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Posts posted by Enjjeha

  1. Is this a joke? You act like we are complaining about dueling. You are picking 4 of your players, their spec, their gear, and have the advantage of teamwork which non premades don't have. Maybe give us better rewards when we play premades or just que premades against other premades I don't know. But premades are definitely a problem since warzones are objective based and focus fire, healers, and tanks exist.


    I'm sorry I have to pick this one apart.


    "You are picking 4 of your players, their spec, their gear, and have the advantage of Teamwork which non premades don't have."

    ----YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME..... are you telling me that BioWare is forcing you to que solo by holding a gun to your head.....grab a group of like minded players either from your guild or server and que with them, learn how each other play and start making your own "pre-mades".


    " Maybe give us better rewards when we play premades or just que premades against other premades"

    ----Or maybe learn how to play those WZ's and stop trying to penalize other players playing with friends/guildmates in an MMO.....which stands for.....wait for it.... MASSIVELY MULTI-PLAYER ONLINE...... and start doing the same.


    "But premades are definitely a problem since warzones are objective based and focus fire, healers, and tanks exist."

    ----WRONG AGAIN, WZ's are objective based, but saying players playing with friends/guildmates is a problem in an MMO has to be one of the most illogical thing anyone can say. I'm sorry you have nobody to play with b/c you wish to be anti-social and just whine on the forums, but I rather enjoy playing WZ's with friends, and do not wish to sit in an all day que b/c you are to stuborn to learn from your mistakes and understand maybe it wasn't the premade, maybe just maybe if more people would think " I should mark the healer to allow my group to clearly see them", " Maybe next time I should say something in chat when I first notice 3 people with red tags coming to a node only I'm on, and not after they kill me."

  2. The PVP system is the WORST, most UNBALANCED system I have ever seen. Opposing players should not CONSISTENCY be able to kill me in 5 hits and NEVER DIE. These pre-made teams DOMINATE the match and make the game unentertaining.


    SWTOER used to have a system for this, called RANKED WARZONES. I have lost 27 consecutive matches with PUG groups. and I hear this all the time. NO WAY should it bee this unbalanced.


    So let me get this straight the system is the worst because you are losing. You're losing because its unbalanced, it's unbalanced because of premades.


    Have you ever took a second to think it goes a little more like this:


    The system is the worst because you are bad, Your losing because you're unskilled and refuse to learn from mistakes.


    And as far as the Pre-Made argument, let it go already, there is no advantage they have that is not given to you. It's just they are grouping together in an MMO, which stands for.....wait for it... MASSIVELY MULTI-PLAYER ONLINE.....

    make your own Pre-made and get over it.

  3. uh-oh another solo que player whom thinks hes special. LIsten man/woman/child whatever you are, I've had this argument many times on my server. If your getting stressed out due to pvp "confining" you to a box, this game might not be right for you. Open World PVP is really a sandbox style concept and can never truly exist within an instanced style Theme Park game. Many of these MMO's try to have open world, but fall horribly short as there can only be so many in the same zone at one time. This leads to people crying out for bigger instance sizes, in turn equals more stress on the servers and voila, Ilum at launch all over again, nothing but a lag-tastic p.o.s.
  4. and yet te ships are the same hack why than making an exception on kamino and i am not talking about the small empirial ships but the huge ones


    you dont tell me the imperial ships of the star wars movies are 3000 year old are you :p


    No, but their design dates back even farther then that to the Great Hyperspace wars. There is a saying "IF it's not broken, don't fix it." Why change the design of ships when they are optimal, and have very few flaws in them. Didn't the Death Star teach you anything.:csw_deathstar: + :csw_xwing: =

  5. the game is F2P and barely has any developers working on it anymore .. Skeleton crew for sure .. this is just how the game is run and you either deal or move along ..


    I understand you fustration as I find myself having to hit the dreaded key combo about 7-12 times in a play session, but last I knew BioWare still had a full staff for the development of SWTOR. You sir must be confusing the community team with the development team.

  6. Everytime I'm in space and start to do something that envolves a cutscen of a sort (spacemission or even boarding/unboarding), my sound freaks out for a few seconds (sounds like a machinegun..) before the loading procedure starts. So in short; is it possible to toggle off the cutscenes since it's those that messes up all the time? I have checked under Preferences but come up short so far in finding some usefull setting.


    Help please!


    No there is not.

  7. So after a lot of deliberation, a serious case of alt-itis, and several classes later... I tried out the sentinel and fell in love. I'm level 27 and so far I've been going combat... but I'm not totally sold on it. I do solid damage in WZs, generally top 3-5 in damage. But I've been winging it on a rotation and feel like I use slash too much. And I also switched to watchman for a bit and thoroughly enjoyed it. It seems to me that watchmen has more of its core abilities available at lower levels... and combat might be better at higher levels? Any merit to this claim? What did you guys level as? And T7 is a total ******, but would Kira be "faster" as a companion since she's a dps? Also, I'm stacking might mods, but I've toyed with the idea of using some guardian mods for endurance. Would this be gimping myself? Thanks for any feedback.


    seems your asking about dps in warzones in which I can't offer any help there, but as far as the other two questions I'll lend my opinion and you can do with it what you want. As far as faster kills with Kira instead of having a solid tank with T7 it all depends on how well you hold up in combat. If your dying more times then you can count you might want to stick with T7, but if your easily blowing the enemy away you can always pull out a dps comp to make the questing that much quicker.(word of wisdom though, during your chapter end fights you might want to stick with T7 as he will be one of your best shots of completing the missions)


    As far as stacking strength, your on the right track, at your level you really don't have much to choose from other then more strength then endurance on mods or vice versa. During the leveling phase this is completely up to you, do you want that extra health, or do you want more damage and be what the MMO community calls a "glass cannon" (high dps, low survivability)

  8. You stated it right in your opening sentence, it is a suggestion, it's there to let you know a round about level of gear that you should have by that time either from basic comms, EV, KP & EC HM or SM. In the end it comes down to how well the group works together and how each individual understands their toon. I have been in HM FP's with people in 168 gear across the board who fail horribly because they do not understand the mechanics of the fights. On the other hand I have been in groups with severely under geared players, but with the know how of the fights and a general understanding of their toon we ran through the place w/o a single wipe.
  9. I've been playing using Shi-Cho form but trying to do defense specs, with a couple from the other trees. Most of my gear is blue from the comm vendor and the quest rewards, and I have a moddable chestpiece with purple guardian armoring and I just upgraded the mods that came with it to blue or green stuff for the rest. I'm using Kira as my companion and everything seems pretty easy except for my class story missions. Frankly, I am much too poor to be buying medkits appropriate to my level and am starting to run out of the ones I've gotten as drops.


    going and venturing off into the other talent trees at your level is going to be detrimental to you atm. at your level and until you hit lvl 50 you want to stay in one tree since it will give you the most out of what your doing be it tanking or dps.

  10. Just so you have a reference to what the color system for quests looks like I'll outline it below for you:

    Quests in this color reward very little xp on quest turn in and no xp from any enemy you defeat

    Quests in this color reward very little xp on both quest turn in and enemies you defeat

    Quests in this color are right around your level and will reward normal xp from turn in and enemies

    Quest in this color are going to be challenging and will reward normal xp (granted at a higher rate due to you being below minimum level when completeing)

    You should never really see these for any quest other then Group Finder daily quests, but incase you do they are extremely above your level and you should backtrack until it turns either orange or yellow


    Hope this helps with any concern or trouble that you are having

  11. We are going to need a little bit more info in order to help you out.

    -Are you a sub or F2P

    -What is your characters level (as a sub you can get speeder piloting at lvl 10)


    When those questions are answered we can guide you in the right direction

  12. you will get access to the security key vendor (one is on the fleet near the lifts to personal star ships) and correct me if I'm wrong but their might be one on the home world planets ( coruscant for republic and dromund kaas for imp)


    and you will have to enter the code in the 3rd space labeled security key every time you wish to log in

  13. wait so your sick of repairing gear on a LOW LEVEL toon, you know where most of the new gamers to swtor or MMO's are learning to play their toon. It is not their fault that you are a seasoned player and know exactly what to look out for. Most people are visual learners in games, and have to see and experience what happens first hand rather then read about it in chat.
  14. EA/BioWare's system are completely different from Activision/Blizzard. The system is not there in BioWare LFG system and they have stated that they can not implement it without a complete overhaul of the system entirely. Also in this game there is no calculation to average ilvl since that is bound to gear and this game has modifiable gear. My Revan's Robes which are able to be used at lvl 1 would show as unable to be used using a group finder as ilvl does not change with upgrades (refer to Heirloom gear in wow where your ilvl does not change just the stats)


    this is a quote from Allison Berryman on the same topic:


    I asked Jesse Sky (Lead Flashpoints and Operations Designer) about when players can expect to see Terror from Beyond and Explosive Conflict in the Group Finder. He said it's definitely something we're planning to do, but had some information about why they aren't in quite yet:


    Story Mode Explosive Conflict and Terror from Beyond are balanced for players in Columi gear, but we currently have no way to enforce or communicate the recommended power level. This could cause frustration for players who are undergeared, and would bog down the process of getting into the content, which is contrary to the purpose of the tool. Introducing either Op into the Group Finder would also mean rotating out Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace, so we want to make sure the timing and the rewards are right before we do this.


    Heres the link to the thread as well: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5155548#post5155548

  15. being that there is no way in game for them to check the gear needed to complete the run (and yes you need at least columi or columi equivalent to barely beat the enrage timer for the bosses) it would be difficult to enforce it through LFG. groups would be full of people in tionese gear or recruit gear trying to run all the time. you would get more of a headache while trying to kill the first boss then you would with typing "LFG TFB/EC" in fleet.
  16. don't know if trolling or not, but just in case of the later, there is an icon that looks like a list to the right of all the boxes in the LFG menu that you can click and select individual heroics, just be warned that if you do not do it as a complete random, (having all selected) the daily rewards listed in the LFG menu will be unavailable to you. Hope this is not a troll post as I just woke up from a long night and it's kinda hard to tell serious posts from trolls with a hang over
  17. you don't need 2-3 sets of armor to compete, my main (lvl 50 jedi shadow) is very efficient in pvp with his PvE gear even against people in full Battlemaster gear, sure i get hit a little harder due to no expertise, but you can have 1 set of armor and be completely viable in both sets of the game.


    It boils down to if you know how to play your class or not


    don't try to scare people away from the game since you think gear is the reason that your bad at pvp

  18. there is a color coding system to let you know when you will receive minimal rewards for completeing quests. If your new to MMO's I'll break it down for ya below


    Red-have a really slim chance of completing it alone. you will very rarely run into these other than the 10-49 pvp dailies

    Orange- Challenging, you can complete them on your own, but the quest will provide you with a challenge of your skill and knowledge of your toon

    Yellow-Means this quest is easily completed by yourself as it is at or just above your level

    Green-means that you are a little to high for the quest but upon completion you will still be rewarded with a decent amount of XP

    Grey- Means that you out level the quest to the point where it would pose no challenge to you, the enemy can't even hit you if they are grey


    This color code also works for enemy mobs, and is shown where their level is.


    Normally a quest yields minimal rewards when your 4-5 levels above the quest's minimum level


    hope this helps

  19. And implementing cross-faction only helps alleviate(Notice I didn't say solve) one part of the imbalance issue. There are better ways to fix the imbalanced factions/low server populations.. That would in turn help PVE in addition to PVP. This is little more than a cop-out to appease people on zerg factions.


    I never said "solve" as well, but it does help alleviate as you said. I agree BW needs to do something to balance out the factions. but for right now with the game being brand new, with a company that has never made an mmo before this one, it helps.

  20. same with the server i'm on: Hyperspace Cannon, basic things to remember while in groups is your honesty, if you tell people that your new to the whole MMO experience you'll get a lot more leniency rather than saying nothing at all. Also a good guild is great to have, while you in fleet don't be afraid to type that your new and looking for a guild to help you get accustomed to the MMO. this goes for any MMO you play not just SW: ToR:D
  21. Cross server and being reliably able to join warzones even in the 1am-10am time frame > any sort of community server rivarly crap.


    Also, more variety inside warzones rather than having always the same handful of people is a hundred times better.



  22. Really just sounds to me like you need to reroll away from the zerg faction.


    didn't know zerg were part of Star Wars



    telling players to reroll is a ridiculous way of fixing the pvp imbalance, I play republic on a Empire heavy server, and do quite well in WZ's (2 weeks for 50 and lvl 58 valor) but that doesn't mean that everyone is in the same boat as you or I.


    I'm looking out for all those who say pvp sucks due to the imbalance. telling them to play a faction that they really don't want to play is the worst way to fix anything.

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