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Posts posted by Koelyde

  1. Currently at work but have been reading the posts that have been popping up with 2.0 and bolstering. I'm like many of you that have put time into gearing my toons to BiS EWH gear but I understand that it's phased out...it's cool..I'm over it. Drink some water and move on. My question, though, deals with my PvE gear that I have all 63'a and BiS. Is it better to wear that gear as opposed to running around naked in WZs? Has anyone tried this out yet? I'll still try it out when I get home from work but I'm just curious if wearing my PvE 63's will be better than flashing everyone in a warzone and laughing the whole time.
  2. Fangz asked me to pass on his sincerest regrets as he will not be able to attend due to a prior commitment at the Playboy Mansion. He did however request that I entered in his proxy and enjoy some sin's acting as if they are awesome players because their class is designed for this! He also said to remind said sin's that there place is guarding nodes praying Just-bodies doesn't come and sap cap their ***.



  3. I use a G13 mouse and razor keyboard with alot of different key combo's etc. I don't have a good priorty spot for shatter so its bound to 2 different keys depending on my positioning, it just makes me for flexiable :) 3rd one is old key.


    Honestly the hybrid is about picking your spots and energy management. If you are a person who doesn't want to worry about energy control then don't play hybrid, or at least my version of hybrid. Honestly I am the only noteable sniper on our server that I know that runs hybrid. Basically everyone else is lethality and 1 or 2 full engineers for plasma to control nodes better.


    Rated kills are all about alot of damage in a short period of time to prevent guard/heal rotations so my quick hitting combo is debuff with scatter shot, int probe to start ticking/drop any shields, exp probe, ambush, SoS then stand to pop free overloads to spam on him until takedown is triggered. I'll pre-load CG as well if I need to.


    My hybrid is developed strictly for rated games, its not nearly as good as marksman is or full eng is for a straight 1v1 match but for team play using proper energy management I can put more pressure their healers then just about anyone ingame by mixing hard single target bursts with strong ae. I've 4v1'd people in pugs in Civil War before just by using orbital, CG (snare), seismic grenade, frag grendades, Flash Bang. Hybrid can be a wedge breaker, drop crouch and defensive cooldowns and take the 3-4 people rushing you while you cast orbital then look them down and melt them.


    Marksman is by far my favorite spec and my most skilled spec but it just doesn't have near the damage potential of this spec. I've been running this off and on since prior to 1.2 and i'd say I was top damage in 99% of all games I've played since.

  4. Yes it will be a little more like it was pre 1.2 for us with stealth being our bane I think but to be honest, they do need a little love. Op dps are dang near non existant at the moment and while they can do some awesome things on taking nodes etc there dps is typically less the stellar.


    I'm sure the buff will be too extreme though as normal.

  5. Well, I've been playing around with all the specs, so I'll give my take on it. First of all, hybrids are a bad idea. I'll admit, there are times where I wish I could dip a little further into one of the other trees, but they just don't make up for the amount of good stuff you can get in the highest skill points.


    Lethality is what I keep seeing mentioned as "the obvious choice", "a no-brainer decision", and "the highest DPS". While this may be true, it never really appealed to me. A hell of a lot of internal damage, but the worst with energy management, and if the healers catch on to what you're doing, they just check who you've targeted and double cleanse them. All your damage gone.


    Engineering is a very interesting spec, with plenty of utility for PVP. Plasma Probe can shut down any objective with ease, as long as the enemy team has an engineer alive, there is no chance of planting a bomb or capturing a turret. They also have a good bit of survivability and burst damage, but it's on a relatively high cooldown. Energy management would be a bit of a problem, but they have some good skills to help deal with it.


    Marksmanship spec is what I recommend starting with, respeccing later when you have enough levels in your belt for it. It relies the heaviest on cover, and is quite good at dealing with other snipers. Also has good use of Orbital Strike, with a reduced cooldown and cast time. The problem with it, is that the majority of their attacks suffer from armour reduction and defence stats, meaning there's a chance that your shots will miss when the chips are down. Has some very impressive numbers on crits, though, and arguably has the best burst of any spec.


    Just my thoughts.


    My hybrid beats out 99% of the snipers I play against so I wouldn't say its necessarily a bad approach. And while I am fairly solid and i'm not the most talented pvp'r out there so if I can make it work there is some merit.



  6. Game was a rated game between 2 of the top 4 guilds on the server at the moment so it wasn't just stupid pugs etc. As anyone who plays rated seriously will tell you, damage is only a portion of what it takes to win and by itself is nothing to brag about. However, I was pretty happy with this output both from a total and a delta damage stand point since we won. They sent plenty of marauders at me but well placed roots/cc's/KB's and stellar healing/protection and you can manage to stay alive.


    This was me running more of a hybrid then full lethality. I don't like leth in full rated games since you focus target so much that its hard to run a full rotation on a person. I also had interrupt & root on cool down almost the entire game so I assure you I was still doing my part (I keep healers locked out if i can keep them in range)


    PT's may be the flavor of the month but snipers will always be a great class even if they nerf one spec there is 3 others that all bring alot to the table. Of my 4 chars I just can't come close to comparing anything to the sniper. Gear setup is full WH with Cunning Aug's with focus on power (surge is 79% as well). Zero accuracy mods.


    (Also I've been playing sniper since beta, I took a break right when rated came out for a few weeks then came back and didnt do any rated for awhile plus have a merc healer that gets alot of attention)




    Turbo - Sniper from "The Bastion"

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