changing the name. In addition to this, your account could incur a penalty up to and including account closure.

  18. Hey all, iwas looking at my email today and saw I am still getting cartel coins . So I login to my account and noticed I'm still a sub,even though I cancelled my subscription


    But the crazy part I haven't been billed (probably because my old debit card has been cancelled).i just want to let you guys know what happening and want you guys to turned off the so I won't get in trouble for fraud.


    I only know one thing that can give you cartel coins when you have stopped subbing is the "authenticator key fob" which will gives you 100cc each month.


    If that is not the case then it's something to do with Bioware side of things, and you should have done this in you're account help billing area not post it on the forums, because the forum mods can't help you apart from point you to the account help line area.

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