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Posts posted by Gwyd-yon

  1. There are three types of crew skills and you generally want one of each as they complement each other.


    Crafting, Gathering, and Mission.


    The crafting skill you chose is Synthweaving which allows you to make armor for force users. This skill is typically paired with Archaeology and Treasure Hunting to get the materials needed for crafting the armor pieces.


    The gathering skill you chose is Bioanalysis, which allows you to gather materials used in the Biochemistry crafting skill.


    Treasure hunting is your mission skill which essentially allows you to pay to send your companion on a mission to get materials, gifts, and other items.


    The one out of place skill you have is Bioanalysis. I recommend reading the codex entries you get in the game when talking to the skill trainers in order to decide which crafting skill you want and which other two skills go best with it.


    EDIT: You can untrain any of the skills you already picked up in order to train different ones.

  2. My problem with loot is while fighting mobs the loot window will start to pop up in the middle of the fight as you kill each opponent and get in the way of your gameplay.This needs to stop,its interfearing and annoying.


    Ask the members of your group not to loot until the battle is over. The loot windows don't pop unless someone loots.

  3. hi all!


    SWTOR is my 1st MMO game, and because of this a few thing is not clear for me :) so these questions may look noob :)


    How important is to join a guild if i want to see all content in this game?

    Not super important, but it certainly makes it easier to get groups for Flashpoints and Operations.


    Today i joined to a guild ingame, just for curiosity. Now let's say i want to quit, how i can do it?

    I believe /gquit does the trick.


    Next question is about world bosses. Today i was in nar shadda, i saw a giant droid, with 480K hp :eek: i knew later, it was a world boss. I saw a video where around 20 ppl defeat it. How is that working, when max party size is 4?

    Switch the group type to an Operations groups for up to 16 players.


    Let's say we defeat it, how loot will work? I just don't get it at all :)

    Is it the same how operations are working?

    All the loot that is dropped will come up on screen for people to roll need or greed. Server rolls for each player, highest roll on each item gets that item. This is also how operations work, but if you are in a guild, sometimes they will set their own looting rules, you would be better off talking to your guild members about how they loot.

    thanks for all answers


    See my answers in red, Hope that helps!

  4. I grouped with a player once (very briefly) that was chatting at me and I didn't realize it. The chat window never let me know.... cause well... I had it on the guild chat tab the entire time and didn't realize lol. For me, would help if they enabled a chat bubble option.


    This has happened to me as well. I am generally quite helpful, but before I took System Feedback out of my main chat window I rarely saw group chat and I am sure some people thought I was ignoring them.

  5. I agree with everything said here. In the old days you could REALLY get messed up from deaths. Ultima Online you could really die in some senses if you where not careful enough. Asheron's Call where you dropped more and more of you items on each death and had to fight to get them back. If you didn't get them within a certain time frame your body opened up and anyone could loot your stuff.


    I miss the real games with real dangers.


    Not to turn this into a nostalgia thread, but remember in Asheron's Call having to experiment with spell ingredients to learn new spells? How about the classless leveling? Dungeons that required platforming?


    In EQ, mobs that never stopped chasing you? TRAIN TO ZONE!!! Spawn camping for hours for a single drop when enemies only spawned once per hour.


    Man, games are so easy now.

  6. games nowadays have a lot of "you're screwed down the road if you make the wrong decision now" moments.



    HA! I had to reply to this because of hilarity. Games nowadays are INCREDIBLY forgiving compared to the games of yesteryear.


    I don't think I'm too old in my late 20's, but does no one remember old games? XP penalties for death were common in the first MMOs. You could actually LOSE A LEVEL from dying. You had to run back to your corpse from town with none of your gear in order and hope there were no mobs around because you had the wrong target selected when you used one ability.


    Games nowadays are FAR easier than they used to be, and I'm not complaining, just making sure you young whippersnappers know how good you've got it.


    EDIT: And to more directly address the point, server changes have NEVER been in place at launch on any MMO. That capability is added later on once populations are settled.

  7. Couple things:


    First, my friends and I created a facebook group to coordinate server selection so we would all be on the same one. Worked great! Hooray for planning.


    Second, I am too lazy to look up the specific comment, but I am fairly certain I saw Stephen Reid mention in his AMA on reddit that server changes would be coming, but they wanted to let populations settle after launch first so they don't get hordes of people moving out of full servers creating dead servers, which causes server merges, which are a bad thing.


    Due to rolling access from EGA and the never-before-seen number of launch subscribers they had to leave some restrictions in place to start with in order to limit the chaos.

  8. SWTOR Forums: A Timeline


    Forum start


    "Give us a release date already!"


    Release date given


    "When are you going to let me Beta test!"


    Beta Weekend


    "Let us into the game already!"


    Early Access Opens


    "Let me into early access already!"


    Game Launches


    "OMG, no content for 50s, so many bugs, BW better fix this!"


    Patch within one week addressing many major issues


    "Everything is wrong, I quit!"

  9. This has been the worst fancy hat thread I've ever entered.


    I am massively disappointed by the lack of fancy hats in this game! I pre-ordered and I expected to receive a fancy hat IMMEDIATELY!!! So far I haven't even seen an image of the fancy hat that I may or may not receive EVENTUALLY!!?!!11 Thanks a bunch Bioware, I'm going back to Team Fortress 2 for all my hats.

  10. I for one am over the moon about the staggered access. No, I don't have access yet (I pre ordered on the 1st of November). But I am glad about this. No matter when I get in, whether it be 1st wave or last.


    The last thing anyone wants is a massively overpopulated starting zone. I played all the WoW expansions on the 1st day they were available. Not only were there queues, the whole area was basically unplayable.


    One reason being too many people, players with lower specced computers could not process the info and have lag. Secondly, any quests that required 'kill x amount of mobs' or 'Gather y amount of drops' are basically unplayable because everyone is doing the same quests.


    This way, by the time one wave gets access to the game, the previous wave will have cleared most of the content on the starting zones.


    Besides, you weren't expecting to play til the 15th at the earliest. So just relax.



    Absolutely THIS.


    During the stress test Beta I was having trouble getting some of my quests completed and I didn't even start until Saturday.


    Not to mention the fact that we are getting access 2 days earlier than we expected when pre-ordering. I think BioWare has done a fantastic job of both communicating with its customers, and of planning the launch.


    Bravo BioWare.

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