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Posts posted by Kucerakov

  1. It is a nerf based upon group size. They have clearly decided not to allow fast leveling, when it was an enticement to play the game, rather than a deterrent. Idiotic calls like this are the reason the game deflated after launch. Now they see a resurgence in subs and apparently they want the game to die, so they nerfed hunt xp.
  2. Every time I build a custom outfit I have to destroy the entire set, even if I only use one piece for my set. It would be great if I could pick, say, just the helm from the silent ghost armor, instead of the whole thing. It's a huge waste of time. Why not make it so we are able to loot things from the "Show items" window when previewing an outfit in collections
  3. In the expansion you SERIOUSLY need to add something that allows us to save our abilities on our hotkeys so that we do not need to set up our entire layout every time we switch specs. When my group needs a healer, I would normally switch to heals. Except that means I have to completely set up all of my hotkeys to do so, and then fix them again when I switch back. It's this kind of quality of life feature that was lacking at launch with the lack of a group finder and the inability to easily re-spec, and we all know how that turned out. Inconveniences like this lead to frustration, which leads to turning off the game and going to play another. Please, please, please add this. I would honestly rather have this single improvement than anything else in the upcoming expansion. Heck, I would rather have it than the expansion at all. Bonus points for a way to have account-wide friends instead of having to add every single one of my friends alts on every single one of my alts.
  4. With server transfers upcoming, a player no longer needs to reroll to another server, they can transfer to another server, and not have to start all over. But if a player chooses to remain on a low pop server, one whose population may very well be much lower after transfers begin, he should also accept that there may be some features of the game that may not work as well or as quickly for him as they do for those that chose to reroll or transfer to a higher pop server.


    But, rest assured, I'm sure that BW will not disable any of the features on low pop servers, so I'm sure all the features will work even for those on low pop servers, albeit possibly not as quickly.


    Server transfers will only work if the game continues to fail in a linear descent. If any expansion has any measure of success, chaos will ensue. Worse chaos, I mean.

  5. They don't use logic or facts? Is it not a fact that one of your biggest arguments for cross server LFG is that WOW tried a single server LFG tool, it didn't work and they implemented a cross server tool?


    Fact: WOW's single server LFG tool required effort-you had to flag yourself as LFG, then check the LFG pane to find other looking for a group, someone had to send invites and players had to actually travel to the instance, or quest area. Players didn't really use this system.


    Fact: WOW's current cross system tool requires minimal effort. All you have to do is click the mouse to choose a role, and choose a queue, whether it be for a specific dungeon or a random one. The LFG does all the work for you. It finds a group, ports you to the instance, and then back to where you were. Players use this one.


    So we see that a system that required effort was not used, but the one that requires no effort and does all the work for you continues to be used and is successful to this day. Was the single server LFG tool not successful because it was single server or because it required effort? Likewise, is the current cross server LFG tool successful because it's cross server or because it requires no effort?


    A single server tool won't "work" and a cross server one will because of math. The problem isn't effort, the problem is the number of valid group combinations, the total pool, and the ratio of remainders to total pool. Not effort. Math. Not subject to opinion or debate. Geez.

  6. Maybe I can help explain the whole problem. The problem is not with the LFG tool itself, but how many companies decide to implement it.


    Most often than not, when a LFG / LFD tool is implemented, it is done as an "auto-group" feature and then they add cross-server. You say you want a LFG / LFD, but did you know that with /who, you already have that funtionality in SWTOR if people use it? You can even add comments about what you are looking to group for. So the tool is "technically" already in the game. The thing is, I have heard over and over again "i don't want to talk to anybody to do <xyz-activity>......"


    Example: During the recent Rhakghoul event, people were complaining about the vaccine and it costing 2k credits. At the same time, those who were into the event were saying "If you ASK me for some vaccines, I will give you some cause I don't use them as i am doing the dailies. Just ASK me for one." But when you get responses like "I don't want to ask you for one cause I shouldn't have to" it gives you a sinking feeling in the stomache.


    In an MMO, there's needs to be some sort of communication. I have been in so many parties in other MMO's where not a word is spoken. The group is formed, and for 5 hours, no one says a word. Then the group just disbands and you're sitting there wondering "Did that just happen.... Not even a word...???"


    As much as people hate on it, I played FFXI from beta til about ~2 years ago and it fostered a true server community. People complained about the forced grouping, but you got to know everyone on your server. You knew what classes they had, their levels, their alts, and even a little about them personally. You knew how they played, and what their strengths were. But sitting there for hours in a group, you talked; even if it was just about something totally stupid - you talked to each other. You got to know the people on your server who were just lazy, those trying to better themselves, and those who were just so they could talk to their children / grandchildren (yes grandma and grandpa play) cause they live 3000 miles away. That started going downhill quickly when auto-grouping was added.



    I have seen, even in SWTOR, people who just refuse to change their gaming-style to make themselves a better player. "Hey smuggler, how come you don't drop into cover?" "Cause it doesn't really add a whiole lot of benefit for me." :o "Hey, how come you never have your 60 min. ability up" "Cuase it sucks" :o We understand about playing how you want to play, but there are some basics that should be inherent to everyone and they are not. And when people choose to refuse to adapt, it causes a problem for me if I'm in your PUG. So many people don't know the basics of their own class - and don't want to know.


    As was stated before, in a server only situation, it can be policed by the server as a whole. A player refuses to change for the better, we can refuse to group with them - SERVER WIDE. So as a community, we can help to hopefully make it better. Someone is always spamming general chat with "I @$@ your mom and chuck norris and ...." they can be refused parties. That means no operations, no flashpoints, no joining a Guild, etc.. They change or they are excluded...


    Now with cross-server, it can no longer be policed and these people can continue to do w/e they want without any reprocussions. How does someone on server 50 know how someone on server 2 is? How does someone on server 6 know that the PUG they just got has people from 2 other servers that just sit at the Flashpoint entrance and do nothing to contribute? I get plenty of blind invites, is it that hard to /whisper me "Want to join me?"


    I have met many people from MMO's; many whom I've even met IRL. I found out that 2 people in one of the Guilds I was in, lived literally 1 mile down the street. We had been seeing each other at the store for years not knowing it. MMO's have a unique them about them. I don't know the color of your skin, the language you speak, the country you are from, where you live, what job you do, etc... Yet we can come together for a common goal and get along without issue. And on top of that, we can police the community of our server in a, normally, civil manner.


    We talk to each other, we can help each other out. There are many stories of people helping out people IRL not ever meeting them but only what they know from the game. That's the community people don't want to get rid of. And unless you've ever been part of a community like that, you just will never understand.


    Luckily we don't have to deal with hypotheticals. We have real world data. Games implement X server LFG and people make vigorous use of it, invariably. And never complain about lost community. People don't like to do things that make their world worse. Drug addicts do, but the LFG tool is no heroin. If it had such an adverse effect, people would refrain from using it. It doesn't, so they don't.


    I swear the people against X-Server lfg are blizzard employees planted to make the game fail.




    And, really, a smuggler who won't use cover and someone who refuses to use their 60 minute buff? Made up examples do not become us.

  7. I played Wow for years and the cross server dungeon tool absolutely killed the community whether you see it or not OP. I am talking cross server here and not just one that would only incorporate your own realm, don't see a problem with that.


    First it was cross realm bg;s in wow which was were previously I made most friends then the cross server lfg tool was the final nail in the coffin.


    I don't know what WoW you are playing but on all the servers I play there is a thriving community. People know each other, people know who is bad, and lame. And people that actually like to group more than they like being safe from the very rare (yes, they are rare) lame lfg person, will use the lfg tool. And actually GROUP in the two hours thye have to play.


    The "it ruins community" gripe is a straw man. LFG tools have not affected community one iota. I don't know what to tell you except that the same "community" can't be behaving differently for two people. I know I am not lying, or delusional. Therefore I must assume you are.


    Stop saying the lfg ruined the WoW "community". NO.

  8. It's not about being anti-convenience. Well. In a way it is. See, what you call convenience, a lot of people call immersion-destroying mechanics meant to make RPGs palatable to people who dislike RPGs. You see, the core gameplay for RPGs used to be that you were forced to make decisions that actually mattered. That's not the case with many of the postgame-maxlevel players in MMOs these days. Instead, the decisions they made in the past can be erased with the click of a mouse every five minutes. No need to ever put any thought into


    This also undermines any personality or playstyle that might be specific to a character. When five minutes is all it takes to turn a knife-weilding specialist into a proud medic and back into a stealthy killer, then what is the point of even having characters? "My character is a sniper" No, it's not. It's an amorphous Agent-shaped blob that becomes whatever you want it to be with a few thousand credits and a couple clicks. Why even restrict yourself to skill trees. You might as well be able to change your race, class and gender at the click of a button.


    Then you say: "But I'm not talking about switching classes or factions, I just want things to be easier for me..."


    Yes, I know.


    But part of what makes games fun is having to work with restrictions and not being able to be the very best at whatever skill is needed this hour. You know, there is some enjoyment in having to run through a cramped building as a sniper, or face off against a dozen blaster-wielding enemies in an open plain as a Marauder. These are situations that are challenging not because some boss NPC had its hitpoints boosted to the ionosphere, but because it forces you to face a situation where your past choices (which gave you several advantages in the past) are now a liability and you need to find a way to overcome your disadvantage... without magically re-writing years of education and experience.


    Sort of like real life... where shock troopers don't suddenly turn into surgeons when someone gets hurt.


    And no, I don't expect you to agree with me. Most people who desperately want field-multi-spec are the "games-as-a-sport-so-I-can-prove-my-skill-to-the-world" type players. They don't care about RPGs or decisions. They want to be the best they can be, and they want all the tools they can get to make that easier. That's fine for them. No problem with being like that, but that's just not what RPGs are good at. Perhaps you might be more interested in Call of Duty.


    Your entire argument is invalid. What you argue against is being able to re-spec at all. Dual spec is simply a UI tool for doing what we can already do, at a cost. Go start your own thread. :p

  9. It was my understanding that they said they will be adding dual spec. The main reason we want dual spec is so that it saves our alt spec, our buttons, and maybe but not necessarily our gear, so we don't have to deal with re-setting up all of our quickslots and so forth. If what we are getting is simply the ability to refund our talents in the field, then I have to admit bioware simply does not get it at all.


    It was never about getting to fleet. Almost all of the fps and ops start at fleet. Three times I was asked to do something yesterday, never in the spec I was currently in.


    The promise of the dual spec and hope of a group finder are what are keeping me going! Bioware, tell me I am wrong about field respec!

  10. Holy Hyperbole Batman....



    That business model only works on an extremely small demographic of gamers. If Bioware truly wants to break and retain 2million+ subscribers, they need to carefully balance the grind vs content. Time is a commodity, and most people will just unsubscribe, rather than grind up a second character with identical story content (At least in a game where the story is it's primary selling point.)


    I added the emphasis. You make a good point if... you ignore absolutely all of the evidence we have on the subject to date and the entire basis for the existence of the genre. Yes, a very good point. I like your caveat though, well played.

  11. Hey guys, I don't like so and so idea so you guys can't like it too.


    It would be more accurate to say "I don't like this game so I will play one that is fundamentally different, and so must everyone else."


    Allowing AC changes will fundamentally change this game. Because really, playing a game that allows you to change your class at higher levels is the same as playing an entirely different game, and genre. When you ask for AC change, you are basically saying "Even though I don't really like role playing games, I chose to play one, so now I want you to change it to suit me."


    As far as doing the math, it's not really necessary. It's clearly evident. The time it takes to walk one path < the time it takes to walk two. Which of course does not even touch upon future revenue from gearing both characters. It's quite simple really , barring any bizarre exceptions or changes in reality, leveling and gearing two toons will take longer and keep one engaged longer than one toon.


    None of this is new or groundbreaking. The business model of an mmo parses to "Keep as many people subscribed and NOT logged in to the game as long as possible." Saying leveling one toon and swithching is as likely or even plausible to keep you hooked to the game as long as two is, is as much of the stretch as the guy pointing out you can level to 50 without choosing an AC. It's simply not a valid point. Sure, someone might spend as much time leveling one toon as two, but it is so improbable as to have no place in an intelligent discussion. We have to agree on reality before we can discuss how it works.

  12. Your base class is defined by your story. Your advanced class is a branch of your base class. It's purely a semantic designation, though one that has very strong design ramifications.


    In the final analysis anything could be called a semantics argument. The simple and obvious fact of the matter is that the thing which, in this game, is called an "advanced class" represents the exact same type of choices as what is called simply your "class" in any other game with distinct classes. You can never change your class. It tells you in absolutely no uncertain terms that your AC choice is permanent and that essentially, you are now choosing your CLASS. What you are looking for is a game like the secret world, where there are no distinct classes.


    Yes BW has stated that they want you to experience all of the different stories and classes. When you get right down to it, though , what they really want is for you to keep paying them. Now who do you suppose will pay them longer? Someone who must actually do the work and LEVEL each CLASS they want to try at 50, or the person who can just swap around and change AC at 50? I'll give you a hint: it's the first one. By years.


    It will never cease to amaze me how immediately and completely people on these boards lose sight of the fact that BW is a business, and they will do whatever is in their financial best interests to do. In fact, they are legally obligated to increase shareholder value. So, will AC swapping make them more money in the long run? Almost certainly not, and therefore you will never see it. Another one is cross server lfg, which will allow people who are too busy to log in the means to find a group fast and enjoy the game, rather than cancelling a game subscription they can make no use of. It WILL happen, period.


    When you pull your head out of the fantasyland wherein bioware actually cares about their customer and return to the reality in which they only care about profit, things become markedly clearer. So... every time you join a discussion on these boards, first think: Which side of this argument is most likely to increase EA and Biowares shareholder value? Whichever one it is is going to be the right one. Nostrafrickindamus. See if I am wrong.

  13. Personally, I hate the idea of X server LFG.

    I understand it allows people to run more, but at the same time, you're not able to limit who you get grouped with.

    Now, back in WoW, I used to play a Hunter before the LFD showed up. I ended up finding a guild I loved to hang with because there wasn't any cross server #$^%, I leveled up in a friend's guild which happened to fall apart when I got to 80.

    When I joined UC, I was able to show how I could handle raids, I learned quickly and I knew my class (to the point where I was doing things that barely got us through a few boss fights). I would've never gotten into UC had they not been looking for PuGs in trade chat (nor would there be a point of me caring if I did meet them in a random raid, as they may not have been on my server in the first place).

    Skip to Cataclysm, my Hunter has yet to make it through a Random Heroic PuG without a guildie there...


    That being said, my warrior (a tank), after he got to 85 was running and clearing Heroic dungeons non-stop. He, in a week, was decked out in better gear then my hunter was in 3 months, just because I could control whether or not the group would fall apart.

    I loved playing my hunter more, but if the tank left, then good luck finding a new one who will help you through the dungeon, as the waits were 30 minutes long (and more often then not the tank left right after the boss). The closest I came to finishing a non guild PuG run was in Grim Batol, where the other DPS wouldn't focus down the adds on the final fight and would try to out DPS the boss (which, if you know the fight, the Adds massively heal the boss a few seconds after reaching their destination).

    Now, I was on a relatively small server (Thunderhorn)... I am not a fan of the idea of X server LFG vs Server Side LFG. If I can see a guy on my server is good, and not in a guild, I could potentially recruit him, to run with him again. If I find a guy like that on another server, what good does that do me?


    There's 2 sides to every coin, sure I could try to run 10 dungeons a night if I wanted to, but as I said, while doing that, my hunter has never seen the end of a PuG group, EVER... I have to run with Guildies to get him gear (and there was much guild drama which caused a split which just so happen to hit when I was without internet for a very long time). On my tank, no problems whatsoever, because people would stay around as long as I stayed... but there are many who aren't that committed, and that's the major problem I have with the group finder overall. It doesn't matter that I get into more groups, if the group never finishes an instance, then what's the $#^%in' point? Leveling up I never had a problem with it, I'll be honest, the lower level content wasn't difficult, so people were willing to truck through it. But Heroics?


    There's no reason for people to stay in the group after LFD finds a group, at least server side you can /ignore the person or warn your guildies about them, but X server, you can't do jack... You see them again you may have to regroup, which takes another half an hour of your time. You may end up like my Hunter and have to be shelved because people aren't willing to reach the end of an instance... and this is supposed to make the game better?


    LFD killed WoW for me, really... I'm not saying I wouldn't want a LFG, but at the same time I want people who get in the group to be willing to commit to reach the end of the dungeon. If you're not willing to commit, it hurts me and others who might have limited time to play as it is (really, the Dungeon Finder did NOT help me in any regards for trying to find groups and see content, and talking with other DPS guildies, it was the same way if they ran alone). In order for me to see content, I HAD to level up a tank (which was in low supply at the time), which took time and effort (and ultimately, I love playing Arms more then Prot... Bladestorm OP). If I play a game, I want to PLAY the game, I don't want it to feel like a second job, and LFD has been nothing but stress for me.

    Really, if the content isn't brain dead easy, then X Server LFG is a terrible idea, as people will play the blame game and leave group at the drop of a dime if they can't get carried through it with no effort. I would like the idea of having to commit to a group to finish content, but there is no good solution to keep people wanting to stay with a group that isn't amazingly over geared or running the dungeon with no effort. I can't count the number of guys I had to kick when I was a tank because they were raging so hard at everyone in the group when we wiped (I'd rather a bad player with a good additude then a good player whose a *******).


    That's the sense of Community people want, not "oh we're all brothers" or stuff like that, but knowing the people you're with are willing to stick it out if you're making progress. Or knowing which tanks are willing to run with newer or not as amazing players, or who can seemingly do the impossible (Suntreader is a tank in my guild whose known as one of the better tanks in Thunderhorn. He was already raid geared by the time my hunter hit 85, problem is he works shift work, and often wasn't on when I was on. He could solo the second boss in Grim Batol from half HP in Heroic, he taught me everything to know about playing my warrior, etc. He's an amazing guy, and I met him because he was on my server). The point is, I want to know I can trust the people I'm with, or if I can't, have some way not to see them again, X server, it's impossible.


    First of all, no it isn't. If you ignore people in WoW you never get randoms with that person again, not that you would otherwise.


    Second, instead of risking peopl eleaving before the end and wasting your time, you would rather go back to no lfg, and spend that time spamming general for a group and never kill even one boss? Super.

  14. I could say the same thing for people who dismiss video evidence in favor of made up maths.


    Please point me to the part where there are "made up maths". The numbers are made up, yes. The math is not. What comprises a group is not. How many groups you can form from a certain number of people is not. And the video is EVIDENCE of exactly nothing.


    Do you understand that the leaders of the largest 100 guilds in the game have no need for a cross server tool? Do you not understand how it would be advantageous to the leader of the largest group in a specific server to not allow cross server? On their server, their guild is something of a hegemony, whereas if you have cross server, their influence on the people on their server decreases drastically. If you have the only well in town and everyone has to get your okay to drink, will you vote for or against aqueducts? Well nothing is 100% but I'm thinking against...


    When they cheered they might as well have cheered "Yay! We remain significant!"


    That. Video. Substantiates. Nothing.


    Get it through your head.

  15. And the common sense that maybe the people at the summit who cheered for single-server group finder were not specifically handpicked for their single-server preferences, but by sheer chance of randomly picking them?


    That maybe the devs did not secretly pick 50 people who like single-server on purpose to get them to cheer at everything they do, but rather, those 50 people cheer for single-server because it is indeed better than cross-server?


    Ah yes, that common sense. Oh silly me, clearly the devs did hand-pick them. How can anyone argue against THAT common sense?


    They were picked based upon the fact that they are the leaders of the 100some largest guilds in the game. 100some people with THE LEAST TROUBLE finding groups in the game. Are you seriously not getting that point? They WERE hand picked based upon criteria that makes them specifically biased against cross server vs same server lfg.

  16. It was not a valid proof, because there is no solid evidence that single-server cannot get the job done.

    The nice fancy maths you made up is not proof. It's nice, but not proof.


    The only proof that you can get, is by the time 1.3 comes, and many things could change by then, and single-server shows that it really cannot help groups at all. At least that person who posted Rift's single-server dungeon finder tried.


    The thing however, is that I will still be here by then because I like the potential of the game and I will support this game and help it grow. You would probably be long gone by then.


    If the scenario I provided does not make it valid, then nothing will. From now on you should just reply "No cross server lfg nananananananananan I'm not listening lalalalalalala"


    1 tank + 2 healers + 7 dps + single server lfg tool = one group and 6 people not grouped.


    1 tank + 2 healers + 7dps + cross server lfg tool = Between 3 and 10 groups and zero people left ungrouped.


    End of story. Single server will not get it done.


    Valid reason provided.

  17. I have never used subs as evidence to show that LFD has a negative impact on the community. Such a proof doesn't exist, and would require extensive research.


    The only way to prove the negative effect of LFD on the community would be, people's own personal experiences. I have experienced it. I know it made the community worse. It's common sense. Cross-server LFD takes away consequences, and will make people's behavior in it worse. I've seen many times tanks taking dps loot, and dps taking tank loot, etc. This did not happen before LFD for me.


    And obviously, a lot of people at the guild summit have experienced such things as well, to the point of applauding at the mere mention that group finder in 1.3 will be single-server only.


    Every time you point to the guild summit video as "evidence" of anything other than the motivations of the leaders of the 100 largest guilds in the game, you remove another of the very few reasons to listen to anything you say. When you say it you say: "The people who need help finding groups the very least out of anyone don't need any help finding groups." There, now that I parsed it for you, you see how foolish it sounds, right?

  18. In the amount of effort and time it takes for you to poke a hole, you could have listed one valid reason.


    Seeing as you didn't, obviously there was never one to begin with.


    I posted a very clear one. You ignored it.


    Because it will not help low pop servers at all, and that is where the problem is.
  19. And the opinions expressed by people like you based on your own personal experiences on your servers are not anecdotal evidences? Somehow they are more valid?


    And no, I won't look back at this thread at all in 5 or 6 years time. I have better things to do than to worry what a certain poster on a certain thread on the forums think about me. Maybe you do, but not me.


    I know it's probably tough for you remember YOUR PREVIOUS POST but we were talking about the math. Remember the example I gave with the eleven people looking for a group? Yeah. THAT is more valid. As far as validity: numbers > a roomful of guildleaders with no need for lfg.

  20. And if the majority of them prefer cross-server? They must be telling the truth?


    Oh this just keeps getting better and better.


    If you a group that is heavily predisposed towards one type of thinking as opposed to another, then assumes the opposite position? No, it doesn't make it TRUE.

    All else being equal, if the group assumes the opposite opinion, it makes it no more or less TRUE, per se. It simply removes the likelihood that their opinion is based upon personal preference rather than reality.


    This just keeps getting worse and worse. Seriously, you're messing with us now, aren't you, Conrad? No person can have this little common sense. It's mind boggling.

  21. Nice maths. Except I remember 30-min queues for LFG back in WoW. The nice imaginary populated server pool of tanks does exist, but they choose not to tank because of how bad cross-server LFG is. Then Blizzard gave them a nice satchel bait and queue times did decrease, but what happened was a bunch of dps purposely queuing as tank to get the bag. Needless to say, wipe hilarity ensues.


    Oh hey look, here is one happy person using cross-server LFG! Take a look!




    Ok, the maths beat your "I remember 30 min queues and dps queued as wipes blah blah blah". Your link is the same thing. Anecdotal evidence. I'm guessing in five or six years when you get to rhetoric 101 you might look back on this thread and think "Wow. I did not make a single, valid, logical point, or one backed up by actual facts, in that entire thread."


    Yes, that was ad hominem.

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