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Posts posted by Samonios

  1. once I saw Kaliyo was willing to sell out her own friend that saved her is when I knew that she would never become nothing more then a casual flirt, as for the companion gifts kaliyo likes weapons and ammo and that sort of stuff, but yeah kaliyo is just downright dumb, she loves when you flirt sometimes but not others, she just doesn't mesh well with my character, he's a LS agent who does things by the book, the only time I do dark side stuff is if someone betrays me or is a dishonorable person then i'll just finish them off, and Kaliyo is a hedonistic anarchist nympho maniac so she'll be nothing more then a punching bag for my agent in battles.
  2. once again last night I could not find a group for either Athiss or the heroic 'pound of flesh' I tried for over an hour on my server in general to try to get one, I've been solo'ing this game and the only Flashpoint i've gotten a group for is the black talon, this is essentially becoming a single player game for me. if they do not implement a LFG tool for heroics or flashpoints or for anything, they are shooting themselves in the foot.
  3. we seriously need a cross server LFG tool, my server use to be fine with this and now its a ghost town, i've spent almost 90% of my time solo'ing everything because it takes a half hour to an hour to even get a one or two people to group with you, I haven't been able to get a flashpoint group together in decent time since doing Black Talon. I'm sure everyone has some bull horror story about LFG from different servers but those very same people are also on your server and you will eventually group with them, you cant avoid bad players period, so why make those who wish to do flashpoints continue to suffer? I can tell you now as i'm currently level 30, once I hit 50, and I still cant find groups? i'll likely have to drop my subscription as much as it pains me too because I really like this game, but they need to do these things.
  4. Kaliyo just doesn't mesh well with my Agent, I'm mostly light side (with a little dark here and there...hey some people deserve a blaster to the chest).


    but the whole anarchist punk rock thing gets old fast, in addition she constantly betrays everyone she has ever known, so what makes you think its not just a matter of time before she betrays you? Loyalty is a big factor for me, and while I might be playful with kaliyo now (lvl 24) I'll work on gaining affection with temple once she comes around.

  5. compared to the Jedi knights storyline the imperial agent was surprisingly very interesting and I plan on continuing my Agents storyline.


    in addition this class is great at PVE I've had very little problems with it so I dont get where people say that.

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