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Posts posted by Darth__Carnal

  1. $20.00 worth of packs reduced to pennies on the dollar in under 48 hours..


    The market is completely flooded, and forcing the player to wait some 30+ hours before they can sell it, does absolutely nothing, as the market will be flooded in that time period.


    I know EA and Bioware can care less because they got their money, but if we the cartel coin buyers are going to watch our real life cash depreciate this quickly, then I see no reason whatsoever to buy cartel packs.


    Friends of mine dropping $50 dollars and more on day 1 of cartel packs being released, and now less then 48 hours are practically giving them away because they are worth nothing as the economy is in a free fall.


    EA / Bioware, if you want us to continue to buy Cartel Packs, you must add a hard floor on the packs. Not allowing packs such as Vice Commandant to go below a set number, like for example, "No less then $350k per a pack".


    Till this is addressed, I will certainly not buy any more packs. No point, I can get Vice Commandant packs on GTN for under 100k.

  2. Mr. Hickman,


    Your team has been working on Makeb since summer of last year, if not longer. Is there another team devoted to content AFTER Makeb is released ? or are you working with a skeleton crew as many people have speculated with the "retirement" of the Doctors, the departure of George Lucas, the shift to Disney owning Star Wars, and the launch of the game ?


    My concern is the longevity of this game, and it's struggle to keep a positive momentum since the events of last year.


    Knowing that this game has a life after Makeb, and it's being worked on NOW, would help begin to restore faith in Bioware.

  3. Not concieded at all, far from it. I just think its a little odd to find cartoons attractive. Based with human features or not. Just stating my feelings on the subject, and we are all allowed to have those. Does not mean I am concieded but thanks for your input.


    Real females tend to get mad, at guys that look at Anime, or Video games, and find a fictitious character attractive.

    Case and Point, the Mass Effect trilogy did not go over well with my girlfriend. ;)


    Doesn't change the fact that fictitious characters who are designed with humans best characteristics in mind, are by default, attractive whether you like it or not.


    Does it mean that a person who finds a picture of an anime babe suddenly prefers fiction over reality ? No of course not, and a mature person knows the difference.

  4. (First: If you love the prequels, post somewhere else. This thread is for those of us who were epically disappointed)


    Now, of course I cope by just being all "**** it" but from a story standpoint, the prequels still need addressing. The story was bad, and inconsistent with things said in ep4, 5, and 6. So which wins when inconsistencies and contradictions hit?


    This is how I figure it. If we pretend that these things actually happened (which they didn't) and that the stories we've been told were passed down through history, the original trilogy is likely the more accurate, because it was witnessed by Luke, Han, and Leia who won at Endor and passed the story on to their children.


    The prequels were witnessed by Obi-Wan who hid in a desert for 20 years and we've already heard all he passes on to Luke about what happened (which is inconsistent in facts and tone with the filmed prequels). This means to flesh out the story of the prequels historians would have needed hearsay accounts, and indirect witnesses. Probably the most accurate parts of the prequels are the political bits because those would have had public records, but the story of Anikan's fall was personal and the people involved were either unavailable or dead when a record was made. Since I don't see Luke and Leia making up a story to fill the gap, I have to believe that some storyteller or record keeper fictionalized the fall of AS (made up the details) which is why it's so inconsistent and bad.


    This explains how you get ridiculous elements like Anikan being concieved by the force, midi-chlorians, Obi-Wan not wanting to train the boy, then for weak reasons training him anyway, the council not wanting to train him, then for no reason whatsoever deciding to allow training him, the ridiculously unbelievable love story in which Anikan acts like a creepy douche 99% of the time yet still convinces Padme to marry him after 3 days, Mace Windu and all the Jedi's epic stupidity, etc.


    So...that's how I deal. :) The prequels are a poor record of what happened and the original trilogy is an accurate historical account.


    How do you cope? (and if your response is "I just don't care" then I just don't care :p)


    It's 2013... Get Over It.

  5. Are the Prequel Trilogy Jedi all they're cracked up to be?


    The Golden Age of the Old Republic, the millenium or so after the Ruusan Reformations, saw peace and prosperity return to a galaxy that had been ravaged by almost constant warfare for centuries. During this time the Jedi Order settled in and kept the peace, acting as negotiators and mediators throughout the Republic.


    Supposedly, this was a flourishing of the "Jedi Arts", until the beginnings of the Clone Wars. While certainly, the centuries of peaceful meditation led the Jedi to a greater understanding of the Force and its mysteries... what did they really accomplish? Peaceful introspection is the ultimate calling of the Jedi code, especially for consulars. But were the Jedi Guardians we see during the prequels really the best that the Jedi Order had ever produced? Quite doubtful.


    For a thousand years, the Jedi did not see open warfare. In fact, the purpose of the Ruusan reforms was to demilitarize the galaxy. The Army of Light disbanded, and the conventional Republic forces were no more. What few conflicts did occur were dealt with by local planetary forces. The claims that somehow, the PT Jedi Order had perfected the arts of combat in this era are absurd. While the technical aspects of the lightsaber forms were of course still known to the Jedi, they lacked practical experience with combat. Even worse, each generation of instructors who lacked experience in warfare then trained another generation, multiplying the effects of their inexperience.


    In the old days, starting the the Hundred Years Darkness and concluding with the Ruusan Reforms in the time of Darth Bane, lightsaber combat was not just a flourishing art. It was life or death, as force sensitive combatants fought on all sides of every war in those eras. And wars were frequent.


    It was during these days that we saw the most rapid evolution of the lightsaber forms, rapidly expanding from the simplistic movements of Shii-Cho to incorporate the dueling form of Makashi, and so on until the time of Exar Kun, when Niman had been developed. By the days of the Jedi Civil War, Juyo was in practice, even if frowned upon by the Jedi Council.


    In these times, any battle would involve numerous lightsaber duels. These were not artistic, complex affairs, but rather deadly contests on the field of battle. Jedi regularly fought Sith, and Dark Jedi of all stripes. Even amongst the Sith, lethal duels were extremely common, seen as both preparation for facing the Jedi and to weed out the weak among them.


    Count Dooku lamented the way the Jedi Council had allowed dueling techniques to deteriorate by the times of the PT, and even in the times of the First Jedi Purge, Kreia warned the Jedi Exile that compared to ancient masters like Tulak Hord and Marka Ragnos, more modern Jedi were merely "children playing with toys". It is clear that during the ancient times, duelists were far more formidable than in the PT era. This is not to say that the vaunted Master Yoda did not possess vast wisdom and knowledge of the Force, but that the combat skills of the PT Jedi were not up to scratch when the Clone Wars opened up.


    You are correct.


    Case and point, Day 1 of the Clone Wars, "Geonosis Arena" How many Jedi died that day ?


    Basically everyone of the Jedi that learned Form 6 was killed. Why ?


    Because like what you mentioned, Form 6 was the cliff notes of lightsaber styles. The fact that you had Jedi studying "Cliff notes" on lightsaber sword styles proves the fact that the Jedi were getting soft.




    1. When Tarkin is walking with Anakin and Ahsoka, Barriss looks nervous, when Tarkin explains the prisoner is going to be moved from the Jedi Temple to a new prison facility. This gave Barriss a heads up on Letta's whereabouts. Barris realized at that moment she will need to figure out a way to break in. Why ? Because Letta would sooner or later snitch. To avoid this, Barriss went into the prison with the intentions of killing Letta. It would of been easier killing Letta inside the Jedi Temple, but Tarkin threw a monkey wrench in her plan and now Barriss needed to move quickly.



    2. After killing Letta in a rather sloppy manner, Barriss realized she would need to get the attention off her. Many people wouldn't believe Ahsoka would murder someone. So Barriss needed to find a way to change people's minds. Barriss would assist Ahsoka in escaping and use her as a smoke screen to get the attention off her. Barriss would drop the keycard, and kill the guards framing Ahsoka.



    3. Realizing that Ahsoka proved far more difficult to capture then she originally thought, Barriss needed to find a way to continually keep the attention off her and on Ahsoka. She would lead her to the nanodroids, and then lead security forces to the area so that the link between the nanodroids and Ahsoka was made. So even if Ahsoka escaped, she would never be able to clear her name.



    4. First off, Barriss is not overpowered, but what makes you think Barriss is weak ?


    Barriss is in the same age group as Ahsoka, and in a lot of ways far more mentally focused. Barriss at one point, "memorized all 200 junctions of a Geonosis hive, because her master told her too". Ahsoka doesn't have that type of focus and would of laughed in Anakin's face if he asked her to do it.


    Having the mental fortitude to study a lightsaber style, and practice again and again and again and again, is not something that really is hard for a person like Barriss.


    But can she beat Ahsoka in a duel ? Yes. ABSOLUTELY ! Why ? Because to kick ***** as a Jedi, has nothing to do with physical ability. It has to do with your level of focus. Clearing your mind, concentrating, and having the confidence to follow through. Three things that Ahsoka is not able to do at the moment.


    Barriss was rested, focused, and ready to do what needed to be done.

    Ahsoka was tired, scared, confused, or as she puts it, "Off her game.." because of the stress she was under.


    Barriss, being the more disciplined one, made the decision early on that she would have to be ready to kill clones, frame friends, and tarnish the name of the Jedi forever in order to win. Ahsoka is still trying to wrap her head around the first one.



    5. A bit of foreshadowing was mentioned in "Sabotage", that all Jedi have political ideals and see the Jedi Order involved in the war in a lot of different ways.


    For Barriss, she hates the idea that the Jedi are involved in the war. She feels that the Clone Wars is hurting the reputation of the Order, and that the Jedi are losing their focus as peace keepers. Barriss, like Anakin, and Tarkin believe that the Jedi are not able to do what needs to be done to end the war because of their principles.


    With no end to the war, Barris goal is simple.


    To make the Senate and the Republic believe that the Jedi Order should be removed from Military Actions. With the Jedi Order removed from power, the Republic can take the gloves off and end the war. That sounds a lot like Tarkin, and that's because it is. However Tarkin and Barriss are not working together, and have completely different goals. Tarkin wants to consolidate all power underneath him and get the Jedi out of his territory, because he enjoys being in charge.


    Barriss doesn't want power or to be in charge. She just wants the Jedi to go back to their roots as peace keepers and pacifists, and not be involved in Republic politics and military matters.


    To do that, she will become focused and do whatever it takes to win.

  7. they are spineless and clueless in addition to liars.


    I can't believe this is Bioware we are talking about, it's pretty pathetic how low their reputation has sunk in a little over a year. EA has tarnished their image forever. If they have any balls they would fight to reclaim the community's trust, by starting with honesty and then working on coming up with a proper solution to the CE Vendor.

  8. I must say, Ahsoka is a great smoke screen for Padme.


    Because they see Anakin emotionally attached to Ahsoka, it does a great job of hiding the fact that he has ties to Padme. So effectively their relationship flies under the radar as the problems with Ahsoka increase.


    Sadly though, Anakin seems to be nothing, but drama. If everything was brought to the surface at the same time, I can see Obi Wan sinking into his chair in the Jedi Council Chamber and doing a / facepalm.


    WINDU: So Skywalker, let me get this straight... You murdered sand people, tortured poggle, trained a Padawan to ignore every rule in the Jedi Code and run off, and you been talking ***** about us to the Chancellor. Is there anything else you would like to bring to our attention ? or did I pretty much cover it ?


    ANAKIN: Um.. I got a Senator pregnant.


    WINDU: *Looks at Obi Wan*


    OBIWAN: *Initiate face palm*


    ANAKIN: So you going to make me a master ? or... no ?

  9. In fact, if I remember correctly, that's exactly why Ashoka was assigned as Anakin's Padawan - to teach Anakin a greater sense of responsibility and teach him to let go of attachments.[/color]


    You are correct.


    In addition, the reason why he was allowed to sit on the Council is because Palpatine requested it, nothing more. While Anakin has increased in maturity he still is a lose cannon that the Jedi Council don't want to deal with.


    Look how much Obiwan and Anakin clash on ideas, the Jedi Council don't want to be dealing with Anakin on that level. To be made a Jedi Master, would infer that Anakin would be allowed to debate and argue with Yoda as an equal.


    Yoda aint putting up with that...

  10. Hood up and hood down is still in the works. Unfortunately, it requires a few changes to our art pipeline and reprocessing those assets by the artists. The team has been hard at work on our upcoming content, and priorities put hood up/down on the back burner just a bit, but it's still on the To Do list and we are still very much aware of the demand - by developers and players alike!


    I like the part, where nobody in the design team realized we wanted the ability to put our hoods up and down from the very beginning.


    Did anyone on the design team actually watch Star Wars ? :rolleyes:

  11. I completely agree, not only has Ashoka gone a long way, but TCW has gone a long way. It's so exciting watching a series like this develop, and just get better and better in every respect. I really can't wait to find out 'who dun it' and see how this arc ends. The fate of Ashoka Tano hangs in the balance!


    Query: In yours and everyones opinion, which is the better episode - The Lawless or The Jedi Who Knew Too Much? Both are excellent episodes and IMO the creme de la creme of TCW.


    Both are amazing, I really like both Ahsoka and Savage as characters.


    With Lawless, I knew Savages days were numbered when Sidious showed up. I spent the majority of the episode preparing myself for the inevitable, so I couldn't really enjoy the episode as much because I knew the ending.


    The fact that Sidious was so OP, and my understanding of "the rule of two" painted the picture that the whole episode was only going to go down one way, and that way was not going to be pretty for Savage.


    With The Jedi that Knew Too Much, I enjoyed the episode a lot more, partially because I was shocked at how quickly things did a 180.


    During the first 10 minutes of the episode our golden girl could do no wrong. Typical Ahsoka fanfare that usually makes me say, "Make her a freaking Jedi Knight already !"


    The last 10 minutes of the episode, and 5 seasons of heroic action worthy of being recorded in the Jedi Archives were flushed down the toilet. Ahsoka's official career as a Jedi is pretty much over, and I am left shocked at how quickly fate can change directions.


    The good news is, that Ahsoka has been left so paranoid that she can smell Order 66 a thousand light years away, she will not be taken by surprise and killed the way other Jedi are killed in Order 66. So that is a major plus. Also seeing how she handled herself with the clones, my guess is, if she can survive Ventress, she will have what it takes to survive Episode 3 and the Dark Times.


    So while it does suck that Ahsoka is out of a job, she shouldnt be too sad, all Jedi will be out of a job soon enough. :p

  12. Barris offee was acting odd in this episode, and she has previously stated Jedi are peace keepers, not warriors in the brain invaders episode...

    However I think she was merely used as a ploy to show Ashoka thinking, in this show they never hear thoughts or talk to themselves, feelings are expressed via chat with other characters, and I think that's all offee is...


    Also, again, ventress could have easily been hired, just because she hunts Ashoka doesn't mean she's behind it, it's not unbenounced for the republic to put bounties on things clones can't do alone....


    Fox, in my opinion isn't behind it. He seems like a very patriotic character, jumping to conclusions comes in a hell of a lot when strong emotions come into play, remember that.


    But yeh.... Great writing!


    I watched the episode again and yeah you might be on to something..


    My updated list of suspects are,


    1. Barris Offee - Prime Suspect. Her and Ahsoka have talked about how radical Anakin and his methods are. Also I don't think Barris has fully recovered from the infection on Geonosis. She is emotional compromised, and seems conflicted by the war. She also said, "Things will never change" and looked sad when she said it. She has always been the "Square one", "Naive", and looks highly on the things that Ahsoka has achieved. Perfect recipe for her to do something unorthodox and stupid in a effort to spark change and screw up in the process.


    2. Darth Maul - Highly possible. Stealth missions are his specialty, and Sidious wastes no time putting his minions to work once he acquires them. Maul could be working with Sidious with the hopes that maybe he can redeem himself and become Sidious apprentice again.


    3. Darth Sidious - Not Likely. While fully capable of being able to Force Choke a person on the other side of the planet while attending a meeting with a room filled with Jedi, I don't think he would do mundane work like slip a access card into a prison room. Nor would he lower himself to beating up guards.


    4. Ventress - Impossible. Ventress made a promise to herself that she would not be used or be manipulated by anyone. She is independent and works strictly for credits as a Bounty Hunter. She is not the Cad Bane type of Bounty Hunter who will gladly steal younglings for credits. She has principles now. Also, Darth Sidious would instantly kill her if he had the chance. He wants her dead and ordered Dooku to killl her. If he was willing to take out Maul, who was more powerful then Ventress, why would he align himself with Ventress is so low down on the Darkside totem pole.

  13. Because of the nature of Star Wars, and us knowing the events that take place in Revenge of the Sith. I feel like it is difficult to build intensity and drama in this series, because we all know how it ends.


    Even in the Darth Maul vs Sidious fight, I was just waiting for the inevitable.


    However, this Ahsoka arc, is finally bringing in that tension ! The fact that so many people are guessing "at who done it" means we are finally in uncharted waters where anything can happen to Ahsoka !


    Nobody knows the outcome and I love it ! Enjoy this arc while it lasts, one of the few times in Star Wars history where anything, can go anywhere !!


    With that said, I wish the little Togruta all the best ! She has definitely come a long way !

  14. You guys gave up on Maul so easily...


    1. Did you ever think for a second, Sidious could of used Maul to do it ?

    2. Ventress is a bounty hunter now, if anything she would be hired to track Ahsoka down, not set her up.

    3. Sidious giving Ahsoka a keycard ? That is kind of beneath the Sith Lord. He got people for that type of work.

    4. Sidious said he got uses for Maul, and Maul is probably not in a position to refuse.

  15. I would greatly appreciate it if someone would give me some tips to control or even get rid of this entirely, I have not been able to enjoy the full game experience because of this.


    Quit the game.


    Look at investing time into a MMO with a better development cycle, which listens to the community, instead of preaching to them, lying to them, and ignoring them when they screw up.

  16. Yeah they seemed to have said many things.


    Which is the number #1 reason why I do not trust the "Expansion" and this new Reputation System.


    As a person that purchased the Collection Edition, I was trusting Bioware that they would not take advantage of all the problems that could arise from creating a CE Vendor. I was completely wrong, they did exactly what I hope they would not do. Which is make a CE vendor with only 1 item in it, set a ridiculously high price just to further force us to grind.


    I look at the Reputation System and see lots of grinding with little to no payoff. When you finally become a Champion of Gree or a Champion of the Voss, and have grinded your eyes out for months, how much stuff do you think your going to get at the top tier ? and how many items will be updated on a consistent bases to justify the time placed into the system ?


    I look at the Rise of the Hutt expansion and see content that should be free, being rehashed and sold to you at a price, and the content is so light that the word, "Expansion" is laughable.


    By creating the Collector Vendor, I have seen how low Bioware is willing to go to make a buck. Whether they are slaves to EA or not, their reputation has been hurt significantly by working with them.


    Sorry Bioware, but your going to have to grind a lot of Reputation Points to be my "Champion" again.

  17. While I have no desire for this game (ArcheAge) and people will find its only a nitch market (which was said all allong by those in the know)


    Trion picked up North American distribution rights for this game so dont worry

    On NA servers you will be able to play NA hours (IE All day every day)


    Any game worth it's salt is niche, and placed into a genre. RPG, FPS, TPS, RTS, SURVIVAL HORROR.


    If you don't like the genre, then you will probably not like the games made in that genre. Call of Duty has proven to be a huge success as a FPS, if it was turned into a RPG ? Not so much...


    ARCHEAGE - Is going to be impressive when it hits NA, and will certainly bring back some of that MMO Sandbox Love, seen in Ultima online and SWG.


    On a side note, the Korean Servers have their own rules based on Korea, and I believe there is a mandatory max amount of hours you can play a MMO over there. Talk about government infringement :mad:.


    Fortunately, here in the Land of the Free you can play as much as you want at any time of the day. :cool:

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