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Posts posted by Blake_R_

  1. Well the first Kotor game revolved around revan, and the next game was based on the exile Meetra Surik, and a book has already been released that finishes the story of kotor and each of these characters, aswell as most of the companions so just go and buy the book.




    Revan novel, you'll get what you want from that book.

  2. I understand that the main set is suppose to be eliminator's for this build. But what are the recommended offset pieces for the parakeet?


    This question is important, I to would like to know what earpiece and implants to go for, aswell as weapon and wrist type.

  3. That's a very good point, but my question is more directed towards the choice between being more tanky or more damage. As I know people use combat tech or eliminator for parakeet, but I have no idea if they are using tank implants, ear pieces and weapons. But I do know that I should be using a shield generator, but is that enough? Do I need to become a little more tanky with supercommando implants and such, or should I just take more damage?
  4. So basically I want to know what implant, earpiece, weapon and wrist type I should get for the Carolina Parakeet spec. I am planning to use either Eliminators or Combat tech set pieces, but I have no idea which off-set pieces to go for, between SuperCommando and Eliminators.


    Thanks for any help you can give, I could not find any information on this particular question anywhere.

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