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Posts posted by TheNewBlack

  1. As a heavy pvper I wanted to add to this. When I first hit 50 with my sharpshooter spec and went to Warzones I felt super weak. Yeah I might get a large crit here and there, but most of the time it seemed like "hey look at the guy in cover, quick get him"


    And having played a few classes, we are squishy. Very squishy, If you have a melee on you can't ignore him. CC, run him through your teammates, whatever.


    I personally went Dirty Fighting and really enjoy it. Once you learn to manage your energy, you can be a force to be reckoned with. My personal experience is top 3 in Damage, Kills, Killing blows. (and this is without bio consumables)


    I still use cover to throw an ability out here or there or drop in just to knockback. It's just about staying mobile.


    So, stick with it find a spec that works for you, and have fun. The most important thing you need when playing isn't a super spec, or epic gear. The most important stat you have is your personal awareness. Don't get tunnel vision, don't get pulled off a point you're defending. Be aware. It'll change your game.

  2. I think the OP has a vaild point and I agree with him. I think this game is better off WITHOUT cross server WFs. I wanted to add some reasons that were more than just so we can locate bad players.


    1. The Q times are not bad at all, the longest I've waited has been 10 min. I which you should/could participate in chat, craft, etc. When it pops it means you try that much harder to win because you can't just leave the WF and re Q for an instant pop if things are going bad.


    2. If people want faster Qs/less hutball change to the lesser faction. This will help faction balance.


    3. I have pvped enough on my server to know some people that I can trust in the game. If I see someone i know on a door solo, while we are dealing with a mess. I know he'll call out an inc and don't have to shadow him and allows us to pressure the other door. Things like this are nice. there is a little pvp community on the server.


    4. Along the same lines. I like having enemies that I know. There are a few players on the opposing side that are my bane. It makes things fun knowing the player and knowing that you're going to be in for a fight.


    5. And last and most importantly, cross server will add anonymity which means people aren't responsible for there actions, which in turn leads to medal farming. Why should I go help that push when I could sit here at this safe node and hurt/heal myself for my healing medals to go with my dmg medals. Some people are selfish like that.


    So find your server's pvp community and get involved in it. we don't need cross faction warfronts.

  3. I personally love hutball. But I think the biggest problem people have with it, is it requires a change in the way people have played CTF type games. Most people want to be able to grab the ball and have healers and their team muscle their way across the map.


    But really as soon as you get the ball you should be looking where to throw it. The teams that do well have people hanging out in areas. a couple by the ball spawn, a couple on the ramps and usually a stealther if possible hanging out for the pass on the opposing touchdown side. 3 quick passes and score.


    Huttball is more about setting up movement for passing, and less about muscling your way past the opponent.

  4. I don't see why so many people are upset by this. I think it's a great idea so long as 50's have their own bracket. If they didn't do this then pvp would be dead because everyone would be leveling right now.


    Also I have an alt I level with only pvp warfronts and story missions. I've gone so far from lvl 10 to 24 this way.


    Also please don't ask for cross server warfronts. Right now the Q's are fine and you actually start to know people on your server.

  5. Just so everyone knows it is a royal pain in the *** to try to get a premade working efficiently right now. After every WF your group is disbanded and you have to reinvite everyone in the group and then try and time the 2 groups Q after every match.
  6. Well all I can do is add my 2 cents to this,


    Played around 20 matches yesterday and I think the republic won 15 of them. I know at one point we were on a 8 game win streak. So I think it has more to do with what time you are playing, then strictly empire vs republic.

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