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Posts posted by Whithorn

  1. This is the response from support, definitely a glitch:

    After an investigation into this issue I haven’t been able to find a reason which caused your recurring subscription to lapse, it is a very strange issue here because normally I am able to see if the invoice failed however there was no invoice created, that being said I hope that the specialized team is able to assist and resolve this for you, please note as there is a massive back log on this we aren’t able to provide an ETA I appreciate all the patience you can offer.

  2. I never cancelled my subscription, yet was flagged as preferred when I just logged in for early access. No subscription change email was ever sent to me. Credit card on file worked for resubscribe so it wasn't a failed payment. Got a cartel coin grant on 9/23 for my subscription. Thanks for making me miss out on early access. Nice that I have to resubscribe for a game that I never cancelled to open a ticket that my subscription was incorrectly flagged.
  3. Only level 16 but by looking at the discipline I can fill in the blanks. Weak enemies are fodder for force storm. The weeks are stunned and you have instant CL follow up. Strong is lightning strike into instant CL into force lightning or thundering blast depending on level. The 2 dots could be applied if more damage is needed. For golds I pre cast crushing darkness instant affliction then do the the strike-instant CL-force Lightning. Keep track of the internal cd of the instant CL. Use shock to stun weaks to help dot up strongs/ elites
  4. I have 2 toons I am using for GFS and would like to get at least one of them in a guild that has GFS focus. I am typically top 2 in every match. I work during the day on weekdays. The toons are Tholren or Hevose.
  5. it usually takes about 3-4 full powered shots to kill a full health/shield fighter. If a gunship is getting those shots, that is not a balance problem but player problems. Gunships have a nice orange glow when they are targeting, don't move, have a clear line the shot takes, and are slow in dog fights. That's balance. Its 2 days in people just need to get better at playing and recognizing threats
  6. Didn't play in PTS but I am almost always top 2 in team if we lose or match if we win (my pilots are Thorlen or Hevose on harbinger Pub). The top 2 is not just kills, but also assists, damage, objectives, and medals. I think one of the differences between those dominating and those not is understanding the game objectives like capping. I usually get 2 caps a match and most of those are because enemies are not staying close to the objective. Situational awareness is also a huge difference. People lose track of their location in the 3d space, do not know where attacks are coming from, ignore gunships charging guns, boost in a straight line when attacked, do not use line of sight to avoid missles/snipers. Once people get used to mechanics, maps, targeting (don't use tab except for choosing the first target when defending a node from a wave) and ship abilities we will see much more balanced results.
  7. First 2 matches were rough, but then started being in top 3 on every fight. Played all games in x-wing franchise and there are some similarities. Some tips: Use W A S D. S makes you more maneuverable since your turn radius is smaller by going slower (turn speed is also faster due to inertia) W along with boost keeps you in range. A and D help also with turn radius.

    Switch targets often (Use E to get the red circle, don't use tab often try to target by sight).

    Assists are just as good with kills and if you are defending or trying to cap, getting someone to run is a win.

    Gunships are best when attacking wounded enemies or engaged enemies.

    If someone does not know you are attacking, don't try a lock on; start hitting them with lasers then after they boost, get behind then lock on.

    Similarly if you are getting attacked do not burst off in one direction, break line of sight by flying near things

  8. I feel it depends on the amount of points you put in KC tree. At 36 points tank gear is going to get alot better. You will not be trying to dps but help your team in group fights. Slow Time will be used every 7 global cooldowns. To get a maxed telekinetic throw in that time before the next slow time you will use 3-4 global cooldowns and a 3 sec channel. This would mean you are not doing anything like taunting, force slows, force pushes, interrupts and stuns. That is not the way to be playing. You should be using tk throw at most twice every 3 casts of slow time and that is pushing it. Going max dps will neither help you nor help your group. If you are investing that many points in the tank tree, don't take stats that will cause you to die faster just to be unable to do all the things that a tank should do. Now if you are node guarding with a 27 point build infiltration becomes more attractive since you don't have slow time sucking up cooldowns and you will enjoy the burst of the 3 stacks of force potency. Also if you do go the infiltration gear route with KC make sure you are min/maxing with power and surge. And always have a shield
  9. Keep running into Imp premades, which are insta losses. Only did 4 unranked to get my first daily last night and 3 of the 4 were losses to a premade (I can have cookies) The other was an Alderran pub v pub match that had 5 sages on each side....noone died and nodes never switched after the first cap. Don't know how it is for others at 55 but it feels like every match has 5 healers or off healers on one or both teams. Can't get kills on anyone. Pretty pitiful.:(
  10. I use focused slash so it only costs 2 focus leaving me at 0 which I typically use for master strike before a zealous strike.


    I do agree about tunnel vision which is why I am planning on switching to watchmen. People may disagree with me but focus forces you to basically spend 3 gcds to pump one ability that is not an automatic hit especially in pvp. Thu, I find i only concern myself with that move weakening my total fighting ability. If spreading the damage helps you alleviate this go for it.

  11. I don't understand your rotation. It seems you are missing singularity opportunities weakening your damage.

    My rotation

    force leap(3)>exhaustion(0) >zealous strike(6) > sweep(5) > stasis(8) >zealous leap(5) > slash(3)> slash(1)> sweep (0)

    10 gcds (stasis counts as 2) same as yours with master strike


    using your numbers and 900 for a zealous leap

    700 >3000 >800 >300-4000 >2200 >900 (zeal leap) >1400 > 1400>3000-4000 =16,400-18400 in the same time span w/o dispatch.


    Is there something i am missing in your rotation that you would not go for 2 singularity sweeps?

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