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Posts posted by ShelvanUberwan

  1. Adapt and survive son, one of the best parts about anything is the challenge of what comes next. If it's harder then hell to the yea, get more competitive. Not saying that tweaks don't need to be made, i'm just callin' you a quitter sh**ter I suppose :p You know you love this game ;)


    First intelligent comment I've seen since I"ve been reading this ridiculous post of cry babies and whiners.


    I have a sage/dps and the changes have done nothing to me except give me another heal. I am actually more viable in PvP even against Marauders/Sentinals Juggs/Gurdians because of that fact.


    I'm not the typical guy who is going to call you a noob, and say you don't know how to play your class. I just think that the above comment is spot on. Adapting to the changes can be fun, and enjoyable. If they are smashing you for 7k or more then find a way to mitagate thate damage. As a sage/sorc. If you see a dps coming at you bubble yourself. Put some points in the 20% increase. Use a "red" to help with your defense, or line of sight. I'm giving theses suggestions because they have worked for me successfully. Now since you have your can't get snared ability on the heal tree, you have an even better chance to survive with that extra heal too. Sage/Sorc were buffed, and people don't even see it. My main character is a sage. I leveled him has a healer, switched to dps and have used all trees extensivly. I feel sage is much better off where it is at then it was before.


    Adapt and overcome is the moral of the story.

  2. For Christ's sake people this isn't SWG 2. If they were to add this stuff to the game, they'd have to make it from the ground up, and they already have their hands full as it is. It's not just as simple as taking the coding from one game and plopping it down into another.


    Not sure anyone is really suggesting this. I think most people just want features that were in the previous Star Wars MMO. I think you're exaggerating a little bit too about making it from the ground up. They wouldn't have to do that at all. In fact some of the old SWG features could easily be integrated into this game without a whole lot of effort.


    For example, the appearance tab. It was a secondary equipment tab that you put non-combat gear on to make your character look unique. This could very easily be implemented without a whole lot of coding.


    We all understand that this game is not SWG. But this was suppose to be even better, and its not. And that is saying a lot. Because the SWG graphics was horrible, it was the game play that made it awesome. It seems to be the reverse in this game. The graphics are incredible, but the game play, especially the end-game content is lacking. But I'm crossing my fingers. I know that they are capable.


    Lets all Jedi Meditate and pray to the force that they do start puttting some better end-game content in the game.

  3. Didn't really check if this hasn't been posted before, but honestly, the Datacrons are a fun and interesting challenge the first time arround. Atleast that's what i think, but the problem is when the stat bonuses add up you get enough for it to become "mandatory" (more or less). I atleast think it is way to time consuming and boring to do over and over.


    I think that datacrons is a pretty fun part of the game. But it shouldn't just give you stats. It should allow you to get other rare items, that are not attainable unless you get to the datacron.


    Thats just my two sense about datacrons.

  4. Im sure many others agree with the idea your presenting but your not giving them details. Simply saying "better ops more star warsy" your not suggesting anything. I agree with you but give them details of what you want.


    I would say give us something more wide scale. Give us an ops where we split up into groups for some parts like we would in a star wars universe. The last Star Wars movie Luke went to take on the Emperer, han chewie and leia went to shut down the shield generater and then Lando lead the rebel forces against the empire to take out the death star.



    Send us breaking into the next evil hutts buff barge. Break the group down into specific roles. 2 Dps go here and free the prisoners. tank and healer go defend this. everyone else go kill this. Do it all before the base self destructs!


    Something different than a normal boss fight but still something challenging. Even just for one boss fight.


    Well if I was to interpret what he means. Instead of having a big boss fight at the end. It would be a more wide open fight against many NPC's coming at you with a barrage of laser fire. Huge ships passing by dropping squads of troopers, etc. An actual Star Wars battle, and not a single boss that will kill you just because you get one small mechanic wrong.


    This in my opinion is more epic. More Star Warsy. Seeing many Jedi or Sith coming in at you and parrying back all the bolts of blaster fire coming toward you.


    Seeing armies of droids, or Huge Krayt dragons, etc.....so many easy ways to make the battle epic and star warsy.

  5. With "swith side" i simple mean :

    Let us change from

    Scorcerer to Sage - Sage to Scorcerer

    Shadow to Assa. - Assa. to Shadow

    Scoundrel to Oper. - Oper. to Scoundrel

    so on


    most of my friends would like it and even pay some money


    100 Dollars says they already had this idea for a later date release and just holding it back until subscriptions start going down in a 2 or 3 years if this game lasts that long.

  6. I agree with this post. I really like SWG it was just lack of players that killed it.


    It wasn't really the lack of players. It was the change in the original game engine that killed it. A lot of players were very bitter about that because Jedi was an earned class. To be the best crafter it was earned. To be the best PvPer it was earned. You had to work at it.


    SWTOR doesn't even come close to SWG. It missed the mark in so many areas of the game it isn't even on the same playing field as SWG.


    With that said, it is still fun to play. But if I didn't have guys that I've played for 7 years in SWG to hang out with. I would probably drop my subscription in a heart beat.

  7. First let me start off by saying the only reason people cannot stop comparing TOR to SWG is because we are in 2012 and this game is like a nub game in comparison to the "extensive" options that we all encountered there. Also lets not forget, if we dont have anything to compare this game to, then how do we know if its good or not? I would like to add the game did not die, SOE's contract with LA came to an end with no option to re-sign, mostly due to a fight for subs for the new TOR. Last time I checked before SWG shutting down had many many more server's up and running unlike most of your older MMO's today with only 2 or 3, exception WoW. Also just to note, 8 years for a MMO is outstanding, so lets all be honest, it couldn't of been that dead ( dead game = no money = company shuts it down). Let's not forget as well, SWG was before WoW and set the pace for most MMO's today. If you dont believe me, look up the dates when the games came out. OK, now to the housing issue. In a 90% PVE game such as this, it should have WAY WAY more options. If your a die hard SW fan or just getting started we all know the love we have for it. With that said here is what player housing entailed: The ability to place your house just about anywhere on most planets. The ability to pack your house at the touch of a button. The ability to place a REAL guild hall that people could actually walk into and sit at tables (also placed by the owner) for high council meetings. The ability to make a city to your likings, meaning, statues (that you could name after real players), water fountains, shuttles, parks, vendors, banks, if you could think it, it had it. Also a side note for all the people on "How would we get people to see your homes", if you played SWG you would already know this, but I will tell you anyway. You had a vendor that was linked to the Market, so when you were crafting, or you just ran a dungeon, you just put your items on your vendor and it was in the Market (Galactic Market in TOR). Now if they wanted to buy something, they travel to your house and poof, all your Deco madness was not for nothing, simple really, thus while also giving players new area's they have probably never even seen. This was my experience many times throughout my years playing. Now for all you pvp'ers that say its just "Suzy Cue Deco Party", in my opinion there is nothing like seeing a player with actual ingame items sitting there looking pretty on your wall of accomplishments while im visiting your vendor for some cool items to buy. Do you know what your accomplishments mean in this game? I couldn't tell you, because im sure along with about 99,9 % of players never even inspect another person's rap sheet, because it all sits on a stupid text page in the back of your codex, kind of a joke if you ask me. Now to all you instanced vs Walk in housing, this is for you. Once you have walk in housing, the rest is just being cheap and lazy while developing a game. To me instanced housing feels like, oh great another commercial when I really really want to see this damn movie. If you have never experienced walk in housing, then your not to blame, but I have yet to meet hardly anyone that would go back to instanced, its just backward gaming and shows the non technical status of your current MMO. So I hear, well Zackius it would be a ghost town, well guess what, SOE took care of that too by labeling any building that a player account was connected with as abandoned ( if I remember right, people that no longer had a sub) and you were able to destroy their homes at the click of a button. The incentive was an achievement and you received something for it, sorry I cant remember its been a while. But if your following me, it didn't take but about a couple of weeks (atleast on my server) for almost every city to be packed back up in the players data pad, never to be seen again. It was kind of sad though, seeing some of the first cities on my server being torn apart and eventually poofed out of existence, but it did the job, case solved. I can tell you over and over how SOE solved the problems, but it would just take toooo long to type. So back to why housing is so important. Lets all be honest, we would not all be here if we didnt find some connection to this game, for me its the more realistic approach as in, light sabers, gunboats, laser guns, hover crafts, and future housing. Those things are real possibilities in the future at some point. So that makes me feel more connected to this game, unlike Trolls, flying dragons, you get my point. So what this means to you, there is something in this game that you can relate to whether you are the hard core pvp'er or the hard core pve'er or the inbetween and let's all agree, in the end, well all want to accomplish something or why would we be playing. Now the question is, where would you like that displayed? On a text sheet or having a real graphic item on your display in your nicely furnished house? Of course it would be the house, because you can connect with that better because of real life, hence making the game even a better experience. Ok so Zackius I dont care about showing my accomplishments, well why are you spending hours upon hours to complete something? Why not just play xbox 360 and run around in Halo and kill each other over and over again? This is why, because your looking for a bigger and better and longer lasting experience, welcome to SW. So to sum this up. I can not understand for the life of me, how it is now 2012 way more tech available and a company with endless amounts of resources can make a game with limited options (to me very very basic) than a company with a hand full of devs and limited resources made a game that set a gaming standard and could beat any, I mean ANY MMO to this day with that amount of options ingame. If anyone thinks they have an MMO that can beat the amount of options you had in SWG, please please post, I could give you an encyclopedia full of information that you probably never even knew existed in MMO's. If your reading this TOR, please take out that TRON rail shooter for space missions, ugh, talk about old technology, LOL. There is nothing like logging out in my hand crafted chair, while overlooking the cliffside onto my private lake in my city. I miss you SWG. So just one more time, if anyone can contest that another MMO has better options, other than character traits at toon creation, hehe, I can pretty much beat or come pretty damn close to your options with SWG. Lets not forget, SWG has been around way before most of these MMO's today, so I would just say they probably copied most of their stuff from it anyway. Feel free to fire up the posts woot!!! Semper Fi baby!


    I like your thought process on this one. SWG housing was the best in any MMO, and will always be the best. The crafting system was even better, and there hasn't been a game to match it yet.


    Read the above paragraphs. SWG was an awesome game, and SWTOR should have used the main ideas of SWG and built upon it. But, I know this is just a wasted fantasy that will never happen.

  8. No to housing.. This isn't SWG.. Stop trying to make it SWG..




    Read the upper part. Not asking for opinion was looking for some good ideas on End-game content. If you don't like SWG and you feel I'm trying to make it that then move along and quit trolling.


    Thank you come again :D

  9. First I would like to start this post out by saying that I really enjoy playing this game, although in all honestly I was hoping more in the end-game content. I have had a ton of fun playing this game thus far. Especially with my guild-mates (Red Five).


    I would also like to add that I am a software engineer, and that I do have an understanding of the type of work it takes to add the below mentioned features.


    You may agree or not agree with my ideas, but I request with the utmost respect, that you add some of your ideas for end-game content that you would find enjoyable. Preferably ideas that do not exist in-game. Feel free to add any additions to any of the ideas that I've mentioned.


    Lastly, I use the phrase "my ideas" very loosely because most of the ideas mentioned below are not all my ideas they are just a regurgitation of content in other games that I have played, so just read the areas I've put below, and see what you think.




    What I mean by collectables are items that you can loot and keep as a momentum of some sort. Now I understand this may seem very little, but honestly it is something that I felt in other games that I've played is really enjoyable. An example would be a painting of a famous battle in-game. The issue with this as the game stands is where would you put it these collectables? Well that leads to my next idea that I would like to see in-game.




    Housing I feel is the most under rated aspect that was not included. The collectables that you loot could then be arranged in the house for decoration. Imagine finishing a nightmare mode operations, and the rare painting of SOA drops. You can then put that in your house, and have something to show for what you've done



    Now I realize not all people find this enjoyable, and from a development and management standpoint may become a nightmare if not implemented correctly. However, I think owning an apartment in the high-rises in Nar Shada, or owning a hut in the Dune Sea on Tattoinne would be an incredible end-game experience.


    Crafting Advanced Classes


    This idea is really something I morphed from Star Wars Galaxies an MMO I played for many years done by Lucas Arts and Sony. Star Wars Galaxies in my opinion had one of the best crafting systems ever implemented in a game to-date. I also present this idea because there are a lot of players especially the people that experienced crafting in SWG that really enjoy crafting in-game items.


    To merge the crafting system from SWG to SWTOR you would have to use the current implemented crew skills, and add on top of that to make and create a more specific advanced crafting class.


    So my ideas is to create a tier 2 level of crafting an "Advanced Crafting" tree. Once you have attained 400 on any given crew skill, you will have the ability to choose from two different types of advanced crafting classes much like the combat profession advanced classes. Additionally this will not be something required to have to do good in the game, it is for the more casual gamer that likes to do crafting and PvE rather then warzones and operations.


    The Advanced Crafting trees would allow you to create in-game items, that allow you to either extract more resources or have a higher chance of critical procs on crafting, and the most important addition would be to craft different types of collectables, like chairs, tables, boxes, paintings, plants, decorations, etc. that are usable in your house as mentioned above. Also, it would allow you to create tools that will allow you to extract special components that specific to crafting, very specific collectables. For example, if you're on Belsavis there is very specific types of foilage on this planet. You could create a tool that extracts the specific DNA from the plants on that planet, so that during the crafting process of a plant you could include this component to create the specific plant that will then be usable to decorate your house.


    In addition to that, in order to create most of the collectables the gray items dropped in loot could be used to create these decorations. So instead sending your companion off to sell these grey items. You could keep them to craft tables, boxes, paintings, decorations, etc... All grey items would be sellable on the GTN, so that other people could buy and sell those items for people who may need those items to craft the collectables they want for their living spaces.


    Advanced Crafting Trees Examples



    ----- Shields

    ----- Armor Plating



    ----- Shipwright

    ----- Vehicles



    ----- Sheilds

    ----- Cloth Reinforcement



    ----- Advanced Weapon Tech

    ----- Advanced Saber Tech


    Planet Surface Flight


    This was a feature that was asked for by the community in SWG but never was implemented, and would love to see in this game. I feel this would be easier to add to SWTOR, but not sure. I thought of this idea when I was flying around on the taxi in Nar Shada and Coruscant, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. The scenery in these city-scapes is awesome. I thought to myself how incredible would it be, if I could taxi myself around (legacy perk maybe) without the constraints of the taxi path. Allowing you to also go into areas and land, and walk around in the city that are unreachable via the taxi. This could also be a way to get to your planet house if that was implemented in-game.


    Space Exploration


    This was another feature that I'm stealing from SWG that was pretty incredible. Allowing you to launch into space, and explore the unreached areas of space freely, not within the constraints of the mundane space quests that are currently in-game. Additionally allowing users to also get gray items or collectables that you cannot get on the planets surface. Like some rare resources, or gray items that only drop in space like a crystalized meteor fragment that glows.


    An addition to this idea they could have livable space-ports. Much like the "Cloud CIty" concept you could create an area in space that would host your guild. This could be a variation of housing, but in space. I realize they have mentioned having a huge ship to do this, but I think a space port that you make bigger over-time, and decorate would be cool idea that would create a lot of enjoyable in-game time for users.


    For the space port if you're guild is a Republic then only republic will be able to dock at that space port. If it is Imperial then same goes, only that faction is able to dock. The only exception they could add is for opposite faction to pay a fee set by the guild leader.


    I could go on again, about many ideas in this area, but I'll leave it at that.


    I hope you guys enjoyed :D and honestly I hope these ideas are eventually implemented in-game.


    Shelvan Uberwan

  10. Yeah, we try to CC the healer technicians but they always break out of it when combat starts.


    Sounds like someone is doing AOE's that shouldn't be,


    or you have someone that doesn't have the full CC.


    For Example, if a shadow does a force lift. It doesn't last a minute like the sage. I assume that the imperial class is pretty much the same. It last only a couple of seconds.


    So you need to make sure that classes doing the CC are the correct ones.


    Additionally, the technicians if I remember will heal the droids, so those you have to lift them first, and kill the droids quickly so technicians can't heal them.



    Be aware of AOE's too, that can bring in surrounding enemies in the area.

  11. Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competative and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.


    Agree 100%


    You and the guilds that have issues with their choices should leave the game. I'd much rather have people who are interested in having competitive PvP.


    On my server, the Imperials got geared for warzones much quicker, so often at times you'll find that there is no competition. The imperial blow us out of the water. That is not enjoyable game play. I'd much rather have a hutt ball where the game is tied or close to it, then a game where you loose 6-0 and they are farming you the rest of the time (not fun at all).


    Besides it isn't out yet, so we really need to see how it all pans out first before we start drawing conclusions about the fun of rated warzones.

  12. i like the pvp in this game and find it fun.


    I agree with this 100%.


    It sucks sometimes getting ganked by imperials that have better gear, but in the end when I have the same gear. I'll be twice as good as they are because I've practiced with the lesser gear, and my survivability will be expontentially greater.


    I can't wait to get my gear its gonna be epic. :D

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