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Posts posted by PrivatePSYcho

  1. Hi all,


    Myself, and a few friends, have been running an pug group every Thursday for the last month or two;

    initially for the intention of gearing our (numerous) alts, and having a few laughs in the process.

    Over time, we've had a number of 'regulars' join us on our escapades, and conversely, a proportionate amount of scrubs.

    At this point, I would like to make our pseudo-pug group into something more real - in an effort to eliminate the irregularly of the group, and to possibly hit up some HM content.


    I'm putting the call out to:

    • Good players, who know their class/classes
    • People that have experience with one class/role, but want to experiment with other classes/roles
    • Good people, who can take/talk $hi7 and have a laugh
    • People that want to raid on an 'off day'


    If you reckon you fit that criteria, and are interested in SM (possibly moving to HM) ops on Thursdays at 8 PM AEST,

    yell out (whisper / mail) to one of the following people, and we'll see what kind of group we can wrangle on a regular basis:

    • Rah's
    • Horrorendius
    • Bar'da
    • Axaan
    • Cuddlepuff
    • Thumb
    • Sketti
    • Sketti'juggdeep

  2. From that point you use your own judgement to fill and moderate your heat with Supercharged Gas and Thermal Sensor Override until you can overheat with heavy fill and Vent Heat again.


    Haha that's a tough call! I can't seem to correctly time Supercharged Gas / TSO / Vent Heat.

    I find that if I trigger SCG incorrectly, heat will blow over and will force me to use TSO,

    likewise with a badly timed TSO --> Vent.

    And with both 'main' heat reduction abilities on cooldown, you're forced to Rapid Shot for every filler :-(


    I'm sure there has to be an upper limit on heat, as to the correct times to be using each ability eg.

    Heat < 20 = SCG

    Rapid Shots + TSO + UL <30-40

    Vent < 60


    I'll have to play around and work it out exactly.


    Once again though, thanks heaps for the indepth reply, absolutely brilliant!

  3. Scorch -> IM -> Flamethrower -> Flaming Fist -> Rail Shot -> Flame Burst -> Rapid Shots -> Immolate -> Flame Burst ->

    Flaming Fist -> IM -> Flamethrower -> Rapid Shots -> Rail Shot -> Flaming Fist -> Flame Burst -> Immolate -> Flame Burst ->


    Though why you're asking about PT specs on the merc/mando forums is beyond me :p


    haha! ********! :-)


    IO then?

  4. Was just wondering the numbers you would expect to be pulling on NiM Raptus?

    Having real issues with my numbers on this fight - I've gotten used to range pulling in front for 70% of encounters,

    but this circumstance; it feels like a real issue.


    Spec: Vengeance

    Gear: mix 180/186


  5. Thanks for your input guys!


    I've found that when I subbed in a 186 off-piece crit mod, I actually lost about 100 DPS on average!

    How much higher crit percentage do you guys have over a 1 million dummy?


    Also, regarding the (annoying) extra Power Shot to proc PPA: since I've dropped Rapid Shots, and have been doing the TD -> UL -> IM rotation, I've found that it only happens if I clip the Unload..

    I found I have to queue the Power Shot at the last possible .2 of a second, other wise I cop that extra one.

  6. Hi all,

    I've been stuck in a bit of a rut for the past few weeks - I can't seem to break 3.8k on a 1mil dummy, no matter what I try and I've pretty much been pulling my hair out as to why I can't.

    I would love to get some input on what I can do to improve, and bust through this (possibly self imposed) limit.


    Spec: Pyro 2/8/36

    Gear: Mostly 180s, with Dread Master Implants

    Fairly recent parses here


    I've been following what Marisi has been using for rotation:

    TD, EN, Adrenal, IM, RS, PS, PS, RS, PS, PowerSurge+TSO, FM, PS, RS, TD, PS, PS, RS, IM, PS, PS, RS, PS, PS, PS, RS, TD, Vent, PS, PS, RS, IM, PS, PS, RS, EN, PS, RS, TD, PS, PS, RS, EN, PS, RS (rinse and repeat)

    and have skirted around 3.8k DPS on the 1 mil dummy, but just can't quite hit it.


    I know it's entirely achievable in my current gear, so I would greatly appreciate any input anyone can provide!

  7. Hi guys,


    Not sure what the template is for a post like this so here it goes:


    I've come to The Bastion from one of the Oceanic servers as part of the forced migration.

    After the migration, the the guild that I was in lost a whole heap of their core ops groups, and I haven't had

    a solid run at any 55 Op since migration.


    So, I'm on the market for a new guild!

    Are there any guilds around looking for an Arsenal Merc (450 Biochem), or if your really desperate a Bodyguard Merc (healing in accuracy gear hah!), that raid at a reasonable time for an Aussie?

    eg. 7-8 PM AEST Monday - Thursday / 2 AM PDT Monday - Thursday / 3 AM PST Monday - Thursday / 10 AM UTC


    I also have an OK (156ish) geared Jugg (450 Armormech), as well as a 55 Sage (450 Cybertech).



  8. Hi guys,


    Not sure what the template is for a post like this so here it goes:


    I've come to The Bastion from one of the Oceanic servers as part of the forced migration.

    After the migration, the the guild that I was in lost a whole heap of their core ops groups, and I haven't had

    a solid run at any 55 Op since migration.


    So, I'm on the market for a new guild!

    Are there any guilds around looking for an Arsenal Merc (450 Biochem), or if your really desperate a Bodyguard Merc (healing in accuracy gear hah!), that raid at a reasonable time for an Australian?

    eg. 8 PM AEST Monday - Thursday / 2 AM PDT Monday - Thursday / 3 AM PST Monday - Thursday / 10 AM UTC


    I also have an OK (156) geared Jugg (450 Armormech), as well as a 55 Sage (450 Cybertech).



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