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Posts posted by Xdancp

  1. mmo players don't like large pvp battles


    You're speaking for all mmo players? Last time I checked, I am a mmo player and I like large pvp battles. Some of the most fun I have had was giant fort/keep battles in DAOC, or huge battles in Southshore in WoW.

  2. I'm assuming these black/yellow dye modules were only for people who bought the actual CE and not the ones who bought the $5 add-on later?


    I believe the $5 add on was for the digital deluxe, which is different from the CE.

  3. I only used the CM for a name and race change on one of my characters I made at launch. I still have over 3000 coins from being a sub. I wouldn't feel guilty about buying pixels, as you put it. But it is just something I refuse to spend real money on. I will never pay money for anything in a MMO, besides the monthly sub or initial purchase. I also very rarely buy DLC's for other games. Skyrim and Dragon Age Origins are the only ones that come to mind where I purchased some of the DLC. So if you feel as if your hundreds of dollars are well spent, then no you shouldn't feel guilty.
  4. So they should not play a game if they can't afford to subscribe to it?




    No they shouldn't play a game if they can't afford to sub to it. All MMO's back in the day (EQ, AC, DAOC, UO) had only monthly subs, and if someone couldn't afford that, they wouldn't be able to play. Now, you didn't say THIS game, you said A game. If that game only has a sub (ESO, FF14) and they can't afford it, they shouldn't play it. If it is F2P or has a F2P option, like this game, then sure, they can play it but they won't get the optimal experience.

  5. I think this would be a good function to have, at least once per character. I have a level 45 Jedi Shadow, but I really wish I chose sage right now. I don't think it should be as easy to do as talent points, but at least one free change should be implemented.


    Nice necro.

  6. Depends..


    There was a time in SWTOR world that if you cast your buffs on a flagged player this would cause you to become flagged.


    Therefore, If I see a player that is not flagged and they are within reach yes I'll hit my buffs for them. If they are flagged I do not.


    Lol, PVE scrub.

  7. Oh... yep... game is doing very well. There is no voice about an imminent exodus due to the lack of content. Yeah. Game is full of things to do, as full as you don't know where to start! And no, subs aren't falling down. It's just a rumor.

    And go ahead with the fantastic producer's road map. We are eagerly waiting for the new playable content: NiM of a 6-month-older raid. :D


    Nice rant, still doesn't answer my question to the OP.

  8. With all the negative responses this game gets because it doesn't have this or that, we need a good boxed expansion with some really good additions to the game, such as Wookiee as a race, a housing addition, and of course new planets with a reason to explore other than questing. Just a good expansion to bring old players and new players into this game to stay.


    The game has made a lot of cash with what subs we have, the cartel market. EAware should seriously think about a huge add on to this game it will only help it grow and add more to the game. We also need a PvE space system similar to SWG jump to lightspeed, that was just amazing for what it offered, GSF doesn't have enough to keep me playing for a long amount of time.


    We should have some classes that can choose what faction they want during their story line. There needs to be at least 2 new classes and same new alien races to go with them. Even if the race if strictly only able to be the two new classes, that would make it easy to add in Wookiees so they can speak their native for the class story.


    I just think a good huge boxes addon would be great for this game. How about anyone else? Anything to add for ideas. We need this.


    Who are you referring to when you say "we"? You don't speak for me.

  9. All of the people here who argue against this, crack me up. The dev's stated in the suggestion forum that they know this is a problem, and are planning on fixing it. Problem is, this was in 2012. Everyone should also be in favor of more customization, just because it doesn't affect you, it affects many others and "fixing" this won't bother you, just as it doesn't bother you how it is now.
  10. I've seen and witnessed a lot of players Interfering in other player's battles with bosses and mobs, with out asking if they need help or assistance.


    Every one has their own style of game playing in a mmo, I will tell you All now, if you are not part of my group or I'm solo and you Interfere in combat battle with a mob or boss, Customer service will receive a ticket with your name on it for interfering.

    I lol'd

  11. I had to use the in game customer service once, took 2 weeks for a response. They stated they needed to know the name of the character I was having a problem with, even though I put the characters name in the original report. So I made sure I wrote the characters name multiple times and re-sent the report.. Got a reply a little over a week after that and they fixed the issue. So a little over 3 weeks for them to "help". Now it wasn't a serious issue, and they did fix it in the end. 3 weeks later....
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