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Posts posted by RamzaBehoulve

  1. The average online population in the fleet on my server dropped over 30% in the last 3 weeks.


    Quite a few people who reached 50, some even on a 2nd character, are not resubscribing for March.


    Besides, with the complete release of information and footage from Guild Wars 2 yesterday which completely DESTROYS SWTOR in almost everything except maybe story, and even then GW2 seems to be doing quite well there too, and for NO SUBSCRIPTION.


    Except SW fans, I can't see who is going to continue paying 15$/month for almost nothing to do, not in 2012. WoW got away with it because it was first of the new gen, but SWTOR is the last of that gen.

  2. If they're acting like a douche? Totally worth it.


    Considering "being a douche" lately is simply daring to give a tip, advice or simply trying to organize the raid, I expect a lot of people being kicked.


    Some people even get annoyed from a simple "Hi, gl hf". I've seen it multiple times.

  3. So i'm battlemaster now what? i've got full champ gear and I was wondering what do I do now after my 2 dailies are done? Any suggestions?


    Congratulations, you can go play another game now.

  4. Agreed with most posters here.


    Sentinels are definately a low-tier class until you get gear and a comparatively good deal of skill (compared to most other classes). I didn't even bother trying to PvP with mine from 1-49. Once you're in mostly Champ with around 620ish Expertise, you start to see the true power of this class.


    Until then, just grind it out or reroll almost any other class in the game for a more pleasurable lower-geared experience.


    The only point in time I noticed a lower performance was in PvE lvl 20-29 Combat spec.


    PvP has never been an issue in any spec at any level, and that was with lvl 50 still in the same bracket, although some skills make it much easier to deal with certain situations past lvl 30.


    PvP overall requires much more player skill on Sentinel than any other class anyway (Assassin/Shadow are close in terms to us in that aspect). Lvl 50 and champion gear just moves us from balanced to OP (in good hands), especially if a friendly healer or guarding tank takes a liking to us.

  5. I am disappointed they are putting a penalty because It is not fun being stuck with bads over and over, but of course I see the logic behind it. I will enjoy the last 2 months of not being forced to waste my time losing because my team is full of low levels and bads.


    I heavily disagree with the penalty as well. However, it comes with WZ ratings, therefore, after a few matches, you should be matched with people of your skill level, in theory, so you shouldn't have any incentive to leave to begin with anymore.


    Leaving a rated WZ must be punished as this time you don't just piss off team mates, you also make the whole team lose points.

  6. You have to wait 5 minutes. If I read what the OP is saying, they are camping the med center where you res so even if you res there, they can still kill you making your choice to not play at all or res and die.


    Because not playing 5 minutes is such a huge amount of time. Go get a glass of water instead meanwhile?

  7. If that game is WoW then the answer is yes, I checked it out but never played it. I went from SWG to LOTRO after a very brief look at the WoW community. I was there for launch on both SWG and LOTRO. Both of those games had bugs, and SWG had a huge exploiter problem with credit dupes at start. But the ban stick was heavy, and cheaters were forced to come back with a new credit cards borrowed from their grandma and not cheat for fear of losing something they actually had to work for.


    SWTOR is competing against that other game (and every other games, be it MMO or normal RPGs) in 2012, not in 2004 and you completely missed the OP's point.

  8. Sure can. Might even be able to do it with one if I was crazy enough to use an adrenal while I have WZ buff on (that's total overkill and a waste of clicks).


    People who say you do more damage in Deception are deluding yourself. It isn't even like Madness where you at least appear to do more damage. You flat out don't do more damage and take considerably more risk, which is why the spec is weak.


    Rofl, Darkness damage is nowhere near Deception :rolleyes:


    I do at least 50% more per WZ in Deception/Madness than Darkness. Thing is, there is not point in more than 300k, so might as well stay alive longer.

  9. Gotta love people saying "Marauders can't defend" or "Marauders don't win WZ".


    You obviously never played good ones. A single Marauder can win a 2v1 by himself or at the very least kill one of them, if he has a good healer, this can go up to win 4v2.


    Saying we can't defend is really funny as hell.


    Objectives are entirely about the player, not the class. I've seen a single Marauder hold a point far longer than a tank or healer ever did once, that was masterful.

  10. Honestly.... crap video, bad player getting big hits on lowbobs because he outgears them. L2P and use taunts, CC from stealth, rupts,.... then your team sometime will win because you actually contributed something. Stopped watching after 4mins because only thing I've seen is stealth, selfbuff and then standard rotations. Shadows can do so much more than this.


    Make a video outplaying him then or shut up.

  11. I had a battlemaster guardian crit me for 5500 with whatever the Jedi version of smash is.


    I have 650 expertise.


    I don't break 5k on the most undergeared scrubs in WZs with my trinket and stim going. I've gotten it twice since the patch.


    Please keep complaining about a 5.5s combo that can be interrupted and evaded at any time during those 5.5s.


    And the fact you have 650 expertise just confirms you are extremely bad and don't know what you are doing.

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