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Posts posted by Jedi_Thran_Kuro

  1. Nothing in my life stopped me from getting what I want when I want it.


    Now, be a good boy and be honest with us all - you are not buying because you don`t want to buy, not because space is an issue.


    IF space would be an issue, you would simply buy MORE space, or make a new toon that would act as a "mule" and send unbound stuff over there, making use of an additional inventory + whatever storage tabs it might have unlocked. Or simply destroy crap items, as you previously suggested.


    Char slots are 300 - 500k = for those money you can buy about 8 rows or whatever is the last before the 100k expand for the player inventory, plus you get one free storage AND a 40k new one at lvl 20. A cheap way of getting two full storage tabs AND an inventory if you`d ask me. Repeat for as many times as you need, especially with Legacy storage coming. Cap your max toons per server and buy on all the extra tab, then buy one legacy extra for the 1050 CC or whatever it is, so you will have 16 or 22, whatever the max is extra cargo slots - might want to ask around if the legacy slot does what I think it does - unlocks one extra on ALL the toons in one legacy - never personally used it, so I can`t be 100% sure.


    OR you could come clean and say it: "I can`t make money off CM stuff because too many are trying it and anything minus the rares is dirt cheap, so I want extras". I`m afraid you`ll just have to invest more money into CM packs, in the hope that you can finally get THAT particular belt.


    I have 16 toons with all the vault space and all the inventory space unlocked. Have done for ages. The simple fact is buying packs generates a lot more space-consuming garbage than anything worth having, and I think it would be a benefit to players to be able to use the garbage they end up pulling out of packs for something besides destruction. You disagree, and that's fine. But your presumptions about what I'm interested are silly, and yet, I can't imagine how they're self-serving, since my problems and proposed solutions don't affect you in the slightest. So, I'll chalk them up to the ravings of a petty man who thinks his opinion about his fantasies is of profound interest to those he projects them upon.


    Maybe you should come clean and admit that your aggressive and judgmental behaviors here are an attempt to create for yourself a feeling of importance and influence in the face of what is likely an infuriatingly pedestrian existence, devoid of meaning, and subject to the whims of those more powerful than you? It's just a guess, and I hope an inaccurate one. But if so, one has to wonder why all the nastiness about something that couldn't possibly affect your ability to play the game the way you prefer. Nevermind, I leave that to you and the mental health professional you should be seeing. :)

  2. By onerous you mean expensive, I take it.


    Most players would regard having to constantly buy the same item again and again as onerous, particularly when every other modification out there can be removed and reused for an extraction fee, and almost every cartel item is one that adds to collections such that for a one-time CC payment, you can use it without limitation. And when you consider the importance many players place on customization - a feature that BW has had to play catch-up on since day one - yes, I think 'onerous' is the right word.


    Anything else you'd like to contribute? Maybe you can search out some more of my threads for your petty comments. :)

  3. 1. Stop gambling and buy off GTN. That way you`ll never have unused stuff.

    2. Buy the missing pieces off GTN or a whole set box.


    It seems to me like you are just trying to change the system because you failed to use the current one efficiently.


    Well, then your assessment is inaccurate. No matter how quickly you get to the point of having full vaults, it's an issue with the cartel items themselves. And frankly, I don't think Bioware would agree that ceasing to buy the packs is a solution. But thank you for underlining the point: I no longer buy packs for exactly this reason. I have enough cash to buy the items I want, and I can't find storage room for the rest of it. So, there ya go, BW, another reason to see this as an issue that needs a solution: without one, we're less inclined to buy packs at all.

  4. Hello! I'm looking to join a group of like-minded casual players who want to complete missions and earn XP/level up as a team and basically just have fun with the game! :)


    our guild might suit you. We have players at all levels and degrees of skill and experience, and with interests spanning all aspects of play (pve, rp, pvp, crafting, piloting, etc.). Our common ground, however, is a focus on having a friendly, drama-free guild environment. Feel free to toss me an email or tell in-game and we can discuss if you're interested in learning more.

  5. It'd be great to see a less onerous dye system. After talking with folks in-game, complaints about dyes seem to be high on most folks' lists. Here are a few suggestions:


    1. Make dyes reusable. This means players can update their looks more easily without completely gutting the market for future dye sales.

    2. Make dyes add to collections. We do it for everything else, why not dyes?

    3. Make dyes all either primary or secondary, and put primary/secondary slots on items. This allows players to create their own matches and combinations.

  6. For those of us whose characters romanced or married companions in the process of completing their stories, it'd be great to have some recognition of this in the game after the class story is done. I think player housing is a natural place for this. I think it'd be great to have the spouse companion in the player's home, perhaps also appearing in family pictures.


    It seems silly to have this story feature in and then have it essentially disappear. At 55, when your class story is over, there is now no distinction between a married companion and a rejected one, which seems like a waste and a failure to maintain a personalized story context for your toons.

  7. Currently, cartel items are not vendor-saleable, and the fact is that for the player-to-player market, most items are so common they're not worth the trouble to try to sell because no one else wants them either. Since a player's only options for unwanted items are store, destroy, or try to sell to other players, many of us have either had to destroy items or have come to have a storage problem. I think it's not a reasonable solution to expect players to simply destroy items they used cartel coins (often at the cost of real money) to buy in the first place. So, I have a couple of ideas that might help:


    1. Create a cartel item recycler. Details can be worked out, but the basic idea would be a function box where you put in multiple cartel items, hit a button, and it gives you a random cartel item. The idea would be that players could recycle unwanted items for a chance at items with greater value or utility. This would free up inventory space, reduce the glut of some items on the player market, and frankly, create a fun little gamble for those of us with 5 toons each with five full vaults of disused cartel junk. This has been done in other games - for instance, in Star Wars Galaxies, we had the Sarlaac in a barrel thing that you could feed collections items to for five days in a row, and get a random item out. It was a great way to keep down the clutter without asking people to eat a complete loss by destroying unwanted things.


    2. Give us the ability to crate full armor sets that we have all the loose pieces for. I also collect full sets of armor that I store in one of my ton's vaults. At this point, it's pretty full. But the crates that sometimes drop take up fewer slots, if you have crated items rather than loose items. If we were able to crate those loose items into complete armor set boxes, we'd save a lot of space, and it'd be a useful market option for players to sell whole sets rather than piecemeal.

  8. I dunno, with the amount of dps we're doing now any changes can and probably will spur nerfs. I'd rather they'd just keep things the way they are right now.


    I agree, guardian DPS is fine. The changes a few months ago reduced our vulnerability to bad RNG. I'd rather not now go so far that either our set bonuses are boned, or all the crybaby sentinels out there, whom many of us already out-dps, start ************ that we should be nerfed, because they're supposed to be the big DPSers. What was needed was to bring us in line with other DPS classes, and as long as you can play, that's been done.


    Besides, I have little faith that any changes in one direction or the other would be narrowly-tailored to avoid breaking other things. For instance, have a look at what all the ************ about smash spec in PVP did. Our force sweep is now sucko, precisely because people who didn't want to play Guardian in the first place can't handle that it has a spec that can kill them in PVP.

  9. I can craft


    Advanced Might Hilt 34

    Advanced Might Armoring 34

    Advanced Proficient Enhancement 34


    Some others too, I'll have to check.


    I can be reached on the republic side most often on Thran or Ooteenee. On the impside, these days I'm usually playing Akanei. But it's faster if you're able to get me a message republic side; I play there much more than I do on the impside.

  10. Alright. That's 3 yays. I'll add it to the list, but before so, I'll need a means of contact for the leaders of the group. As stated, this thread is also used to recruit and advertise. If someone wants to join, they need a way to find them.


    If the thread is for guild recruitment and advertising, I'd recommend retitling it something like "Guild Recruitment and Advertising." But as it reads now, the obvious interpretation is that the thread is about PVE progression. As such, I think we all ought to be voting 'Yea' on listing the progression status of any group that cares to share its progress.


    I would also point out that server firsts are not always held by guilds. You seem to want to track those (and be the official mediators of who holds which), and so, leaving aside the issue of incomplete information, you really can't leave off non-guild groups.

  11. Fixed so Brooklyn doesn't appear and stab you in the middle of the night ;)


    You're all being silly. We should want as many raiding level people as possible in Allies. It's for pugs, after all. And on those occasions when you find someone who doesn't belong there, just don't bring him on the raid. Someone who wants to run SM DP but is still toting a rakata level hilt should expect to be asked to step out without hard feelings.

  12. Not saying vigilance guardian can't use some tuning - I think I've been among the more vocal in calling for it, actually. But let's remember who started the advanced class mudslinging. Let's also not confuse asking clarification with forums pvp.
  13. To be clear, Hailstorm has, with some friends list additions, completed 5/5 in DP HM and 4/5 in DF HM. So, it's not like they're trying to put together a "we hope to someday see a hard mode" group. They have experience and gear. :-) I mean, I still prefer Aisthesis, but I thought I would clarify that point for you.


    It has? I think it's just me and Jargi from Hailstorm in our little band of friends HM crew. I wouldn't call it a Hailstorm crew by any means. That said, we have a bunch of other folks in Hailstorm who have also done HM content and plenty of skilled folks who could but haven't yet done it. But I think there is interest in an in-guild group, if enough people are interested.

  14. Depends what you're looking for. There are some guilds like aesthesis that have multiple raid groups. I would suggest you might also want to talk to Lucaas or Jargi. They're in Hailstorm. Hailstorm has a number of folks ready for HM raids, but doesn't have a full team right now. A few additions might make all the difference. If you decide to talk to them, let them know Thran suggested the connection.
  15. You do understand that there's been more than 2 years from launch? Pet (recolor), headgear (recolor), dyes (only black-yellow truly exclusive). Correct me if I missed something, but it's more than 200 days per item. Call me entitled or whatever you want, it won't change I'm unhappy and disappointed how they handle CE vendor.


    The CE vendor was hyped up a fair bit in prelaunch, and was a strong influence in many players' decisions to buy the CE over the deluxe digital DL. But once the money was in hand, BW basically ignored the vendor, and has only added a couple of recolor items to it in the 2 years since launch.


    Here's the real question: how many of us who bought the CE would still have done so if we'd known how the CE vendor would be handled? I, for one, would not have spent the extra 90 bucks.


    P.S.: if anyone wants to buy a lame-*** statute of darth malgus that's been sitting in a box for 2 years, let me know.

  16. Makes me wonder how wide spread, or even if it is known, on other servers.


    I hadn't heard about this at all until I saw this thread. My guess is it's a pretty limited group that's doing it. But in the end, it's just a game, and none of us is affected by others using this exploit. So, report it if you see it, since it's obviously unintended, but otherwise, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

  17. Said every bully ever. There's always a reason among bullies to justify their actions. He's too fat, she's too perfect, these people are getting away with stuff they shouldn't be etc. Every bully feels justified in their actions. If ever the solution you reach is to bully/harass someone then you need to come up with a different solution. This is never the solution to any problem.


    So what are you trying to accomplish? Bullying and harassing them accomplishes nothing. They're not going to stop using their hilt, and they're not going to give in to you. All it does is create a bunch of drama on the server where there doesn't need to be any.


    It's kinda funny: you complain about others abusing the system but you're doing the same. Isn't the end goal in all of this to get BioWare to fix the issue? Let's not forget that it is BioWare's poor solution to address the issue of people accidentally overwriting their parts that allows others to exploit this. Unlike other exploits though AN EMPLOYEE ACTUALLY LOOKS AT EACH SITUATION. That's pretty damning that they haven't noticed the trend themselves. Another second longer in looking into the situation and binding the hilt to either the MH or OH is all that would be needed to resolve this once and for all. Any anger at this should be directed at them. No other MMO has this problem. So if you're so upset about it perhaps you should look into another MMO? At the end of the day, people will a way to exploit a system and take advantage. This is true in life and in video games. It may not be right and it may not be fair but in all these situations there are systems in place to voice your concerns and to try and get something done about it. None of these ways are through bullying. All bullying does is make you look bad and invalidates any argument you have on the issue.



    KBN here's the post on SWTOR.com I referred to. This user posted about this exploit on May 4, 2013 and also provided a screenshot of someone posting an unbound endgame hilt on the GTN:




    I tend to agree. If there's someone in the game doing something you find offensive, report and ignore, and leave it at that. From what I've seen, I'm not so impressed with the judgment, fairness, or compassion of players that I think their efforts to address the issue are likely to be less harmful than the initial problem itself.


    In the end, it doesn't matter to me. I play with my pals for fun. And neither my fun, nor my sense of excitement upon beating a new boss is diminished or in any way affected by whether other folks have done it before me or whether they have used an exploit to get their top tier main hand weapon. A little less crying about what other people do that has zero bearing on your own gameplay would be a nice change around here.


    And if it IS an exploit, then report it to bioware and let them deal with it. In the end, I think those using this exploit are really just spoiling their own fun.

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