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Posts posted by MorluCa

  1. It is pretty awful. I'm rank 62 and am still rocking my Centurion Helm/Saber that I had to buy with tokens. I've opened hundreds of champion bags and dozens of Battlemaster bags and have not received those items.


    Sad, because I've put in 3x the effort of most people and have not been rewarded. My buddy got level 50 did weeklies/dailies for 2 weeks and is 100% champion at rank 31 Valor.

    He just leveled an alt instead of grinding to 60 and is better geared than I. I've decided to give this game until March when the "PvP Patch" is being released. After that I'll unsub if I'm not happy.

  2. I'm a battlemaster Sorc and removing the slow would be pretty game breaking for healing Sorcs..... Corruption Sorc's have no root, unlike Madness/Lightning specs and Sorc's have 0 Defensive cooldowns (Shields are pre-emptive.)


    Lightning snare would make sense, but the Interrupt and Slow changes would be garbage.

  3. I grinded rank 60 through 100% Warzones and it took FORRRREEEVVVEERRR. I got rank 60-62 through Illum in about 5 hours played which is around 115k Valor. I am not upset about people joining OPS and grinding the valor legit in Illum. I am upset about those full OPS AoE trading kills, everyone involved should have their valor reset to 30.
  4. I still like this game but I changed my 6 month subscription to 1 month recurring. The PvP gearing and Illum are the worst implementation i have ever seen in a MMO. I stayed because I thought the battlemaster bag change was tokens.... but they are still lucky dip bags, and extremely RNG to get the Battlemaster Tokens to buy gear.


    I'm giving SWTOR until March. If it fails I'll unsub and wait for Diablo 3 or GW2.

  5. 100% Tera Kasi warriors specializing in vibroswords or hand to hand. Make them have some fancy bracers to "guard" against saber attacks and everyone would be happy. I'd play one in a second.


    A beast master class would work as well but not sure how they'd implement it with companions.


    A Force user specializing in dual Shunto sabers or "saber dagger" would be cool with a spec specializing in light whips.

  6. Why report people... Do it back to them. There's thousands of players doing this every game, and Bioware hasn't even responded saying it's against ToS. You can wall jump up to the endzone in Huttball, early cap in Voidstar.... I haven't seen anything about action against peoples accounts because of it.



    I think Bioware should put out a formal warning on the forums and launching stating that these situations are bannable. It's annoying but very easy to knock someone off that stand.

  7. In Vanilla WoW, a Rogue could stunlock you for over a minute, he could 100-0 you without you ever leaving stun, he could kill you naked with a level 1 grey dagger, and you'd never attack him once.


    PvP needs time to get sorted, you can't possibly balance it until you have a large enough population at cap that have actually learned to play.






    But guess what the LEAST played classes are? You guessed it! Operative and Scoundrel! How many GOOD or even competent Scoundrels/Operatives playing Scrapper/Concealment who tested mainly PvP with 400 Biochem do you think they had during beta?


    The answer? Very, very, very few.


    For over a minute.... you mean a 5 second cheapshot followed by a 6 second Kidney shot 1 minute than yea, you're right. Also Rogues sacrificed combo points (aka damage since your a noob) for that stun. I played a Rogue which was by far the highest skill cap class in WoW, along with Mages. Rogues are still the least played class in WoW for a reason before you try and spew some noob garbage.

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