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Posts posted by knightow

  1. 2v5ing Ghost Infantry is fun but after killing the same people repetitively I lose interest.

    I agree with Chukles... Ilum isn't any where near fun after about thirty mins, and I've never been a fan of being ganked while doing dailies so that is also a negative. (Thats why I sell molecular stabilizers. Lol)


    Guess it's back to the Warzones... .-.


    Maybe you should bring more than 5 guildys if you want to compete with 2 of us :D

  2. There's nothing wrong with it, honestly the ranked games are fun because everyone knows how to play and are coordinating, even if the class compositions aren't perfect. On the Imp side, the top guilds have taken to gathering up 16 people and having captains pick teams (kickball style). It's not as cutthroat as A team versus A team, but its really competitive and fun. Strangely enough there aren't any accusations of hacking in those games! :D


    It gets hilarious when we hit another queueing team - I think Cookies was doing kickball interguild and fought a Covenant team with all warriors or all sorcs or something.


    Well that sounds like a blast!


    The problem is <Ghost Infantry> is a very diverse guild alot of our members are playing on Asia Pacific all the way to German time zones so when we have 8+ members online it's usually around 7-10 am west coast time.

    Not much RWZ's popping at those hours.


    The good news is we've gotten alot of new members from Canada and USA so I would expect to see us sooner rather than later doing ranked in the evenings.


    Until then anyone wanting to form RWZ's in the mornings can contact us and setup some games :)

  3. You guys are great. :D Especially because you have Icey. Tell him to play his sentinal and not his gunslinger!

    Unfortunately Icey won't be back for a few weeks. Our mumble just isn't the same without him. I'm guessing the Imp base on Illum feels the same way ;)


    All jokes aside if you want to do ranked send a /tell to Spidey or any of our members and we can set something up. Hope you don't mind if our comp is like 7 knights and 1 Vanguard lol might not be the most competitive team but it it's better than nothing.

  4. If I say you're good, will you guys queue up ranked against us more? :D


    Sure thing just hit one of us up at around 6-7 am PST and gtg :p

    oh and don't forget to tell us we're good or you may hurt my feelins.


  5. How about we just nerf both smash and bubble? I think that would satisfy the people fighting here.

    I think they'll have to because they're both incredibly broken and synergize with each other creating a really bad experience for anyone on the other side of these specs.


    [Edit] Smash needs a huge nerf Bubble needs a small fix IMHO.

  6. You know that there are a lot more people that PvE than PvP, so any nerf will have effect on them.

    Kinda like the 1.4 PvE Focus/Rage buff that has had such a positive impact on PvP?

    You guys can eat a PvP nerf and choke on it.

  7. If they nerf focus/rage then vengeance/vigilance needs a considerable boost.

    And everyone lives happily ever after :)

    A change like this could have a very positive outcome regarding "Class Balance" If BW dosn't over due it.

  8. Thanks for posting your thoughts about the stun bubble and its Resolve value. We do plan on making some changes to the bubble in the future, but we're still looking at some different options for addressing concerns about it. We'll continue taking your feedback into account and will let you know more when we can.

    While you're swinging the nerf bat can you please aim it towards the the Focus/Rage tree as well.

  9. I hate playing melee with a passion right now, especially against clued opponents (like in ranked). Everyone I fight has a bubble on, and click it off at will. I'm constantly stunned. I am a firm believer this is the reason people have complained about the increase in stuns post-1.4, rather than the resolve change.


    They need to address this.

    /signed nerf bubble sorc/sage

    Also remove auto facing/keyboard turning support.

    Its a *********** joke that these nubs think there so leet compared to any melee class.

    LMFAO at all the auto facing tards coming here to defend there OP spec.

  10. Sounds like a please don't nerf me bro reply.

    Actually I'm hoping this terrible spec dose get nerfed .

    I'm just sick of all the whining.

  11. To the team of smashy smash sith warrs I played today, you guys lost, please delete your character because I don't know how you can fail the lolspec.


    To ALL teams that stack smashy smash stackers, you guys are a joke.


    That is all.


    Sounds like a L2P issue /thread

  12. Probabaly a bad time to bring it up with all the F2P being top priority... but He did say this year... and seeing how its the end of October, shouldnt this be launching with F2P?




    My number one gripe about this game is there is no achievement system :(

    I rely hope the devs come through on this.

    I doubt they will. Priority atm is to nickel and dime F2Pers. So achievement systems, cross server pvp and Character transfers will probably be taking a back seat.

  13. Why do these abilites have a 10 meter range


    You'll back paddle away and be about 5-8 meters away and it'll hit you for full damage



    Bioware I know this might come as a shock but... lightsabers are not 10 meters long


    Nerf Master Strike for back peddlers LMAO

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