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Posts posted by Shrug

  1. Dragon Age and Mass Effect worked perfectly and have been unknown IP's before launch.

    I trust BioWare could have done it easily with a third one.


    My answer is clearly yes, because the storywriting and the way they realize it in their games is unrivaled. :)


    Yes, the story is amazing, i just cant wait to answer the next cut scene, for credits... I'm in!


  2. Yeah they are bad, they tink that RvR is the mother of pvp gaming, when it had nothing to do with the conquering of realms but the simplicity of having a reason to play.. leaderboards..


    A reason to wake up and play as a realm..


    Now its just a bunch of exploiting soler's in a quest to get gear they dont have the time to get to make it easier to pwn others for 2 weeks before they realize there's nothing left to do.


    See ya in GW2

  3. You are losing due to exploits and hacks that are now rampant..

    Any company that won't ban hacks just breeds them as the kids have no fear of using them..


    All cloakers hack voidstar, you have 15% chance to win, by getting a team with no cloaker

    A little better if the cloaker is on your side.


    In Hutball you have hacking, teleporting bug, whatever its called...


    In Aldaraan you have speed hacks and teleporting bug, watch how fast the gaurdians have become, its comical at best, if you don't pull your hair out.


    You wont see much of a change... Nothing gets changed in this game, name one positive change since launch?


    Hence the cancellation of my account.

    There is no point to waste any more time here, as there is no more future... They dont have the skills or desire, they also coded themselves into a wall on the PVE side, as you will never see a new class, they can't make a whole new voice over route, you will shortly start seeing patches of content, that were already there in beta, to fool you like thye are doing something and pvp is a lost cause they dont even have people working on it...


    So there ya go.. have fun.. ;D

  4. It's a cheat.


    I've submitted an exploit bug ticket daily for the last few days, detailing how it's done to Bioware.


    For PVPers all we have are Warzones as Ilum (as we all know) is a joke.


    Joining a Warzone and seeing 11 or more on other side is not good. I play to compete whether win or lose. More people are finding out how to do it and exploiting it. For me this is a game breaker.


    A ticket? I have submitted 3 FULL VIDEO PROOFs, and to day i see the same hackers still hacking... They don't care... Looking at the cloaker hack now, starting to see it might be provided for them.. a happy hacker is a happy customer i guess


    I have quit.. you heard it here, no sense in wasting life, if they wont ban based on obvious exploiting with complete 1080p HD video proof, they support them.. Just like APB lied, and BF3 lied.. they dont care about hackers, since i grew up in the Delta Force community, and seen how their only customers are hackers now, playing Joint Ops and whatnot, and how they also support the fanboy and hackers in Warzone, its all about the $, and hackers outnumber us 50 to 1... Later!


    Cya in Guild Wars 2, and Diablo 2... Not really my type of games, but this place reaks

  5. What part of "there are two Dev teams-one for new content and the other for fixing bugs" do you people just not understand!?!?


    They can't fix it, they have no staff, they cut them all because the game is tanking as they know it is.. thye cut it long ago, and made it for the poor player, who will enjoy the cutscenes and pay them monthly for 6 months before it goes F2P


    They havnt fixed bugs thye had in beta for months, The Changes you see, have been designed way back then too, only not polished... Notice you still can't move windows, just resize them... woop dee doo..


    Dont expect much.... They have no staff, nor do they have management, they have a couple guys doing very little each day based upon reports from the CS team and there is no future..


    Do you really think more content will come with full voice over?

  6. Fact,


    Those who did not exploit valor are still not valor 60

    Even myself, i will get it finally tonite, but anyone who knows me on my server knows i play a hell of a lot of PvP and they probably are like woah he don't have battlemaster yet?!?!? Yes, i did not exploit like the rest of you...


    But with that said, Battlemaster or shall i say "itemization" is sad... everyone is grinding for this stupid set of gear.... This is NOT why you should be playing MMORPG's, but the fact its lazy work by the devs to just crank out suits of armor in levels, then slap a timer on it so you can't get it over night..


    This is what MMORPG's used to call itemization, destroyed by the growing failure of game programming and laziness of a design team, because they only hire artists and actors now.


    All items should be obtainable and at any time via random drops and pvp gear is no exception to that... then you are suppose to mix and match your armor, with millions of different types to suit your style and luck. But we dont have that.. because johnny flyboy the designer, can't design like that.. he rather design 4 suits of armor, go 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 then modify a few pieces and call it a different set.. or build




    They know the armor is too much of a difference... They said will nerf it..

    But that aint going to fix the game, its only going to piss off those like me who never got to experience the *** kicking we got, by those who exploited and have the gear..




    Bioware has preached and moaned how they will rollback or ban all those who exploited via their metric log ******** analysis program. This was to date a lie, as every game goes, they wont punish and put fear into any kids mind (which is what some company needs to do, so they quit exploiting) at risk of losing a few bucks. They believe they will go out of business..

    So we have 9 year olds running around cheating and destroing the integrity of the game, who yo say, dont do that too, and they said.. FU, you &$&&@ I am paying, Bioware won't do nothing!! and they are 100% right

  7. The bug appears to be related to the quest tracker. There is a rumor out there that if you "untick" the daily warzone quest from your tracker that it will fix the issue. I tested this all last night and I was never robbed of a win.


    they stated in a dev post that it was related to the first players quitting before game launched..


    It was nice of them to publically announce it so all the trolls, greifers and **** are now purposely joining and leaving to ruin the game for the rest


    I had to play 25 games tonite to get my 3 wins, even though i won about 11 of them


    I needed 20k valor to reach battlemaster.

    I was robbed over 20k I ended up with 25 games to have 19k only.. I usually get 1400 per game.. lol


    Save your words and wisdom, this game was made for the carebear fanboys, the young, to brainwash them into star wars fans... thats why the combat is simplistic with the stuns and whatnot.. so the bad players can act like superheros and buy star wars crap for the rest of their lives.......
  8. Well, your evidence is weak.


    First off, I'm not a Fanboi, I flame BW decisions daily, but I like to use facts and big picture understanding, and not just random 'the sky is falling' type posts.


    First - Server pop's have been steadily increased since launch, as per BioWares announced plan to do so. This is a global effect, so this might take some servers down from very heavy to heavy, etc.


    Second - also effecting the over all visible server pop is the 'rush is over'. People are done with the time off from holidays, the 'newness' of the game is fading, and in general people have pushed the progression levels of the games current state pretty far (if not maxed it out) and thus people are logging in less frequently. They are doing dailies, tasks, whatever then logging, instead of hanging out all night.


    Third - a lot of players are now hitting grind mode, going and doing dailies and the like and are not just hanging out on the Fleet waiting for random dungeon group. Max level players are more often in PvP, down on Belsavis or Ilum for dailies, etc.


    All in all, this does not specifically validate any lose of actual accounts, only that people might be playing less frequently, and those that are playing, aren't hanging out on the Fleet, but doing other constructive tasks, or playing alts.


    And then there's our guilds, mien of some 50+ or so, who were 50 strong a week ago, and tonite, I am the only one logged in.. 80% have dissappeared off the planet.. the leaders typing messages of "my isp is doing work, wont be around for a few days," going on vacation tec.. but see them logged into steam playing other games :D


    $15 is a lot of money to spend for kids who are not having fun... maybe they all went to F2P star trek online?!?!?


    A lot of these players where big time, SWG playaers... and as of the last week, they said they would drop this game in a second, if SWG launched tomorrow (as in updated graphics)

  9. why do people always got to mix up the pot


    Let the **** simmer as is, or it comes out like the crap you have created



    Since beta, left has been left of the start, and right has been the one on the right...


    There is nothing more to complain about.. Anyone who says right is left on the map.. is the problem

  10. We already know now Bioware designed the game for children and to hook them into story, unfortunately they failed miserably and wil be left with the taint of the undesired


    Doubt their working on fixes or and game changes, 10 bucks says they are working on F2P model

  11. I'd like to see an open world pvp area that offers no spawn.


    Hear me out.... you go to some main hub for rep/imp and q up. When there are x number of players, you zone in and do an Alterac Valley style warzone where you basically fight for control of the area, destroy something or defend something.


    When someone dies, that's it... So that it ends up being a fight to the death. It could be like an arena but with objectives, where objectives award more points than just killing the opposing team (so they don't get ignored etc.)


    Think of it like the search and destroy missions from FPS games.


    You'd need to make it so wait times aren't too long, you can spectate as a ghost or something or a holo.


    Yeah just make 500 vs 500 Huttball


    a big shield pops around the ball, only 15 players on each team are allowed inside the bubble, the bubble is centered on the ball

  12. Where is the enemy cast bar located.. well on my UI it is right above their portrait. So now where is the focus portrait located? hm right next to your bars.. You HAVE to look in their general direction unless you can customize your UI.


    I don't stare at my cast bars, because my interrupt isn't a proc interrupt.. I can cast it even when they are healing themselves if I want. But if you aren't situationally aware enough to constantly moving your eyes around your screen to take everything in that is going on, you are a worse player than one who glances at their bars to check if a CD is up.. Sorry to burst your bubble.


    not all classes are pure cooldowns, next time have clues before you trash others.. because as of right now, your the baddie

  13. Well, I tried to fight with this cataract UI again tonight and I'm pissed. Whoever likes this new visualization must have a ESP connection with the UI and I think thats the answer. This bar was aimed at the veterens. Those people that have come from other MMO's and have everything memorized just needing a little visual "flash" to let them know #4 is ready. Thats not me. I am basically new to MMO's. I am a KOTOR lover wanting more and forced online to get it. So, those that think it looks ok even though you can't see anything on the bar makes me think I have video issues but... but.. ggrr... I am with the other poster who said whoever signed off on this didn't care to test it; just yay, yay release it... I feel better now, not! :mad:


    its not for veterans,, trust me, it's garbage and blinding the flashes do nothing but irritate.. its a sea of blue crap that is unneccessary and makes you not able to pre-plan your next couple of attacks

  14. It's not minute when the change has induced headaches, nausea and vomiting in players who could play just fine yesterday. Go troll on the WoW forums fool.


    Ugh, see this video and tell me that the ability bar was working correctly

    listen to the mouse clicking.. Sorry it was NOT fine, it was massively broken.




    It was fine at launch.. now its a riddled mess of nonsense..


    I don't see how anyone that plays this game could have designed this. I don't see how anyone that plays this game could have approved this.




    Well, that is the obvious truth.. its so obvious this company has **** coders, and they are not gamers on top of it.. Must be fanboys with night class game design school classes..

    I am afraid to say it.. but I think its best we let this game dissolve... Obi One can't help us now

  16. Please give us the option to revert back to previous versions for the cooldown effects. Or finally just give us UI mod support to make our own UI's, you know...save yourself the head ache of never making everyone happy


    Whiel it's true they'll never make everyone happy, they are not making many people happy, thats the problem..


    Here is the issue, and it was nicely recognized by the initial poster..


    The ability hotbar, is too color conforming.. When you cast a spell, now all keys turn blue, then it has a blue washout timer on the next cast... Not sure what they are thinking with this washdown timer?!?!? It's not accurate and its again, as we know form bioware, a cheap quick attempted solution... Nothing in this game has any code or brainstorming by anyone with a clue been done.. Thats obvious, now its time to step up and to this or trust me we are ALL leaving..

    You can't polish a turd with cheap changes and hacks and quick solutions.. you have way too much wrong..



    The problem is this..


    Instant casts, are an immediate problem, the screen is blue.. so you can't NOT see what just procc'd if you have any proc based attack.. further more, i dont think there is a 1 second delay between attacks which the washdown effect seems to have on all keys.. what the **** is a washdown doing on all keys? its pathetic... its nothign related to the casting of abilities... .

    The worst part is.. the whole bar is constantly blue and blue washdowns... on isntant casts, you can acst these right away, but you can't because you dont thin its ready, or not sure if its procced.. if oyu use rail gun on a bounty hunter, and you have a rail gun build.. this attack depends on random luck of the ability proccing and you are looking for this and looking at the ability bar as you *********** see is blue.. guess what the ability is blue, that aint helping the fact that its blue yet its usable....


    Here's a clue.. what was wrogn with the initial bar? Nothing anyone complained about that was game breaking.. now the game is broken even more than last patch.. give it up!!!!!!!!!

    and put it back to the way it was at launch

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