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Posts posted by cariad

  1. Hello,


    Long story short, I messed up when creating my legacy name (the first choice was "invalid"). I understand it's impossible to change it, however as I already have something in mind (the messed up part is the capitalization) I'd very much like to reset it.


    Does anyone know if by deleting the "master" character the legacy gets reset?

  2. I play a jedi sentinel (level 31) and am in the same boat. With group with one silver (groups with 2 silver are a nightmare) a small mistake or a missed interrupt is all it take between life and death.


    Although it can feel great during class quests (a real sense of challenge) it's quite irritating in the long run. To the point where I'm tempted to roll another class.

  3. Hello,


    It's always nice to repost such advices now and then although the pessimist in me is not really sure anybody not already convinced will take heart to follow them.


    Also (even if I wouldn't be able to play like that) I would like to see the "Getting mobs and crafting nodes" advice being ignored for hardcode Empire RP :rolleyes:

  4. A ma connaissance ils fonctionnent bien (encore que je n'ai pas fait énormément de quêtes en groupe).


    Attention quand même, comme les points d'orientation ou d'affection avec les compagnons ils ne sont crédités *que* quand la quête est rendue, pas à la fin de la conversation, peut être que la confusion vient de là.

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