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Posts posted by DocDot

  1. EVE also has about a tenth of the players SW:TOR has.


    The game is dominated by the player-run empires on the outer rim of the EVE galaxy, and the PvE space is dominated by griefers.


    There's not many people out there willing to pay money to be griefer-bait, which is why EVE has such a small player-base. Who the hell wants to pay money to grind endlessly for months, just to have all your work taken away by another player?


    I have played EVE, tried playing it for a year. EVE is fail. Yes, its been around a long time, but its player base has never grown. Its dominated by well-established players, who pretty much run the game hand-in-hand with the devs thru their joke of a player-parliment.


    I would only recommend EVE if you like frustration on a daily basis, or like being someone's (insert alternate name for female dog).


    Don't get me wrong, its a beautifully graphic game, with a well thought-out game engine.


    Too bad their PvE and PvP wasn't as well thought out. (Well, actually it is, if you are one of the big-boys that been playing there forever).


    EVE isn't worth any monetary investment. They only put out ads to attract more griefer-bait to their servers to please their longtime players.


    Unfortunately your reply to me has nothing to do with the point of my original post. I was recommending EVE online for his phd study, BECAUSE it full of griefers. I was also explaining that greifing in EVE online is more fun because of the death mechanic. And to reply to your assertion that EVE online fails, that is your opinion. Im sorry you had a bad experience with the game, but don't ruin it for others. :)

  2. If you want to know about griefing check out EVE online, that game is full of griefers ( including me). Once you play that game, over mmos seem simple compared to it ( I play both games, this one and EVE.) . The death mechanic in swtor is simple, you die, you rez, your ok. In EVE you die, you lose your stuff permmenently including your ship and you have to grind to get it back again. So I would recommend checking that mmo for your phd study.
  3. I was the GM of a guild with 200 members, 3 active raid groups (had recently downed tanks in HM Denova) lots of pvp, flashpoints, very social.


    I get on one day, half the guild is gone including all of my officers. It would seem that, they wanted to run their own guild. After two weeks staring at my guild just made me more and more sad.


    Today, I went in the guild bank took all of the things out that was deposited in the last two weeks and gave them to the members who donated them(including the New guilds Gbank). Assigned a new GM gave a quick MOTD stating that the new GM has my blessing, then G quit.


    Feels a bit better, but im still stuck on this server. :/


    Am I supposed to assume a question here?

  4. Well I'm level 29 powertech specing in the tank tree ( forget what it's called ) but I can't outlast/kill enemy's, are my rotations crap or and I specing in the wrong tree???



    I'm using mako as my compantion her gear isn't up to date (I don't know where to get better gear for her)

    My rotations are flame burst, rail shot, rapid shot

    My other rotation is grapple, electric shock, flamethrower

    At most the enemy's are 1 level higher then me

    Lastly its most of my quests and the bosses are extremely hard


    Class quests are generally harder, but you may just have to level up. In the open beta, the quests all together were really hard though, so I had to grind up.

  5. Hi all,


    I signed up for the game about a month ago. My main is on a PvE server, and to be very honest, I am bored with the questing. So I said to myself, maybe I should throw some more challenge into the mix.


    So now I am considering to roll a character on a PvP server. Problem is, I have no clue what those are like in this game. Can anyone enlighten me on how much fun, or how frustrating PvP servers are? Are they just a gankfest, or is there actually some exciting combat to be had?


    Also, what are the classes that seem to be doing decently in PvP? I don't have to be OP, as long as I can manage without getting single shotted all the time. That would just make things frustrating.


    I personally prefer to play rebel, though I am also open to imp. It is just that I do not like the whole, masacre the innocent for fun type of deal too much. So that's why I am not too much drawn to imp.


    Any advice would be highly appreciated, since I really have no idea what type of class would work well on a PvP server.


    I tried Scoundrel on PvE, but that one seems awefully squishy, and does not pack the punch to manage a whole lot solo.

    My Vanguard seems to be doing pretty ok, even though dps at times can be a bit low (shield spec for pve, but I would probably go for a dps spec on a pvp server).

    Jedis seem rather limited since they are mostly melee, and those that also have ranged combat, seem way too squishy to me as well. But that might just be my inability to play the class.


    Anyway, please enlighten me, because I would hate to roll a class that I would regret later on, just because I get a poor pvp experience with it.


    First of all, every class can pvp on every server so you don't have to make another character. Battleground pvp was a lag fest the last time I played the game (I just started playing again). But this game isn't like EVE online so if you die and sporting expensive gear you don't lose it, so don't be afraid to bash some heads together. If you are going to try a pvp server though it's the same as pve, just you are flagged all the time.

  6. well my knight is at 42 and I have artifice, archeology and treasure hunting and I make shield generators and focuses that my knight and companions use. I have made a nice little profit from selling artifact grade gear on the market so if you think the other crew skills are trash, you may want to take another look;)
  7. Yo, I just turned 30 and I am a full medicine spec and I can't kill a damn thing. I'm not talking pvp or heroics, my base class quests on alderan smoke me everytime. I thought surgical probe would give the ability to keep kailyo alive but my healing can barely keep her alive for 4 seconds. What am I doing wrong? Most of my gear is close to my lvl, I understand that by going heals my DPS isnt as good but whats the point if my heals are any good.


    my main is a jedi knight and I hate healing, but I have noticed that there is a significant difficulty cliff in some of the class quest. My advice, gain 3 levels or get a friend to help (I believe you can enable friends to enter class specific areas)

  8. you could prolly get 4gb of kingston ram at frys, but turn off your shadows in the game. I run this game on a mac and get about 17 fps in bad spots to 35 fps in good spots, im not an fps wh*** and dont care about getting 300fps so 25 average is good for me:D
  9. /signed.


    Even by not doing pvp or bonus in missions, you still outlevel content if you do all side quests. This is pretty lame since Im avoiding mobs for now until the game catches up with me and not pvping or doing space mission. Just too much exp catering to casuals where you are force to skip content Bioware wants you to experience.


    I dont understand how Bioware did not catch this or if they even cared.


    lol, you can go back and run the quests as greens or grays. Seriously though I dont know how you guys are leveling up so fast, however I have not done pvp warzones or space combat yet.

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