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Posts posted by Cyanothis

  1. Wow Tilia, those numbers are totally mind-boggling. The win% in particular is nuts - now, work on getting it over 85%. :D


    I keep meaning to add up my totals, but with over 30 alts, it's kind of a chore. I did it back in January and I was somewhere around 6000...almost 2000 on one guy, but only two others over 500.


    Had I won match 5000 i would have ended up with an 85% win loss ratio exactly....but the other team rolled out the bombers and Reps didn't have the people to counter it - but that's PvP for you.


    You should be paraded naked in the street with a nun yelling SHAME behind you for that double cattle hangar :p


    Yeah I know....but I also ended with over 1000 matches on my T1 Strike and another 700 on the Clarion. But I take the point, I do fly Scout a lot these days. The ships are set up quite differently though for specific reasons. I fly the dogfighter a lot less than i used to.


    As to retiring...I'm still thinking what to do. I may just retire Tilia and stick to alts, people fly very differently when they don't recognize the name

  2. Finally I hit 5000 matches played on Tilia in 30 days, 8 hours 2 mins and 24 seconds. The last 800 games were a chore at times but glad I pushed on and did it.


    Here are some of my favorite stats from all those games played on Tilia:


    Total Damage Dealt: 214186865

    Blasters Fired: 741876

    Missiles Fired: 38865

    Maneuvers Executed: 18920

    Total Kills: 49250

    Total Deaths: 10301


    And for those of you interested in such things....

    win/loss: 84.98% (5000 games played with 4249 wins and 751 losses) Shame match 5000 was against a mass bomber ball domination.


    oh and for reference across all my characters, yes even Imperial ones and even ones on other servers I have over 8000 matches


    Thanks to everyone that I've flown with and against over the years, there are some great pilots and people out there but a special thanks to my guild mates in Unrelenting on TRE.

  3. Daily TRE chronicle, continued: a bunch of easy wins for the imps, followed by a couple of excellent doms. First of these was a mesas match which we lost 1000-940-ish. I felt like we should've had that one, but the pubs kept flipping sats...we reacted too slowly, good play on their part. I meant to take a screenie but I was too annoyed.


    Then there was this spectacular denon game, which we eked out 1000-998. Great play on both sides, A and B kept changing color. Yze'ira's well-placed beacons were probably the difference here. Richthofen was also always in the right place at the right time. I had some bad deaths but also some ridiculously lucky kills (including a point-blank slug to the face on Tilia) which may have saved us a few precious seconds here or there.


    This was the match I went out on, because really, I have no idea how to top that.


    another good few games, some very close matches and that shot to the face won the game for you no doubt.


    Our defense was pretty terrible, people trying for 3 capping instead of holding what we had. Not trying to take anything away from you though. You guys played better then we did


    A couple more seconds was all i needed to flip that sat again......



  4. lol @ minespam. Probably the same way I felt in the subsequent shipyards TDM, except it was GS spam.


    And no worries, you didn't scare me off. I don't stop queuing when things get rough (as mentioned, I'm a masochist). So I kept going after those games, grouped with Zaraad & Mbwun for a couple. I think we had 3 easy wins. Was kinda hoping you guys would pop back.


    raid night so only had time for that one game - was a good one. You guys played better than we did, gg :)

  5. I missed these good games. I guess my timing was bad. I played probably 8-ish matches earlier today, between 3-5 PM ET. Every single one (aside from a wargame) was a pub win...most were brutal stomps. Tilia & co. are relentless. Grouped with Sithace and a couple other folks for the last few, which were considerably better, but still losses. Ah well. I'll pick myself up, dust myself off, and try again tomorrow.




    No Tilia and co last night, I was solo queued all night until my last two games.


    Some interesting fights last night and that 49-50 one was a good one.

  6. No he's right sorry i misswrite, i mean 5 k.


    which is still higher than the maximum amount of damage that weapon can do - yes you're probably rounding but in a statistics matter you need to be accurate with your data. If its 4.8k (do-able but still fairly rare) then quote it as that. Rounding above what is actually possible detracts from your argument.


    Whilst the numbers are interesting it doesn't actually tell us anything. The logs, as far as I can tell, are not very descriptive on player deaths and rely on you being able to interpret from one line to the next that you must have died at that particular time.

    Your interpretation also assumes that you have only taken damage from X source and does not allow for multiple sources of damage prior to your death.


    Yes a BLC may have got the last shot but the ship with quads did 99% of the damage. How do you account for that?


    Also, as i said to you in game, people know that they don't actually have to kill you to kill you...we've learned from experience that getting you to sub 50% health and harassing you is going to send you into suicide dive. The lack of missile deaths in your top 10 (and I know you have been killed by thermite, protons and emp a number of times) and inclusion of suicide deaths is partially due to the fact that people save ammo and don't bother firing that missile because they know the lock tone is good enough to make you suicide.


    Add to this your known passive-aggressive stance towards T2 Scouts and T1 Gunships and your comment above about this not triggering more reaction and I expect that you wanted this to end in a big "T2 Scouts and T1 Gunships are too common on" argument - like we've seen repeatedly over the forum since the start of GSF.


    Don't get me wrong, its admirable that you choose to fly non META ships and you're a really good pilot in those but trying to quote statistics in this manner doesn't help your cause. Showing off your skills as a pilot in the non meta ships and showing others what is possible is more likely to change behaviors than misusing statistics.


    Personally I'd love to spend more time in my Starguard. Its still the ship i have most time in but its just not effective enough against some of the teams we come up against - I fly it, the Clarion, the Nova Dive and Spearpoint when I can. This is PvP and that means its about killing the enemy. You wouldn't take a pea-shooter into a gunfight would you? So unless you can get the entire population to move away from META ships it will force others to fly ships to counter those.


    My ship bar is laid out so I can cover most requirements in any given match. I can only pick 5 ships, 4 of which are fixed due to the tactics most commonly flown against leaving me a 5th flex ship - usually Clarion or Starguard. I won't fly my flex ship in certain circumstances though - multiple GS on opposing team, certain pilots I know will simply come looking for me etc. I will use the META ship for that specific match.


    The fact is that BLC and Slugs are common weapons and you'll find this on every server.

  7. Then i see no point of making event on NA server in EU hours - not so many eu players have toons and ships on harb, and you lose huge base of NA players who'll be still on work that time)


    its because Maulkat and I had a conversation about the event and seeing if we could get some people over from Unrelenting and we spoke about what time would be good for EU players that might be interested in taking part.....that's why she's set it up during the day.


    That being said, I believe having only one ship on your bar is arrogant, as there will always be situations where you may be required to switch your tactics to react to an unusual situation in game. The folks with one ship on their bar are basically laying all the responsibility on their teammates for support, and their play style in game is usually reflective of that, at times even showing a disregard for the safety and performance of their team, and subsequently becoming frustrated when their team, as a result of their reckless, solo oriented flying, performs poorly.


    This sums up nicely the difference between the good and the better pilots. Flying with just the one ship is putting everything on your team should the tactics go against you. Also if you're only going to have the one ship on your bar you'd best be brilliant at flying it.


    If the opposing team go bomber heavy and you're on a Flashfire and its all you can bring then its, potentially, going to be a long game for you.


    Knowing the strengths of your teammates is also very helpful. Its rare that I'll fly bomber simply because its not my strength, but I can fly the rest of the ships adequately and that lets me have a different ship layout on my bar because I know I don't need to fill the bomber roll.


    The problem on our sever, Close, is that the competition isn't always there and that lets people get away with only having the one ship on the bar. Its easy to farm new pilots in a mastered Flashfire or Gunship.


    No matter if you group que or solo que, GSF is always a team game.


    Against good opponents this is most certainly true. You have to have a team mentality if you're going to beat an opposing group playing as a team. Unfortunately a group of new pilots can just be shredded by a single pilot.

  9. Server: The Red Eclipse

    Faction: Rep

    Guild: <Unrelenting>

    Guild Master: Tilia

    Active times: GMT evenings

    Average members on: quite a few. in conquest weeks we'll hit 16-20 (just in gsf) normal weeks we'll hit around 8 at anyone time.

    Allied guilds: None. We're equal opportunity hunters that are most definitely not allied.


    GSF is part of what we do, we have a core group of gsf pilots but we also run PvE content and ground pvp.

  10. Gunship walls are just frustrating, they're easy to put together and require a majority of players on the opposite team to know what they're doing in order to break them down.

    The stupid thing is that, normally, people know its a dull way to play the game and yet they'll still do it and then whine that the match was boring - had this happen in a rep/rep match the other night.


    The tactic is used because its easy to do and often means a win because its a good tactic to use against new pilots. Against a good opposition they're not as successful.


    Personally I think GS has its place in the game as do bombers, though I loathe bombers beyond belief. I honestly think there is nothing worse for the game than a group of bombers, even worse laggy bombers that can't be killed because they hop around constantly making targeting in anything thats not a GS almost impossible.


    EMP scouts - they're amusing but mostly just a fun ship to fly when its an easy match or for the Tensor start. That said we do have some success using them as a tag team for capping bomber heavy sats.

  11. personally I prefer the option of having a satellite as it gives people a place to earn comms but also its less demoralising (imho).


    The problem with this is two fold:


    1) it has the unintended consequence of people only sitting on that sat as they don't want/cant venture away from it

    2) it can lead to a 3 cap scenario when people get bored.


    Once a team is 3 capped it leads to the next problem of spawn camping. They only have one place to spawn (ignoring Denon) and so the fights tend to end up moving to those areas, once a team is on top and sitting outside a spawn point but beyond capital turrets range its very hard for the camped team to do anything at all.


    The other problem with trying to adopt either strategy is controlling the others in a match. I often/mostly fly with pilots in my guild so that's easy, I can tell them not to do XXX and they'll listen, but the other players I cant control. I can ask in /ops that they leave a satellite or move away from a spawn area but no guarantee they'll listen.

    What I then get is people jumping to conclusions thinking that its the "premade" part of the team that are responsible, its not always true.


    Ultimately its a pvp game and you cant control others actions, if people give up and immediately camp one satellite with no intention of doing anything but sitting there I understand that the opposing team will get bored and go looking for a fight.

  12. if we're looking at GSF economy it would be nice for there to be something useful to spend fleet/ship reqs non that isnt upgrades to components. Let us convert them into something else (fleet comms maybe) that we can then spend outside of GSF.


    Of course that would also need there to be a wider choice of things to spend fleet comms on - the 5 things you can buy from the PVP/GSF vendor vs the 18 things available with PVP commendations

  13. i agree with those and i'll add:


    Don't Gloat


    You won, well done you. There is no need to try to make what you think are "witty" comments or worse, log over imp/rep simply to gloat about the win. Respect the other team, if its a wargame then a GG in /1 is good enough.

  14. don't know if you're still looking for a guild...


    Unrelenting are looking for tanks for our raid teams, you're welcome to drop me a line in game (rep side) if you're still looking and we can have a chat.

    We do raids in the semi hardcore fashion - we want to succeed, we want to beat the content but we want to have fun at the same time.


    if you're still looking drop me a /tell in game

  15. I think there is a difference between a well played bomber and the herd players jumping on bombers.


    A well played bomber pilot is down right annoying in a domination match, they know how to fly the ship, when to use cooldowns, where to place mines/drones and make a real difference. On The Red Eclipse (and in my personal opinion) Jasa is probably the bomber pilot I fear the most. He/she is a great pilot of that ship and tough to kill.


    This takes skill and practice.


    The starting skill level for bomber is definitely low, but to be really good takes practice and knowing the class.


    As to countering bombers...personally I like the Clarion a lot for that task. The shields, armor and self heal ability along with good missile load out makes it a good bomber hunter.

  16. I sympathize with the OP, it must be hard to be in matches up against our premade group but what can we do about it - we don't choose the matches.


    On my main I have one unmastered ship left and my hatred of bombers is well known so I rarely fly them. My alts are running out of stock ships as well.

    When i fly my unmastered ship it doesn't always make that much of a difference. Some matches I'll fly around and only target people that actively shoot me or I'll only use Ion cannons on my strike just to see what happens.


    However, I dont want to loose matches and neither do the other people on my team (guildes or not). I'm not going to deliberately throw a match to keep other people happy and if that means going GS or Scout to win then that's what I'll do.


    On the flip side of it I'd still encourage players to come ask for help, or advice. I'm more than happy to talk about GSF and give pointers on tactics or ship builds. We all started the same way the only difference between me and other players is the time I've put into GSF - I'm happy to share that experience but you gotta ask.

  17. Ghostwatch on Imp side Red Eclipse - He/She's a damn good pilot and someone to watch out for every time they're in a match.


    Jasaq (jasa) - a really nice guy, fun to fly with and fun to fly against, his weaving skills in a bomber.......


    P'uc another great pilot on both sides


    Quickblasts however....nub, cannon fodder...even Llama owns him :p




    ....and before the hate....QB is a guildie and a great guy...but it is true that Llama owns him

  18. TRE has some good matches on it and some good pilots on both sides. As to community - there doesnt appear to be much of one, the regular players know each other for the most part and will say hello but not much more.


    Unrelenting does have a good number of regular GSF pilots. We run GSF pretty much nightly and we're able to put 12 in a match occasionally - more fun when we're on opposite sides and spend the entire match chasing each other down :)

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