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Posts posted by NoTTaShoT

  1. good day! you may want to check us out... http://www.wehavedelusionsofgrandeur.com we are basically a west coast based guild and have many members from overseas. We have a raid team that is actually called "Late Night." as they start ops usually around 11, 1130 pm central time. there are many members on during the wee hours of the morning as well. give us a look, if it appears we may fill your need, give it a try by clicking the "Join Now" tab at the top middle of our home page.


    Happy Gaming!




    Aww poop is it a republic guild? :confused:


    Seems perfect

  2. Looking for a friendly guild that is constantly active late at night. I normally work 2nd shift and spend my days with my kids/wife so only play around midnight-3am. If anyone knows of an active guild that is steady and willing to invite a returning player let me know.






    (Empire Side)

  3. Make the quest tracker show your storyline quest as a different color(blue?). Not sure what color of course, also maybe change the color of the location on the map for the storyline quest. I say this because I enjoy following the storyline but am not interested in the side quests (spam spacebar)


    anyone else like to see something like this?

  4. Players servers die,they don't want to be on a low-standard server so they roll on the biggest server they can find.

    15 minutes isn't long compared to the 30 minutes it takes to find a warzone on a standard server..


    this this

  5. Add a debuff so people can que back up to a WZ if they quit. In fact make it stack. First time? 5mins (warning message for doing it) 2nd time? 15mins. 3rd time 30mins? Do those two debuffs in a never ending rotation.







    SIGN if you agree.

  6. No lies or trolling.

    Don't believe in teamwork? No loot for you.

    Got in a half way over game? Bad luck happens.

    Leveling system for PvP itself? Yes please.

    Large scale maps with small team game modes? Yes please.

    No mount in PvP? Yes please.


    For anyone upset about the medals right now I can understand a little annoyance from not getting any reward if you join late, with that said... I've lost and won plenty of matches since 1.2 and always got at least 5-6 medals. It's not hard, defend, defend the ball/base whatever or attack, attack, attack the target/ball carrier or base.


    Medals are extremely easy to get, anyone that can't get 4 in half of a game is either A. Not playing as a team (which means you shouldn't rewarded since its team based PvP) or B. You'll sitting around doing nothing trying to get free loot.


    Dear Bioware,


    Leave the medal system as it is. Please do not hand out free loot, make it feel earned when you win as it is now. People need to know that failure shouldn't be rewarded as equal to success.


    Yours Forever,



  7. Bioware managed to destroy the PVP in this game with one fell swoop. That coupled with pulling rated WZs just hours before the patch caused me to unsub. I hate to say it but it's pretty clear at this point Bioware has no clue what the hell they are doing.


    I'll be watching the boards for your name.

  8. i actually posted a rant about how much i hated it earlier, then i played it again for another couple hours and loved it. the PvP is TERRIBLE if u lose, but GREAT if u win. they should just up the reward for losing if u as a single player still did good


    I like how you dont get something if you dont win, more games should not do freebies so easy.

  9. You dont see how not getting a single reward of any kind for being thrown into a losing wz anywhere near CLOSE to half over isnt a prblem?


    You dont see how working your *** off in a losing effort because your teamates suck and getting zero rewards of any kind for your time isnt a problem?


    You dont see how pvp'ing in fresh level 50 gear nets you zero rewards of any kind because its hard as **** to get the minimum required medals with everyone else in BM gear as a problem.


    Because heres a hint. The vast majority of everyone else does.



    I havent had an issue with getting at least 5 medals in games I've joined already in progress.


    Team play = quick medals

  10. Wanting to level a warrior focused 100% on PvP at lvl 50. I prefer more control/mobility when I'm playing in PvP over having lots of HP/Mitigation. I don't know much about max level skills for both sides (Mar or Jug) but going off of what I've said what would you recommend?


    Pros and Cons also for both in PvP?



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