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Posts posted by Shambhalian

  1. "man these heroics/flashpoints are easier than I thought"

    "oh good God everyone's almost dead!" *heals relentlessly*


    "Ok, are you guys just not taking that much damage or is the UI lying?"

    "Don't die don't die on me!" *more spamming of heals.*


    "FINE ill just spam heals on the tank even with full health!"

    "oh look that dps pulled an extra add onto himself I wonder if-" *dps dead*


    I can honestly say that happens a far more than it should.

  2. I love it! The problem is most people are scared of the responsibility of healing, and being called a "bad healer". It's pretty much the case with all MMOs that healers and tanks are always going to be the least played, out of fear of judgement.


    As a healer myself though I absolutely love the healing mechanics of the jedi sage, and get complemented a fair bit on my healing abilities in flash points.

  3. Jedi sage, Seer spec here and I got to say healing is a amazingly fun.

    By the time leveling as a healer (outside of heroics and flash points) becomes a drag you get earthquake/forcestorm. From there on its just: Bubble, mass pull everything, aoe, aoe, and loot.

    I can't say much about the other healing classes, but I would assume they have similar tactics.

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