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Posts posted by Surferket

  1. The really awesome stuff are from Operations. Even Flashpoint stuff cannot compare. I'd like to craft those Op trophies but I can't.

    You can buy these Op trophies from GTN but the price will start from at least 1 million!




    How?! MK-3 prefabs are used to get EVERY reputation decorations pretty much and craft prefabs to get stuff from the crafting vendors.
  2. There is the hot air balloon that flies from left to right.


    Today I went to try and see more of the SandCrawler that's crosses the horizon on Tatooine. Just before hitting the exhaustion zone, I caught a glimpse of something on a dune. Getting out my MacroBinoculars I got a hit on a Lost Astromech.


    Not attached to any objective or achievement, but quite cool anyways. Very surprised the SandCrawler drove straight past a lonely droid lost I'm the desert.:D


    Has anyone seen any other sights from their Strongholds?

  3. Usually much more expensive than on the npc vendor.

    I can craft and gather everything between my 12 alts but it's not like we can access all 12 alts simultaneously so micromanaging the gathering is very tough.


    And player prices for all crafting materials seems to have gone up with the release of Stronghold.


    Can't you just buy any crafting supply you'd ever need off the GTN for probably less than you can get them on the crafting material vendor? I'm not sure, honestly--I typically run the crew skill missions for crafting materials. Sometimes I end up with a surplus and sometimes I sell it on the GTN, and it usually seems there are a healthy number of other players looking to dump crafting supplies as well.
  4. Yes we have almost everything we need in our Stronghold except for the Crafting Supply Vendor which means we still have to make a trip back to Fleet.


    i'm inclined to agree... with everything else in one spot so we don't have to deal with FleetTards, it makes sense for there to be a vendor for Crafting Materials near our Cargo Holds and Mailboxes...
  5. I bought and am decorating Tatooine instead of the free Nar. Opened all the rooms there and left only the landing bay unlocked.


    Put most of the work utilities right on the balcony with the great view, a Fusion Generator in the back Centerpiece, a merchant's tent in the desert behind.


    I like the rough look of Tatooine with lots of openness.

  6. Actually the Jawa scrap dealers are pretty useless as their accepted "coinage" are not from PVE or events but from Packs.


    As for the medical droids what they sell are trumped by player made medical items.


    That's why I don't have the medical droids but have the Jawas because I have Certs that need spending and they look kinda cute.


    BTW, I have all on your list exvept for the medical droids.

  7. I think overachievers who did their Strnghold decoration to 100% within hours of launch will be bored with it.


    On the whole I really liked it as it's very flexible hook system. Only problem I face is the decorations are pretty plain for those that you can make. The really awesome stuff are from Events but whcih I don't have because I prefer to solo due to time contraint.


    So I miss out on very nice decorations.

  8. I love Strongholds because it's "home" and fun time decorating. Most important is the Legacy Vault which I use for all my crafting stuff which was prevouiusly spread over my crafting toons which was very expensive to maintain.


    I even bought Tatooine because I prefer the wide open spaces of it over city living. So my decoration is all on Tatooine atm.


    Set up a Fusion Generator in the open courtyard, a merchant tented stand in the desert, a Jedi fountain in the first main hall after the balcony. All the 3 Fab robots, the 3 Jawas, Legacy, Guild Personal vaults are on the balcony. Along with the GMT stand and the modification table.


    My grouses are:


    1. Those picture frames are from Flashpoints done but since I am 100% solo that means there are not many Flashpoints that I could do and so my "frames" are rather limited.


    2. Large scale fantastic centerpieces are from Events and major Raids which I don't have access to make again because I solo.


    3. The cost of even simple rugs are too high with some simple furniture pieces requiring a Universal Mk III which is being sold for more than 1 million credits each.


    Point 3 is very important and I think the dev should relook at it hard to retune the cost of low end furniture and stuff.

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