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Posts posted by Kirtastropohe

  1. 12 years. I still remember the palpable anticipation during the months before launch. I remember getting my log in time and the wait time associated as there were so many people logging in. I'm happy to see SWTOR is still going. I really hope Broadsword does a realistic evaluation of what is needed for this game, because I want it to continue for years to come, and there are some issues that need to be addressed. That's a post for another time.

    This response is to thank the devs and all associated with the game for their efforts and hard work. Happy holidays to all. Happy Anniversary SWTOR.

  2. Thank you for listening to the community. I have been looking forward to the collections unlock all year and had even bought some CC coins in anticipation. It would have been a very, very bad move to not have that unlock. While I question the wisdom of the minds that ever thought not having the collections unlock would be the way to go in the first place, I do want to thank the decisionmakers for listening and giving us the collections unlock.

    Thanks, JackieKo, for listening to our concerns and taking them to leadership. Time to go hog wild with purchases on the 20th. Thanks!

  3. Broadsword.... as the new owners, I implore you to grant the wishes of a starved community of 12 years. We want hood up and hood down, and for the love of the Force, please don't ruin otherwise great outfits with stupid, massive chest decorations or anything else like that. 

    See Vaylan and Shin's outfits in the Ahsoka show....those are perfect for Force users....both with the cloaks/hoods and without. We need both.

    • Like 3
  4. 5 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    It should include guns as well.

    You're 100% right. That would be cool for all weapons. 

    17 hours ago, arunav said:

    Your suggestion is a welcome one - but why does it have to cost 'a nice chunk' of cartel coins to use? 

    We already buy coins to gain access to most of the hilt models in the game, then spend additional ones to use said hilts on more than 1 character. Now, in order to make up for an unappealing sound on a given saber, you're suggesting we'll need to spend 'a nice chunk' of additional coins?

    A system like this doesn't need to have cartel coins attached to it. Make it subscriber-only (with perhaps an option for preferred/F2P players that involves cartel coins if necessary). 

    Also, folks have been asking for crafting to matter for a very long time, and weapon sounds have been floated for years as a way to give crafters something to make that actually matters besides augments and a few dyes. 

    Part of the reason, in my view, SWTOR's population has dwindled to the levels it has is because almost all appealing cosmetic items and options are bought with cartel coins, with a tiny few remaining to be earned or made in the game itself. 


    You had some good thoughts as well, Arunav. I looked at it from the cartel coins aspect because, really, it's more apt to get serious attention if it brings them money, and I think people would really pay a premium for this. I get your point, though. It would be good if we could craft some aspect that would alter our weapons in some way.

    Hopefully, Devs see this thread and the good feedback in and it motivates them to move on some aspect of my ideas.

    People, if you want this type of option, please like or post support. Thank you.



  5. New Company, and hopefully new willingness to hear ideas and see possibilities.

    The lightsaber is iconic and every Jedi is supposed to have designed their own.  Why not give us that amazing experience? (for a very nice chunk of cartel coins, of course)

    Option A: Let us pick the look of the saber, where it will be clipped (hip or back), and most importantly, the sound pack.

    Option B: If option A is too hard to consider, at least let us choose the sound pack (and while you're add it, PLEASE give us the Vader hallway saber sounds from Rogue One. Great work was done to the Ahsoka Sabers, especially the sound, let's keep it going).

    You have so many interesting saber designs in this game that are unappealing because of the bleh sound or awful sound. 

    I think the true saber customization would be appealing to both RPers and Non-RPers. Heck, you created that great mission for choosing the second combat style... create a similar type of mission that guides us through saber creation. Talk about immersion and awesomeness.

    I'm sure there would be big revenue coming in from offering us these things.




    • Like 3
  6. Played since day one. Still remember the goose bumps waiting for my log in time to arrive on opening night. I appreciate the staff who have worked on the game these years, and I hope things continue for years to come.

    Also, I just want to say that I really enjoyed the cutscenes in the latest release. I thought the fight animations were great.

  7. Quite simply, the divide in the fandom is a result of Disney/Lucasfilm having zero respect for Lucas's vision, despite what KK said, and treating Star Wars as simply a vehicle to push an agenda, and compounding the issue by refusing to apologize and instead attacking the fans voiced displeasure. 

    At this point, the only hope is KK going away and entrusting things to  Filoni and Favreau for the long term. Although I will say that Andor, from top to bottom, is actually the best Disney+ Star Wars we've gotten, Not surprising since Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie Disney has made.


  8. I applaud the efforts to balance classes. I applaud the quality of life changes. I applaud the ability to play stories with different combat styles, but when it comes to how we gear, I really don't understand how the Devs can miss the mark so badly. 5.0 was a living hell. 6.0 and beyond... a course correction and some very great changes made to how we do things. I thought the gearing progression system was totally fine. You could get your tech frags how you wanted. If you wanted to group you could group. If you like to solo, you could solo.


    The 7.0 changes seem to be pretty much nothing but taking away our options and our choices. To a dark place this line of thought will take us. Please BW, rethink this nonsense before you do something that drives a lot of people away.

  9. Whether counting down the days to when we could preorder our collector's edition, get into the beta, or watch the clock tick down until we could get into game at our assigned time when it went live, I've never been more excited for a game than I've been for swtor.


    It's been an interesting 8 years. I've always enjoyed the stories. There have been some interesting things done with the game as well. As with anything, there's been good and bad. This isn't a thread to be talking about bad or what can be made even better. Bottom line is I think SWTOR has been in a good place with the leadership team the past couple of years. Happy 8 year anniversary SWTOR! Looking forward to seeing what else is done with this great game.

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