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Posts posted by Naboora

  1. MMO players have come to expect too much now-a-days; an LFG tool, the ability to sit in certain chairs, emoting while on your mount, buttons that automatically do the hard work for you... I believe this is true and it ruins a lot of the MMO experience. For those of you who played EQ1 I'm sure you can agree with me that half of the experience in a MMO is the challenge, and without these "LFG" systems and auction-houses, unbreakable communities are forged.


    However, expecting a game to actually run is a different story all together. This has got to be hands down EA's top priority in fixing. We don't need emotes, we don't need a better filtering system for the auction house, we really need to just able to run the game. Those fixes can come later.


    I hope this FPS problem isn't an issue for much longer.

  2. I did not ask you a question.


    I'm asking those who have the FPS issue if they'll unsub because of it.


    I didn't ask everyone to post their 2 cents and let me know how great their system is working. Allow me to direct you to the Customer Service forums http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=114363 to show to you that it's not our problem, but instead Bioware/EA's problem.


    I'm glad your game is running smoothly. I'm glad you're having a great time. But a game I've been waiting for since release is literally unplayable no matter how much time I spend messing with the settings or incorporating silly fixes.

  3. I love the people in this community that come on here with the "MY GAME WORKS FINE IT MUST BE YOUR SYSTEM" response.


    Go away. I'm glad you're not having problems. Just because you don't have cancer doesn't mean you need to tell the entire cancer hospital about it.

  4. To those unaware of the FPS issue people are having, feel free to read through the 5th full thread of people and their DxDiag and FPS issues.


    Your ignorance does not make you correct.


    This was not supposed to be in the general forums, because I wanted to avoid the arrow to the knee trolls, but here it is, thanks EA.




    I can't wait till you guys hit 50 and HK-47 wipes your group from inside a concrete cinder block, then after struggling through the entire dungeon not being able to loot the chest at the end.


    Keep it up with the posts though, free bumps are free bumps; even though I could care less what you have to say.

  5. Bye, you won't be missed.


    You're wrong in that thought process.


    If thousands of players unsubscribe, and word of mouth spreads about the quality of the game, your game-play will too be changed. Without the funds, the game will experience the "MMO fall-out" period; server combines, even worse CS, delays in patches, ghost-town servers.


    Please post somewhere else, as this thread obviously does not pertain to you.

  6. This is relevant for you, EA/Bioware, so please do not lock/trash this thread.


    How many of you will unsubscribe due to the FPS issue? I personally have been waiting for this game since it was released, and am ready to pack up and move on because of this over-looked problem. The problem is getting no attention, and while thousands of us cannot play, we still are not given any sort of idea as to when a potential fix may come. EA/Bioware, you are a well known company with millions of resources at your finger tips, so fix the problem. Trion Worlds, a company that nobody had really heard of, released Rift earlier this year, and not only is their game graphically superior, but it runs smoothly on many different system specs (and especially those with high-end systems).


    I'm tired of playing Russian Roulette with my computer; buying different parts and throwing them at it, hoping that I'll be able to play this game with 25< fps. I'm not going to bother trying to buy anything else, because I see now that thousands of other players are having the same problem and they have a whole assortment of different specs.


    So instead of posting your DxDiag, posting your FPS in Huttball, or if you're one of those dick-heads, posting that your system is half mine and runs freakin great, lets make a new post.


    POST HERE if you're going to unsubscribe soon, if the problem isn't fixed soon. They need to know. Or at the very least, we need to know that they ignored us.

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